Trips and Visits

Year 8 Trip To Worcester Cathedral

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Pupils should attend school in school uniform and leave anything they do not need for the day at home or in their locker. The weather is currently forecast as fair, but please do keep an eye on the forecast in case this changes, and a waterproof may be required.  

All Year 8 pupils who have given their consent to go on the trip should meet for registration in the Sport’s Hall when the bell goes for period One. Pupils will return at approximately 3.30pm, so will be able to change for any sports teams when they return. Pupils can attend after school clubs and Prep as normal.  

Please ensure that your child has a refillable drinks bottle and a packed lunch with them in a bag. There is only 30 minutes in the schedule for lunch and no café facility available on the day. Please remember that we are a nut aware school and products containing nuts should not be brought on the trip as there are pupils and staff with severe allergies.  

Please also ensure that your child has any prescription medication that they need for the day eg inhaler, epipen, etc. Pupils should carry their own medication in these cases.  

Please direct any further questions to Mrs Lindsay at

Julia Lindsay
History Department