Message From The Headmaster
As you will be well aware the situation regarding COVID-19 continues to develop apace and we are now moving into the government’s ‘delay’ phase of the action plan for the virus.
Latest Government Advice
The most up to date advice from the Government can be found here:
Parents, pupils and staff need to follow the latest government advice which is to:
Stay at home for 7 days if you have either:
- a high temperature
- a new continuous cough
This will help to protect others in your community while you are infectious.
Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.
You do not need to contact NHS 111 to tell them you’re staying at home.
The government will not be testing people who are self-isolating with mild symptoms.
Detailed information and advice for the public about what they should do can be found here on the website (and will be regularly updated). There is some new Stay at Home guidance, which can be found on the same link.
People do not need to phone NHS 111 if their symptoms are mild but should do if their symptoms worsen/if they need medical care, or if symptoms do not get better after 7 days. There is also a 111 online service that people are being asked to use in the first instance.
Please alert school if you are self-isolating, so we can monitor the situation closely.
We have a small number of pupils and staff who are self-isolating at the current time and one pupil being tested for the virus, though we have had no confirmed cases of the virus within the community to date.
Isolation at school
In the event of a pupil becoming unwell and displaying Coronavirus symptoms at school we have made provision for an isolation room to be available. We would contact parents with immediate effect and ask that you collect your child as a matter of urgency.
Additional measures
In the light of the latest information we have decided to take the following additional precautionary measures:
- Only essential visitors will be allowed onto the school site and will need to follow our COVID-19 Guidelines for Visitors
- All trips are cancelled until further notice (with the exception of DofE Gold which is still under review)
- All assemblies will be cancelled until further notice
- All sporting fixtures will be cancelled from after school today until further notice, Games and PE lessons will continue as normal
- All major school calendar events (with the exception of the parents’ evenings below) are cancelled or postponed
- The after-school sporting and non-sporting programme is continuing (with the exception of Rugby)
- The Prefect Inauguration at the end of term will be rescheduled to the Trinity Term
Parents’ Evenings
The Upper Sixth Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 17 March will go ahead but will now be conducted over the telephone. Subject teachers will contact parents alphabetically by surname over the course of the evening, using parents’ mobile numbers. Please make yourselves available for these calls. We will send further details of this on Monday.
The Year 11 Parents’ Q and A on Thursday 26 March will go ahead as an online event. More details will be sent to parents nearer the time.
Austrian Ski Trip Cancelled
The Austrian Ski Trip is now cancelled following the government’s announcement yesterday that schools are advised against taking trips abroad. The resort we were due to ski in has also announced that it is to close for the season from this Saturday. We are in liaison with the travel company and our insurers and a separate communication will be sent to all Ski Trip participants when more information is available.
GCSE and A-Level Exams
We recognise that pupils and parents will be concerned about the possible impact of coronavirus on the 2020 summer exam season. Our and Ofqual’s advice at this time is for pupils to continue to prepare for exams and other assessments as normal.
We continue to liaise closely with the exam boards, Ofqual and the Department for Education and will advise as more information becomes available.
Latest Government Advice Regarding Travel – please note this is liable to change before the Easter Holidays
Foreign & Commonwealth Office travel advice is constantly under review, so that it reflects their latest assessment of risks to British people.
In response to coronavirus measures they are advising against all and all but essential travel to some countries, cities and regions. They advise that you should check the travel advice for your destination and it is also possible to sign up for email alerts for your destination.
If you are planning an overseas trip over the Easter holidays, we request that you alert us to any concerns, particularly should you need to self-isolate following a trip, so we can best advise you and discuss your child’s return to school.
Pupil social contact and sharing
We are asking that parents consider their child’s social interaction in and out of school to help slow down the spread of the virus. The government’s advice is that close contact (less than 2 metres) for 15 minutes or more significantly increases the risk of infection, therefore here are some things to consider for your children (and yourselves!):
- Avoiding attending non-essential events eg. parties, cinema etc
- Avoiding hosting sleepovers or group study sessions in your home
- Avoiding sharing equipment and resources eg. sports equipment and clothing
- Avoiding close contact activities, such as rugby
We also ask that pupils refrain from sharing drinks bottles, food and stationery with others, please ensure your child is self-sufficient when they come to school to avoid the need to borrow resources.
Home Learning
We are continuing to develop our planning and strategies and will shortly be issuing more information and advice for parents and pupils about Home Learning should that become a necessity.
Once again, many thanks for your understanding and co-operation at this time, it is hugely appreciated.
Ed Hester