Headmaster's Message

Message From The Headmaster

After a few weeks of rain, we are happy to see the sun return, as well as predictions of improved weather. This half-term has flown by, and I trust all families are looking forward to the break. We have numerous tours and trips heading off and I know pupils and staff are getting excited. We are very proud of all the achievements and good things that have taken place over the past six weeks, and next half-term promises to be even more jam-packed. Wednesday was a very good snapshot as our Girls 1XI Hockey team beat Rugby School 4-2 to progress to the next round of their cup competition. The Boys 1XV Rugby team beat Southam College to progress to the next round of the national competition they are playing in, and we had four senior Netball teams all return victorious from Solihull School. Unfortunately, our Boys 1XI Football team lost to Myton School, but they beat Mill Hill 8-1 the previous week to progress in their cup competition. At the other end of the school, our Girls U13 Football team won the National ISA Football Competition, beating King’s High and Dixie Grammar on their way to lifting the trophy. All in all, our pupils are flourishing, not just on the sports field, and it has been an excellent start to the year.

I took some time a fortnight ago to visit the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Dublin, the religious order that founded Princethorpe College. My three days with Father McGee, Father Whelan and other members of the MSC was inspirational and informative. Better understanding the charism and vision of their religious order ensures we stay true to the original values and intentions of our founders. Having conversations around the value of each child attending the College and how we need to reach out and improve the world around us, I feel, gives us a different “spirit” as a school. I left Dublin very much feeling that “Ours is a Spirit of Family” that transcends just the buildings here at Princethorpe.

You would have received a separate letter from me, requesting you complete a questionnaire that covers various aspects of the College. From the start my mantra has been to talk to us – having an opportunity to listen to our parents is extremely valuable and I hope as many families as possible have time to send us their feedback. Can I also request you take some time and read the Campus Traffic Safety article in this Flagpole? Moving cars and distracted children create an environment where accidents happen very easily. Please familiarise yourself with our expectations and please make sure you follow them. The purpose is to be safe and to ensure smooth traffic flow. My colleagues will challenge parents who do not comply with expectations – please be kind and follow their instructions.

As part of our community service and charitable character, we are once again collecting items for the Shoe Box Appeal. There has been a good response, and the tower of packed shoe boxes is rising slowly. With only a week to go, can I urge you to send in any final items to help pack more boxes? Being able to give a little bit of joy to those who have very little is more important than ever within our society and the wider world.

I would like to finish this week with an anecdote. An email that every Headmaster dreads is one from a member of the public that normally arrives on a Monday morning and involves the behaviour of pupils outside of school. I received such an email this week and the subject line made me fear the worst. However, it was from a mother who witnessed a group of our girls look after a younger child on an amusement park ride over the weekend. The younger child’s mother asked our girls if they would take care of him, and they immediately agreed. The kindness, care, and welcome the girls showed him really had an impact – enough that she made a point to write to the school to pass on her appreciation. Unfortunately, society quickly points out when young people get it wrong as they sometimes do make mistakes. This incident confirmed that we, as a school and wider community, are on the right track. We must continue to hold “kindness and doing your best” in the highest regard, because when our pupils get it right, special moments such as these happen. 

With my very best wishes,

Grove du Toit