
Shoe Box Appeal 2023 - Reminder

Each year we join with our Parish in supporting the TEAMS4U nationwide shoebox appeal to provide Christmas gifts to vulnerable children and families. Your shoebox will be given to a vulnerable child, or family, through schools, nurseries, hospitals and orphanages.

This year the shoeboxes will be heading to the Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Bosnia and Romania. The aim of TEAMS4U is that each box is given in relationship with the local community as part of a long-term commitment to these children. Please be a part of this ongoing story that is continuing to impact and change lives by donating something to put in a shoebox for this year’s appeal.  For suggested items to include, please click here.
Please may we have all donations by Wednesday 11 October. We must have the boxes ready for delivery by Saturday 21 October. 

Thank you. 

Mary Benham
Chaplaincy Co-ordinator


Non-Uniform Day And Pink Day

Pink Day will be taking place on Friday 20 October - this is our annual fundraiser for breast cancer charities. Please bring in £2 for the charity pot for the pleasure of a non-uniform day, and if you are in Sixth Form dress to impress in pink!

Non-Uniform Days
On non-uniform days we still expect certain standards of appearance to be upheld as
detailed below:

• Clothes should be sensible, safe and suitable for a school day

• Clothes should not be too tight or too short, sheer or flesh revealing

• Headwear is not permitted inside the school buildings

If staff consider that a student’s appearance does not meet these standards, the pupil may be asked to change into borrowed clothing for the day. Pupils are not compelled to participate in non-uniform days and may choose to wear normal uniform, however, if they do wear non-uniform they are expected to pay for this privilege. If a pupil fails to make the appropriate donation senior staff will follow this up and make parents aware of the situation.