
Half Term Homework Expectations

Years 7, 8, 9 expectations: 
No formal homework will be set for the half term (although some pupils may have to complete homework set for the last week of the half term). Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders.

Year 10 expectations: 
Homework may be set for certain subjects. Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or Teams/OneNote folders.

Year 11 and Upper Sixth expectations:
  • Evaluate your priorities for each subject
  • This is based on two/three hours work on each weekday of the half term
  • Complete homework/revision set for November mocks
  • Keep on top of individual revision for November mocks
Lower Sixth expectations
  • Evaluate your priorities for each subject
  • This is based on two hours work on each weekday of the half term
  • Complete homework set
  • Complete any outstanding work
  • Sort out your Teams folders/OneNote into good order

You want to come back from half term refreshed but up to date. 

Good luck and enjoy the break.

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head - Teaching and Learning

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