
Forensic Science Club

Forensic Science Club will be running after Easter for Year 8 pupils. Weekly lunchtime sessions will take place on Wednesdays, in G4, starting from Wednesday 19 April 12.10pm to 12.35pm.

At the end of five training sessions pupils will put their skills to the test in an after school crime scene event on Wednesday 17 May, from 4.00pm to 6.00pm. Places are limited so if you’re interested please email to sign up.

Sam Curtis
Science Department

Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award 2022 - 2023


The hand in deadline for the expedition forms is Monday 13 March. Please return the Peak Medical Consent, Code of Conduct and kit request forms marked ‘Bronze DofE Forms’ to the PE Office, Student Hub or Mrs Hemmings.

You will receive an email confirming the full details regarding the upcoming expeditions and groups will be shared for pupils on the Limes Atrium noticeboards next week.


A reminder that the practice expedition meeting for pupils takes place this Friday 17 March, Tutor Time in the Clarkson Theatre. Please could those who have yet to hand in their expedition forms bring them to the meeting. Please let me know if you require another copy of the medical consent or code of conduct forms.


Your practice expedition is fast approaching Monday 27 to Friday 31 March. Please refer to your emails for full details regarding the upcoming trip. The preparation assignment has been set on Teams, please complete by Friday 24 March.

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager