Trips and Visits

School Trips and Austrian Ski Trip Update

As you will be aware from the Headmaster's email and message in today's Flagpole we have decided to cancel or postpone all trips until further notice (with the exception of DofE Gold which is still under review) as a precautionary measure given the current situation with Coronavirus. We are sorry to disappoint pupils, however we hope you and they understand our caution at attending large scale events and public venues at this moment in time:

We will continue to follow Public Health England guidelines closely and will contact parents at the earliest opportunity via EVOLVE, should the situation change. 

Austrian Ski Trip Cancelled

The Austrian Ski Trip is now cancelled following the government’s announcement yesterday that schools are advised against taking trips abroad. The resort we were due to ski in has also announced that it is to close for the season from this Saturday. We are in liaison with the travel company and our insurers and a separate communication will be sent to all Ski Trip participants when more information is available.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time. 

Mr Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular