
Music Department’s ‘Piece Of The Week’

The Music Department's New Year's resolution is to try and develop a whole college listening culture.

Too many of us get caught in a loop of listening to the same type of music all the time, and the ‘helpful’ algorithms our streaming services use to push new music to us only serve to make our musical diet more limited.

In Music lessons this year we are going to challenge our pupils to actively listen to new music each week. Not answer questions on it, not have it as background noise to other activities, to really listen.

Pieces will be from many different genres, artists, traditions and groups. The only constant will be variety! We'll add a little background to each piece and a reminder of the 'elements of music' if people want to really think about it as they listen, but if you want to let the music wash over you and ignore the text, that's okay too! 

Each week, the pieces will also be shared on the new ‘Music of the Week’ channel in the Princethorpe College Whole School Team, which can be accessed by all members of the college with a Princethorpe Office365 login. We would encourage everyone in the college to have a look at this page! Please feel free to react to posts, comment if you would like to, or just listen along. But try to make it deliberate, active listening. No multitasking here! Most pieces will be shorter than five minutes in length, so you don't need to take ages out of your day.

Gil Cowlishaw
Director of Music
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Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award 2021-22 – Complete your Award - Reminder

Whilst the enrolment deadline has now passed for moving up to the next level, there is still time to complete your award from last year in full. Please continue to prioritise signing off your volunteering, physical and skill sections. Guidance can be found on a DofE Completion email sent to you and your parents, the advice documents are also available on MySchoolPortal.

Lunchtime drop-in clinics continue in January, lunch 1 – LG01 and lunch 2, in LG02. The Certificate Presentation Evening takes place on Thursday 16 February 2023.  Please do prioritise signing off your sections as we will be sending out invitations in the new year.  We would like to celebrate all of your achievements on the scheme!

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager


Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award - New Starters 2022-2023 - Reminder

A reminder to Y10 Silver group, your expedition training takes place in The Limes on Saturday 28 January, 9am – 4pm and Sunday 29 January 2023, 9am - 1pm.  You will receive an email with full details.

Online eDofE accounts have been created and you have been sent an email with the login details. Please sign in as soon as possible. The DofE will then send a participant handbook directly to your home address.

The enrolment packs have been distributed at the DofE Start-Up meetings and the next steps explained. Please could all new bronze, silver and gold participants complete the steps listed below as soon as possible.  If you haven’t already, all should be aiming to start their volunteering, physical and skills sections this month.

1. Download the DofE app or find

2. Login using the username and password sticker on your folder (or the email sent directly to the address you put on your enrolment form).

3. Update your personal details.

4. Set timescales (for example at bronze physical 6, volunteering 3 and skill 3 months).

5. Complete programme planners for the physical, volunteering and skill sections. This includes;

- selecting the activity  
- inputting start dates
- setting a goal to achieve
- recording your assessor details (please speak to your potential assessor to ask permission before you upload the details)

Submit your ‘programme planners’ online to your DofE Leader for approval. Once approved you can start your award.

6. Get used to the app/website by experimenting with other features, for example: manage evidence, contact your leader and DofE card.

Additional guidance will be emailed directly home, please could participants spend some time reading through this information with their parents. Further resources can be found on My School Portal.

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager


Lent Term Celebration Of Achievement

It is always great to hear about our pupils' successes that take place outside of school; please do keep us updated if your son or daughter has won a competition, is performing in a show or competing at a high level with a sporting team outside of school, we would love to hear more. 

We would like to invite parents to submit this information to us via a nomination form by clicking here so we might celebrate these achievements in school too.  

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular

Co-Curricular Calendar - Lent Term 2023 - Reminder

Details of the co-curricular clubs for this term were posted to families over the Christmas break as part of the Lent Term Calendar. I also have pleasure in attaching an electronic copy here.

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular

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