
Enquiries About Exam Results

Following the distribution of exam results, the period for making enquiries about results continues until 5.00pm, on Wednesday 25 September. The options still available are a review of marking and/or requesting a copy of the exam script. 

To apply for any post-results service please complete the form enclosed in your results envelope, or a copy can be downloaded here. Please note that all fees are per candidate, per component/paper/unit. If the exam taken had more than one written paper pupils must make clear which paper, they wish to have reviewed.

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Sarah Tsang
Examinations Officer

New Timetables And First Day

Pupils will be able to see their new timetable for the academic year in My School Portal from the morning of Friday 30 August. They should bring in appropriate books and equipment for Tuesday’s lessons from Period three onwards. Year 7 pupils do not require any books, but those timetabled to have PE should bring their kit.

When arriving at school on Tuesday pupils should go to their tutor room for the beginning of Period one.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic 

Year 11 360 Review Evening

Thursday 19 September - 6.00pm to 8.00pm

We would like to invite all parents of Year 11 pupils to a 360 Review Evening with their child’s Form Tutor. This will include a 15 minute face-to-face appointment to discuss key priorities for the coming year. Senior staff will also share an overview of Year 11 and advice to support preparations for the forthcoming mock examinations.

Booking details will be issued the week before this event.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic


Essential Equipment List For September 2024

Please see the link here for the equipment pupils will be expected to have for the start of term.

Kind regards,

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head - Teaching and Learning