Foundation Principal's Message

Message From The Foundation Principal

I hope you had a good Christmas break and were able to enjoy some quality family time. 
I would like to say a heartfelt “thank you” to all those who sent me messages and kind words last term; these were really appreciated as was the pupils’ incredible rendition of Dancing Queen at the end of term service – something I will never forget!  
It has been wonderful to welcome Grove du Toit into the College as our new Head – in our Epiphany Service and assembly on the first day back he gave the pupils an insight into his own background and journey and said if he had to describe himself in three words they would be “passionate, energetic and caring” – all qualities we saw in him during the recruitment process. He will be a great Head for Princethorpe and I am already enjoying working closely with him. 
As I start my new role as Foundation Principal, I reflect on the past few years – dominated by COVID of course, but the implications of Brexit, the War in Ukraine and political and economic matters are now firmly at the top of all our agendas. It has been a time of great uncertainty and collective anxiety across the world which has affected all of us and our communities.  
In a period of such considerable uncertainly and indeed turmoil, our Foundation remains very strong and despite the challenges ahead, I am very optimistic about the future of pupils in all our schools. The “spirit of family” and the willingness of all members of our community – pupils, parents and staff - to pull together and support each other continues to be a major strength and the foundation for future developments. Another is our desire to continue to improve all aspects of our schools to ensure we offer the very best education to all our pupils, and this will be my major focus over the months and years to come. As Mark Twain said, “the secret of getting ahead is getting started…” and I am delighted to have started my new role. 
As I start to develop a strategic vision and plan for our Foundation, one of my first tasks is to spend more time at Crackley Hall and Crescent. Although I have worked closely with the headmasters for many years, I want to get much more first-hand knowledge of all aspects of our junior schools. I look forward, not only to seeing the children in action, but also meeting parents at a variety of events so please do come and say hello.  
I send my best wishes to you and your families and, on the Feast of the Epiphany and the day after Pope Benedict’s funeral, we keep religious leaders of all faiths and political leaders in our thoughts and pray that their guidance and example will help to bring justice and peace to all parts of the world. 
Yours sincerely

Ed Hester
Foundation Principal