
Remembrance Service Monday 11 November 2024

Monday 11 November 2024 - 11.00am 

On Monday 11 November at 11.00am the Princethorpe College community will gather together to silently reflect on the bravery and the selfless sacrifice made by so many of our country's service men and women.

This service will take place outside on the playground, so please can pupils ensure they bring a coat to school with them that day if the weather is cold. 

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral





Sports Bags

I would be grateful if you could remind your child that their sports bag must be placed into their locker until it is required. Every pupil in school has been issued with a locker in their year group zone. 

Unattended sports bags can pose a fire hazard, particularly in the event we need to evacuate the school, highlighted in our recent fire drill practices, and sports bags should not be left anywhere else around the school site.

From Monday 14 October 2024, if a pupil's sport bag is not safely stored in their issued locker they will receive an LLC sanction, as was introduced last academic year. 

Should a pupil need a key, or to report an issue with their locker, they must inform the Pupil Hub who will resolve any problems for them.

Can I make you all aware this will be enforced from next week, so please discuss this over the weekend with our pupils.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral