PTA Extends A Warm Welcome To Their AGM

Wednesday 11 September 2024 - Refectory - 7.00pm

The PTA extend a warm welcome to all, and hope you will be able to join us for cheese and wine at the PTA AGM on Wednesday 11 September at 7.00pm.

The AGM will give new and current parents an opportunity to find out what the PTA does for the school, and how you could help us by supporting activities such as Open Days and the Christmas Fair and Summer Fête.

There will be an opportunity to meet other parents, those who are new to the PTA and existing members. We have a number of parents who are involved in the PTA to differing degrees. As well as welcoming those parents who may wish to join us on the committee – we also very much welcome parents who may be able to spare an hour supporting the fairs or welcoming visitors to the school on Open Days. It really is an excellent way to get involved with school life, and you can offer as little or as much of your time as you feel is possible.

Our main aim is to provide the ‘extras’ for the school which are very much appreciated by pupils and staff alike; we support events such as school Trips, House Activities Day, Proms; extra-curricular clubs eg. Planet Princethorpe, Vex IQ, Archery, as well as equipment for Sports, Music and Library departments.

If you are interested and would like to discuss what is involved in being on the PTA please feel free contact the Committee at

We hope you will be able to join us on the night and very much look forward to meeting you.

Princethorpe PTA

Support The PTA Online

Did you know you can support the Princethorpe PTA online?

Follow, like, and share our social media posts to help us reach a wider audience. The more people who are aware of our fundraising events, the greater impact we can make for the school community! Please see below the links to our social media pages:

Facebook: PTA Princethorpe

Instagram: @princethorpepta

X (Twitter): @PrincethorpePta

Thank you for all your support this academic year. 

Princethorpe PTA

PTA Easyfundraising

Please don’t forget that Princethorpe College PTA is registered with easyfundraising. 

When you shop via the easyfundraising website or app, with over 4,100 of your favourite retailers, including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Amazon and many more, you will raise FREE donations for the school.  

If you’re not already registered, please visit our easyfundraising page here.

This will really make a difference to our school! Thank you for your support.