Well done to all years on a very good first two weeks of school. There has been a lovely, calm and happy atmosphere around the College and our new pupils are settling into school life.

Our Open Afternoon aimed at those looking at entry to the College in September 2025 is taking place this Sunday 15 September and we are looking forward to welcoming prospective pupils and their parents into school.

Watch out for the next edition of the Flagpole on Friday 27 September.


Headmaster's Message

Message From The Headmaster

The first two weeks of term have flown by and Princethorpe is buzzing! Seeing how our new and returning pupils have thrown themselves at the school year is exciting and there is a stream of happy (and tired) young people going home at the end of every day. The “good mornings” continue to be enthusiastic, while the asking for directions has all but dried up. One colleague said to me that it feels like we were never away.

Pupil safety is always at the forefront of what we do, and with this in mind, can I please issue the following reminders when you drive onto site:

  • Please keep to the speed limit, especially when you enter the playground. As drivers, we must be aware that a child may not be aware of you approaching, so please be extra careful.
  • When you drop off or pick up, do not stop in the flow of traffic, no matter how quick the stop may be. Please pull into the area in the middle to ensure cars can continue their flow around the area and keep the car line clear.
  • When parking, please ensure you do not obstruct anyone and that you are considerate to other drivers who may park after you.
  • When stationary for longer than is needed to pick up or drop off, please do not idle your vehicle, switch off your engine. I have asked colleagues to address parents who may fall foul of this expectation. 
  • Please do not drive through to the North Car Park during pick up or drop off, it is for staff parking only during the school day.
  • When parking for afternoon pick-up, please be considerate and patient. Our behaviour sets an example for our children and any form of aggression is never acceptable.
  • Parents do queue from 3.00pm in the afternoon to pick up. Please note that deliveries or visitors may drive past the car line if they need to get to the Estates office or Front of House.

Our co-curricular programme is integral to the education we offer at the College. We want pupils to partake in and enjoy all that clubs and activities have to offer. You will also appreciate that it is not always possible to accommodate every pupil in a team, for example. However, please rest assured that staff will rotate and provide opportunities when it will best serve the individual pupil and the team. It is, therefore, extremely important that any pupil selected for a team attend and play. If your child cannot play in a match they are selected for, you must let the relevant coach know so we can invite a reserve and offer someone else a chance to play. We also welcome and encourage parents at any match. It was fantastic to have big support last Friday during the Rugby tournament on site. May this continue through the year and never be shy to shout and cheer – no matter how embarrassed your child may be.

I have received a few questions from parents about Vaping and what our approach as a school is on the issue. As per my previous communications, we continue to have a zero-tolerance policy to Vaping. We educate our pupils about the known and unknown dangers of using Vapes and any pupil caught Vaping, in the possession of a Vape, or present while another pupil Vapes will be sanctioned. However, you as parents remain the first line of education, monitoring, and keeping your child safe from Vaping. Please research the effects and damage it does to a young person. Have open conversations with your child and be clear on your rules and expectations. As with all challenges, the partnership between school and home is twice as strong if we re-enforce the same message. If you need any information or guidance, do not hesitate to reach out to the pastoral team who will be happy to point you in the right direction.

Thank you for all your support in starting the academic year on a high in terms of uniform and general expectations. Our pupils look very smart, and there is a purposeful atmosphere around the site. Again, a few parents have been asking for details regarding the new mobile phone expectations which are outlined below:

  • Mobile phones must be put away as soon as a pupil arrives on site.
  • Year 7 – Year 9 must put their mobile phones in their locker and are not allowed to have them on their person.
  • Year 10 – Year 11 are allowed phones on their person, but they must be on silent, out of sight, and only used with permission from a member of staff.
  • Sixth Form are allowed to use their phones in the Sixth Form Centre, however, as soon as they move into the rest of the site, their phones must be on silent, out of sight, and only used with permission from a member of staff.
  • No earphones are allowed unless required for educational purposes and with permission from staff. Sixth Form pupils may use earphones in the Sixth Form Centre.
  • Pupils are allowed to access their phones freely at the end of the school day. In Prep, phones will be put away at 4.20pm.
  • Phones are allowed on trips and visits, but their use will be determined by the member of staff leading the activity.

We really look forward to the rest of this term, and our Open Afternoon on Sunday is a brilliant advert for all Princethorpe has to offer. The variety of clubs and activities is incredible, especially if you combine it with our committed staff. As one Year 7 pupil asked me this week: “Sir, can I sleep at school?” Oh, to be 11 again...

With my very best wishes,

Grove du Toit


Princethorpe Sixth Former Awarded Prestigious Arkwright Scholarship

Princethorpe Lower Sixth Former, Theo Sparkes has been awarded an Arkwright Engineering Scholarship. The accolade, which comes from The Smallpeice Trust, the UK’s leading STEM Education Charity, is the most prestigious scholarship of its type in the UK. The scholarships support high calibre students while they study for their A-levels, inspiring and encouraging them to pursue careers in the fields of engineering, computing and technical design.

The scholarships are awarded to students through a rigorous selection process, Head of Design and Technology, Paul Scopes, explains, “Arkwright Scholarships are extremely competitive and are the premier award for any student looking to pursue a future in the field of engineering. Pupils are nominated by their teachers, and submit an application focused on their engineering activities, interests and future plans. Applicants then take an examination where their problem-solving skills and engineering potential are put to the test and if successful, they take part in a rigorous interview with a panel of Engineers.

Paul continues, “Theo is currently studying A-level Product Design, Maths, Physics and Computer Science. He should feel rightly proud to have emerged from this process with a Sponsored Arkwright Scholarship with the Parker Foundation based in Birmingham. Theo has always been a driven young man, and the award recognises the design and engineering activities he has participated in, both in and outside of school. The College was delighted to support Theo in his application and very pleased to see his success. He has a bright future ahead of him and it really is a pleasure to teach him.”

Those lucky enough to be awarded a sponsored scholarship, receive a financial award and the support of a mentor who works with them throughout their time in Sixth Form. They are also given the opportunity to take part in courses and events for Arkwright Scholars. They benefit from networking opportunities with like-minded students, gain confidence and knowledge in their subjects and often relevant work experience. They are ideally positioned to pursue Engineering, Computing or Technical Design at university or a higher-level apprenticeship before moving into industry to progress their career.

On receiving the news, Theo said, “These scholarships are one of a kind for people who are interested in engineering. The opportunities it provides will help me develop my skills and interests as I work towards my future career. I felt really pleased and proud when I heard the news that I had received the award, and I am looking forward to working with my mentor over the coming years.”

Head of Sixth Form, Ben Collie, comments, “Arkwright Scholarships are highly sought after as they provide exceptional support. Pupils who successfully obtain an award have access to unparalleled opportunities. Arkwright Engineering Scholars achieve excellent academic success and are known to make enviable career progress. Theo has done incredibly well to receive this accolade, and we congratulate him on his success.”

More information on the Arkwright Scholarship is available at www.arkwright.org.uk

Deadline For Princethorpe Entrance Examinations For September 2025 Entry

Friday 27 September 2024

Those wishing to register for Entrance Examinations should do so by the deadline of Friday 27 September please, to allow for the processing of the application and to facilitate the gathering of confidential references from junior schools.

More information on the admissions process can be found in the recently published Admissions Update newsletter here or on the Foundation website here.

You can register for the Entrance Examinations by filling out our online registration form here

Entrance Examinations for Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 will take place on Saturday 9 November 2024 from 9.00am to 3.30pm. More information is available in our 2025 Admissions and Entrance Examinations Booklet available on our website, click here.

Student Success In The 2024 Cambridge Chemistry Challenge

Congratulations to our Sixth Form Chemistry students awarded certificates in this year’s Cambridge Chemistry Challenge. Designed to stretch and challenge students studying A-level Chemistry, the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge takes students significantly beyond the syllabus and encourages them to think about science in the way they would at university.

Our Lower Sixth Form Chemists took part in the competition back in June. They had prepared themselves by taking part in the weekly Cambridge Chemistry Challenge co-curricular club, developing their critical problem-solving skills and creative thinking, and putting to the test their knowledge of chemistry in real-world situations.

All the students who took part achieved a certificate. Special mentions go to Louise Gambling who was awarded a Silver certificate, and Charlotte Gledhill, Hamish O'Brien, Joe Jaimon Jacob, Sammie Borland, and Tom Windley who were all awarded Copper certificates. All our College Chemists faced tough national competition, and we congratulate them all on the resilience they demonstrated.

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Issue 35 Of The Pinnacle Now Available

The latest issue of the Pinnacle has just been published, showcasing yet more of our pupils' excellent work. The Pinnacle has always celebrated our pupils at their best and this edition includes plenty more examples of their outstanding efforts; their dedication, hard work and commitment to their studies, inside and outside the classroom, clear to see.

This bumper edition is a testament to the talent that thrives within our community. Why not explore complex engineering challenges, fabulous French weather forecasts, solving the Rubik's Cube, our Art Scholars Competition, poetry for Women's History Month and an examination of the effects of smoking.

You can download a copy of The Pinnacle to read here and it is also available on our school website here.



House Competition Heats Up With Sixth Form Ready Steady Cook

Princethorpe’s Lower Sixth students put their culinary skills under the spotlight when they took on the House Ready Steady Cook challenge.

Always a popular event, held at the start of the academic year, this year's competition took place at lunchtime on Thursday 12 September. Teams of four Sixth Formers donned their aprons and lined up to prepare a student staple in the Food Technology suite.

The teams were presented with a set of ingredients and challenged to produce a risotto in just 25 minutes. What’s more they had to cook, clean and tidy their workstation before presenting their dish. There were knives chopping, spoons stirring and pans sizzling as the House teams went to work. Onlookers encouraged from the side as the judges, led by expert judge Ms Scott, surveyed the proceedings.

The finished plates of food were lined up along the counter and, under the watchful eyes of the competitors and their supporters, the judges carefully taste-tested the dishes. The results were close with just a few points separating all. This year first place went to More, closely followed by Fisher and then Benet and Austin.

Huge thanks to all of the competitors for their enthusiastic efforts, to our judges who braved the tasting and to the House teams for organising and supporting the event.

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Smallholding Project: Help Us Reach The Finish Line!

We are thrilled to report that our smallholding initiative is well on its way. Thanks to the incredible support of our Princethorpe community and beyond, we have raised £40,000 towards our £50,000 goal!

A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed. Your generosity has been pivotal in getting us this far, and we are deeply grateful for your support.

Our team has made significant strides: the location for the smallholding has been identified, and our dedicated 'Smallholding Working Group' is working hard to integrate the project with our current curriculum and co-curricular activities. This will provide our pupils with invaluable hands-on learning experiences, from understanding agriculture and sustainability to engaging with real-world issues across the academic spectrum.

The smallholding will not only benefit our pupils but also serve as a community resource, fostering local engagement and sustainable practices.

We are so close to reaching our £50,000 target, and we need your help to cross the finish line. If you haven’t yet contributed, or if you’re in a position to give more, now is the perfect time to do so. Every donation brings us closer to making this project a reality. You can support the project here.

Thank you once again for your support and commitment. Together, we can turn this vision into a vibrant, educational reality for all.

Steve Kowal
Director of Development

Honours Shared At Annual OPs Vs College Sports Day

It was wonderful to host our OPs vs College Sports Day at Princethorpe on Saturday 31 August, and to welcome so many familiar faces back to the school. This popular annual fixture traditionally kicks off both the College’s sporting calendar and the Old Princethorpians’ social calendar for the year ahead.

The Football started the morning off in good spirits, with the College First XI participating in the day for the first time; strengthened by some staff members, they gained a victory over the OP team.

Next up was the mixed Hockey game and it was fabulous to see full teams playing in the spirit of the game. Whilst the more experienced OPs took the victory, the College pupils got some valuable game time in before their season starts.

Moving on to Netball, where there were three teams playing, the College's team secured victory with an outstanding performance against an OP team from 2024. The College then followed this up with a victory against an OP team from 2023; these wins showing that this team could be set for success this year.

The OPs vs College First XV John Shinkwin Trophy match produced an entertaining game, with a strong OP team of leavers from 2023 and 2024 taking the victory. The young College team showed promise for what could be a good season ahead.

The results of the matches were as follows:

  • Football – Staff 6 vs OPs 4
  • Netball – College 12 vs OPs 2023 7
  • Netball – College 10 vs OPs 2024 5
  • Netball – OPs 2024 2 vs OPs 2023 11
  • Mixed Hockey – College 1 vs OPs 4
  • Rugby – College 15 vs OPs 46

Lee Cassell, Foundation Director of Sport, commented, "It was fantastic to see so many OPs returning to play in some very competitive games and it was great to see the College First XI being included for the first time. The day showed the true spirit of the Princethorpe community and gave staff, pupils, OPs and parents the opportunity to watch plenty of entertaining matches over the course of the day."

He continued, "A huge well done to all those who played and made the day so special. We look forward to seeing you all again next year on Saturday 30 August 2025 at the next OPs vs College Sports Day."

You can find more photos on our alumni website here.

Thanks to all the players, supporters, organisers and caterers for making the day such a lovely, relaxed affair, and to A-level Music student Robyn Shaw for performing live during the day. 

The next OP event to look forward to is the popular London Meet, this year taking place on Friday 27 September at The Clachan on Kingly Street, W1B 5QH. Visit Princethorpe Connect for details and sign up information. We'd love to see you there.

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Eucharist Celebrates The Start Of The School Year

The College community gathered in the Sports Hall on Wednesday 11 September to celebrate a Eucharist to mark the start of the academic year. Led by Father Alan Whelan MSC, pupils and staff were introduced to the new Chaplaincy school theme for the year ‘Integrity’.

It was wonderful to come together as a community, to reflect on the importance of integrity and to take time to think and pray.

Our thanks go to Father Alan for leading us in the service.

St Mary’s Priory Reunion For Very Special Old Princethorpians

Last Saturday 7 September, we were delighted to welcome to the College some of the ‘Old Girls’ from St Mary’s Priory, the school on the Princethorpe site run by Benedictine nuns before the College was founded. The group are affectionately known to us as ‘Very Special Old Princethorpians' (VSOPs).

We welcomed them warmly and over tea, coffee and pastries our guests enjoyed catching up and sharing memories with their former schoolmates and friends. One such memory was about the high standards of discipline they had to maintain, with a former pupil recalling how she had to spend her evenings for two weeks cleaning the gymnasium, as punishment for talking in the corridor!

Their day unfolded happily with the chance to pore over a presentation and archive display arranged by our Archivist, Jo Wong, a Zoom call to allow more distant VSOPs to join in the reunion, lunch, a guided tour of the College, and a special Mass conducted by Father Teddy O'Brien MSC.

You can read the full write up and see more photos on Princethorpe Connect here.

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Heritage Open Day A Huge Success

Princethorpe College was delighted to take part in the 2024 Heritage Open Days festival on Sunday 8 September. England's largest community-led festival of history and culture, Heritage Open Days has run annually since 1994, celebrating local history by giving access to thousands of places usually closed to the public.

The College has participated in the festival for many years and on the day welcomed over 90 visitors through its doors. They came from near and far, including local neighbours, OPs, current and former Princethorpe families, and those interested in local history. All were made welcome and enjoyed a fascinating tour that took in Pugin’s magnificent Chapel, the Cloisters, nuns’ cells on Lower Pugin, the Library (originally the first church of St Mary’s Priory) and the unique Roundhouse. Visitors were also delighted to see the recently-restored last Station of the Cross and decorated altar alcove in the Cloisters and Nuns’ Library respectively.

Foundation Archivist Jo Wong and Alumni and Development Officer Caroline Spencer acted as tour leaders, sharing wonderful insights into the history of the magnificent building and the amazing people that made it the place it is today.

A huge thank you to all who kindly organised and supported this super community event.


Princethorpe College Open Afternoon And Year 6 Taster Days

Sunday 15 September 2024 - 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Princethorpe will be holding its annual Open Afternoon on Sunday 15 September from 2.00pm to 5.00pm. All are welcome to visit the College and for younger visitors, there will be many fun subject related activities organised by the departments.

The Headmaster will address visitors in the Chapel during the afternoon and refreshments will be available. 

Booking has now closed but please still come along and we will register you on arrival. 

Year 6 Taster Days - Tuesday 17, Thursday 19 and Wednesday 25 September

Our Year 6 Taster Days are aimed at Year 6 pupils who wish to join the College in September 2025 and who have not already attended a Year 5 Taster Day. 

We have a few places remaining on our Taster Days on:

  • Tuesday 17 September 2024
  • Thursday 19 September 2024
  • Wednesday 25 September 2024

Taster Days typically involve lessons, a question and answer session with some of our current pupils and a chance to talk to the Headmaster, Mr du Toit. They run from 9.30am to 3.00pm. Snacks and lunch are provided and there is no charge for the day.

To book your place click here.

Headmaster's Quiz And PTA Social For New Parents And Year 7 Social - Reminder

Friday 20 September 7.00pm – 9.00pm

We are delighted to invite parents of new pupils to our Quiz and Curry Evening, which will take place  on Friday 20 September from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Tickets for the Parents’ Quiz are available on a first come, first served basis, including the curry supper, and are £10 per head. Payment for tickets will be charged to the Lent Term school fees.

The PTA will be running a pay bar and Mr du Toit’s quiz will hopefully not be too testing! 

It should be a very enjoyable evening for all and enable you to meet and socialise with fellow parents, as well as some staff and members of the PTA.  

If you would like to reserve your place, and to enable us to plan our catering, please click here to complete and submit a brief form by 9.00am, Monday 16 September.

Year 7 Social

At the same time, there will also be a Year 7 Disco organised by the PTA, staff and school prefects. 

Tickets for the Year 7 Disco are free of charge, but you do need to reserve a place; to do so, please follow the link above. Children can attend the Year 7 Disco without their parents attending the Quiz, however parents are required to sign them in and sign them out. Drop off is at 7.00pm and collection no later than 9.00pm.

We recommend children bring approximately £3 pocket money with them to purchase drinks and treats. Children should have eaten their evening meal before attending. 

We very much hope you are able to attend and we look forward to seeing you on Friday 20 September.


English Enrichment

Wednesday 25 September 2024 - 4.00pm to 4.40pm

Our next English Enrichment Event will take place on Wednesday 25 September, between 4.00pm and 4.40pm in the Sixth Form Lecture Theatre.

Ever wondered what it would be like to collaborate on a novel?  Illustrate a book?  Adapt a book for film or stage?

Join us for a screening of a 30-minute interview with acclaimed author Patrick Ness.

All welcome!

Helen Pascoe-Williams
Head of English

STEAM Talk By BOSCH Engineers

Thursday 26 September - 4.00pm to 5.00pm

Engineers from BOSCH are visiting Princethorpe College to deliver an interactive talk for pupils with an interest in STEM.

The talk will include:

  • Introduction to Bosch and BEG
  • Routes into STEM careers
  • Live demonstrations with a test vehicle exhibiting instrumentation and live data logging

All are welcome - just come along to SG03 in the Science Centre.

Email danlee@princethorpe.co.uk for more information.

Crackley Hall School And Little Crackers Open Evening

Thursday 26 September 2024 - 6.00pm to 8.00pm

Crackley Hall School and Little Crackers Nursery in Kenilworth, are hosting a dedicated Nursery, Reception and Year 3 Open Evening on Thursday 26 September from 6.00pm.

This Open Evening is aimed at prospective families looking at entry in September 2025 and beyond. 

This is a perfect opportunity to vist the Nursery and School, and to talk to key members of staff who will be teaching and supporting your child.  

To book your place please click here

The Early Bird Deadline for Reception and Year 3 registrations for 2025 entry is Friday 18 October 2024.

If you can't make the Open Evening but would like to look around the school, you can now book a personal tour here or call our Registrar, Mrs Jenny Vaughan on 01926 514410 or email admissions@crackleyhall.co.uk and come on a day to suit you.

For more information visit www.crackleyhall.co.uk


OPs London Meet 2024

Friday 27 September 2024 - The Clachan, Kingly Street, London, W1B 5QH - 6.00pm to 10.30pm

Our annual OPs London Meet, always a popular and sociable affair, moves this September to the upstairs function room at a unique city centre pub with a rich history, The Clachan, on Friday 27 September.

Described as 'your local pub in London', The Clachan is perfectly located on Kingly Street, a little street behind the iconic Liberty, just off Regent Street, and only a brief stroll to the likes of Carnaby Street, Oxford Circus, Piccadilly Circus and the ever bustling Soho.

Our London Meets offer an ideal opportunity for OPs who have moved further afield to gather in an accessible and popular location, and it is always a pleasure to witness OPs from across the generations mixing and networking together. The Old Princethorpians Association welcomes guests with a complimentary drink and the evening unfolds happily from there.
If you are an OP and would like to attend please RSVP via the events page on Princethorpe Connect by Friday 20 September 2024, or follow this link: OPs London Meet 2024

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, ‘Clachan’ is Gaelic for ‘meeting place’.

Crescent School Reception and Year 3 Open Evening

Tuesday 1 October 2024 - 7.00pm to 8.00pm

The Crescent School, in Bilton, Rugby, is opening its doors for a dedicated Reception and Year 3 Open Evening on Tuesday 1 October 2024 from 7.00pm.

This Open Evening is aimed at prospective families wishing to join Reception or Year 3 in September 2025 and beyond.

The evening will have presentations highlighting key admissions information as well as what school life is like in Reception and Year 3. There will also be opportunities to look around the school and visit the Reception and Year 3 classrooms, as well as speak to key members of staff. Joe Thackway, Headmaster, will also be available to answer any of your questions you may have about the school.  

To book your place please click here.

The Early Bird Deadline for Reception and Year 3 registrations for 2025 entry is Friday 18 October 2024.

If you can't make the Open Evening but would like to visit the school, you can now book a personal tour here, or please call our Registrar, Mrs Becky Witcomb on 01788 521595 or email admissions@crescentschool.co.uk and come on a day to suit you.

For more information visit www.crescentschool.co.uk


Year 7 Science Family Challenge

Wednesday 2 October 2024 - 6.00pm to 7.30pm

Year 7 pupils and their parents are invited to compete in our annual 'Science Family Challenge'. 

Each team will carry out a range of hands-on science practical work, competing against other pairs to win the coveted Science Family Challenge trophy.

We can only accommodate one parent per pupil and a maximum of 36 teams, so sign up as soon as you can to avoid disappointment.

We can't wait to share our enthusiasm for science and give parents the opportunity to experience a taste of science education at Princethorpe College. 

If you have any questions, please get in touch via email at danlee@princethorpe.co.uk

Please sign-up via the link here.

Dan Lee
Head of Physics and STEAM co-ordinator

Sixth Form Open Evening

Wednesday 16 October 2024 - 6.30pm to 9.00pm

Year 11 pupils and their parents will shortly be receiving an invitation to attend our Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 16 October 2024 from 6.30pm.

The evening will focus on the Route to Sixth Form for 2025 including key dates, milestones and scholarships, specific A-level and BTEC subject information and advice provided by the Heads of Departments, together with information on outstanding pastoral care provided and the vast array of sporting, co-curricular, leadership and service opportunities available.

The evening will include brief talks by Grove du Toit, the Headmaster, Ben Collie, Head of Sixth Form, Michael Spencer, Deputy Head - Academic and current Sixth Formers. There will also be the opportunity to speak to the Sixth Form Team in the Sixth Form Centre. In addition, all of the A-level and BTEC departments will be open for you to visit, with short presentations, course details and the opportunity to talk to staff and current students.

An electronic copy of the Sixth Form Admissions 2025 Information Booklet will be emailed shortly before the event, hard copies will be available on the evening. We recommend you refer to this prior to your visit to help you choose which departments to visit on the evening.

External candidates should register via this link and if you have any questions please do contact the Admissions Team via email at admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.

October Half Term Holiday Camps

Monday 28 October to Friday 1 November, 8.00am to 5.00pm

We know many of our Foundation pupils enjoyed our Holiday Camps over the summer, and we are pleased to announce we have teamed up with Team Super Sports again to offer an action-packed October half-term experience for children aged 5 to 16 years. From Monday 28 October to Friday 1 November, our Holiday Camps will run from 8.00am to 5.00pm.

Children aged 7 to 16 can choose from a variety of sports, including rugby, cricket, football, gymnastics, netball, hockey, and tennis to create their own personalised sports camp! For our younger campers (ages 5 to 7), along with sport we’ve got arts, crafts, and dance activities to keep them engaged and having a blast!

Why Team Super Sports? They’re experts in sport and multi-activity holiday camps, providing top-level coaching for all abilities.

Click here to visit the Team Super Sports website to secure your child’s spot.

Camps are priced at £37 per day or £150 per week. Book before Sunday 29 September to receive an extra 10% off for early booking!

Sibling discounts and flexible booking options available!


Year 8 Foundation And Year 9 Higher Project Qualification Success

Congratulations on the fantastic success of our cohort this year!

The project qualifications are open to our Year 8 and 9 Scholars and High-Performance Learners, as part of the Challenge Curriculum. It provides an academic challenge requiring them to write their own title, research and critically analyse their sources, as well as writing a dissertation or creating a portfolio of work before evaluating the whole process.

Foundation Project Qualification
The Year 8s taking the Foundation Project Qualification achieved an outstanding 100% A*/A pass rate. Special mention goes to Krishan Patel and Isaac Fowle who scored full marks. Krishan’s incredible project was on whether AI is the future of healthcare, including his own primary research interviewing healthcare professionals, and Isaac considered the reasons why teenagers are reading less. Our other candidates considered a wide range of questions including:
Is pain necessary?
What are the effects of listening to music on our brain?
Is nuclear energy the answer to climate change?
Are GM crops the future of agriculture?
Could society function without laws?
Higher Project Qualification
The Year 9s taking the Higher Project Qualification achieved 100% A*-B (76% A*/A), with half of all pupils achieving the top grade. William Smith and Jay Patil both scored full marks on their projects, which earns them half a GCSE grade at A*. Jay’s project considered whether social media should be restricted to over 18s considering the effects that social media has on teenagers before reaching his conclusion. William considered is the death penalty still justified in the USA considering a range social, moral and legal arguments. Huge congratulations to all our candidates this year.

Other high scoring projects considered the following questions:

Is sleeping more important that studying?
Is killing in war justified?
Does the fashion industry do more harm than good?
Should gambling be made illegal in the UK?
Should misinformation and disinformation be banned?
Julia Lindsay
Challenge Curriculum Co-ordinator (KS3 and KS4)

Enquiries About Exam Results - Reminder

Following the distribution of exam results, the period for making enquiries about results continues until 5.00pm, on Wednesday 25 September. The options still available are a review of marking and/or requesting a copy of the exam script. 

To apply for any post-results service please complete the form enclosed in your results envelope, or a copy can be downloaded here. Please note that all fees are per candidate, per component/paper/unit. If the exam taken had more than one written paper pupils must make clear which paper, they wish to have reviewed.

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at sarahtsang@princethorpe.co.uk.

Sarah Tsang
Examinations Officer

Year 11 360 Review Evening - Reminder

Thursday 19 September - 6.00pm to 8.00pm

We would like to invite all parents of Year 11 pupils to a 360 Review Evening with their child’s Form Tutor. This will include a 15 minute face-to-face appointment to discuss key priorities for the coming year. Senior staff will also share an overview of Year 11 and advice to support preparations for the forthcoming mock examinations.

Appointments are now available to book on SchoolCloud.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic


Essential Equipment List For September 2024 - Reminder

Please see the link here for the equipment pupils will be expected to have for the start of term.

Kind regards,

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head - Teaching and Learning




Medical Appointments During The School Day

We politely ask that routine medical appointments are not booked during school hours wherever possible. The teaching staff would like to reiterate the importance of attending all lessons, including Games as this will help your child's academic success and overall development.

We appreciate your support in this matter. 

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral


Sixth Form

Michaelmas Term - Sixth Form Update

Sixth Form Update - Michaelmas Term

As the new academic year progresses, we have a series of exciting and important events lined up for our Sixth Form students and parents. These events are designed to provide valuable information, support, and opportunities for students to engage with their peers and the school community. Please take note of the following dates for your calendar.

Open Afternoon - Sunday 15 September 2024

We are delighted to invite parents and prospective students to our Open Afternoon. This is a fantastic opportiunity for prospective parents and students to tour the campus, meet the staff, and learn more about what Princethorpe has to offer. The event will run from 2.00pm to 5.00pm and many of our current Sixth form will be involved in this.

Upper Sixth 360 Evening - Wednesday 25 September 2024

Our Upper Sixth 360 Evening is an essential event for Upper Sixth students and their parents. Starting at 6.00pm, this evening will cover crucial aspects of the final year, including academic expectations, university applications, and career planning. It is a must-attend for those aiming to maximize their success in their final year.

Lower Sixth Trip - Friday 4 October 2024

Lower Sixth students will have the opportunity to bond and learn outside the classroom during this trip. This outing promises to be both educational and fun, providing students with a chance to build stronger relationships with their peers and teachers. More details regarding the destination and itinerary will be shared closer to the date.

Lower Sixth Social - Friday 18 October 2024

We believe that a strong sense of community is vital for our students' well-being and success. Starting at 7.00pm,  the Lower Sixth Social event is designed to foster this sense of community. Students will enjoy an evening of fun activities, entertainment and the chance to unwind and socialize in a relaxed environment.

Ben Collie 
Head of Sixth Form

Lower Sixth ALIS And 360 Review Evening

Thursday 3 October - 6.00pm to 8.30pm

As our new Lower Sixth students settle into life in Sixth Form, we would like to invite all parents to our Lower Sixth ALIS and 360 Review Meeting Evening, on Thursday 3 October from 6.00pm to 8.30pm.

This will include a talk by Mr Spencer who will explain how we use the results of recent ALIS tests to support our students to succeed. This will be followed by the opportunity for a personal meeting with your child’s tutor or member of the Sixth Form Team to discuss how your child is settling into Sixth Form and suitable personal targets. The meetings will follow a very similar format to what would normally occur at our 360 Review Evenings lower down the school.

Michael Spencer                         Ben Collie
Deputy Head - Academic           Head of Sixth Form


Upper Sixth UCAS And 360 Review Evening

Wednesday 25 September 2024 - 6.00pm to 8.30pm

We would like to invite all parents of Upper Sixth students to a 360 Review Evening with their child’s Form Tutor. This will include a 10 minute face-to-face appointment to discuss overall progress,  presentations from senior staff to support preparations for forthcoming mock examinations and the opportunity for Q&A about the UCAS process.

Booking details will be issued the week before this event.

Michael Spencer                           Ben Collie
Deputy Head - Academic             Head of Sixth Form


Universities and Careers

An Update From The Careers Team

We thought we would take this opportunity to remind you of what we do and where we can be found. Our office is in F43 on Lower Pugin, and Kerry Low and I welcome visits from students and staff with queries and questions. 

Here is reminder of what we aim to do.

For pupils

For all year groups we can talk about pupils' choices and options for subjects and careers. We offer each pupil a one-to-one guidance interview in Year 10 and Year 11 and again in Lower Sixth. Pupils are also welcome to pop into F43 at lunch, tutor or breaktime for further help. We also contribute to the careers curriculum that runs from Year 7 to Upper Sixth in PHSE and provide information for all the choices the pupils will need to make at the appropriate time.

For parents

Parents can contact the careers team with any queries via email and one of us will get in touch. 

Jacqui Quinney   
Head of Careers




Young Professionals Conference

Monday 30 September 2024 - 5.00pm to 7.30pm

Calling all Year 11, Lower and Upper Sixth Formers! You now have the opportunity to sign up to the exciting Young Professionals Conference, which is coming to Birmingham this September.

This is set to be a fantastic event full of networking, workshops, and lots of huge companies all excited to meet you. If you are looking for work experience, internships, or apprenticeship opportunities with world leading organisations, then this event is for you.

Set right in the heart of Birmingham’s busy university and student campuses it will take place at the East Side Rooms in Birmingham on Monday 30 September from 5.00pm to 7.30pm.

There is a fantastic line up of employers and this list is still growing!

The Employers: 

• Goldman Sachs – Banking & Finance 

• KPMG – Accounting & Professional Services 

• Grant Thornton – Accounting & Professional Services 

• Freeths - Law

• Browne Jacobson - Law

• Forvis Mazars – Accounting & Professional Services 

• Grant Thornton – Accounting & Professional Services 

• National Grid – STEM & Engineering 

• Jaguar Land Rover / JLR - STEM & Engineering

• RAF - STEM & Engineering

• Mott MacDonald - STEM & Engineering

• AICPA & CIMA – Business & Finance

There are limited places at the event and as such spots will be allocated on a first come first served basis. 

Application Link

University Of Manchester - A Masterclass In Shaping Tomorrow's Sustainable World

Monday 16 September 2024 - Monday 7 October 2024

At the University of Manchester engineers and scientists are leading the way we build and sustain our planet, and this is an opportunity for students to connect with the minds shaping tomorrow's sustainable world. Participants will receive a certificate to showcase their commitment to futureproofing the planet!

The masterclasses will run from Monday 16 September to Monday 7 October at 5.30pm.

To find out more and to sign up please click here.


Career Days

Career Days give students an insight into different careers that might appeal to them, advice on subject choices and how to apply to university, followed by work experience in the afternoon to help them see what the career may be like.

The schedule is as follows: 

Midwifery Career Day - Saturday 21 September 2024

Medicine Career Day - Saturday 5 October 2024

Dentistry Career Day - Sunday 6 October 2024

Business Career Day - Saturday 12 October 2024

Psychology Career Day - Saturday 19 October 2024

Architect Career Day - Saturday 26 October 2024

Performing Arts Career Day - Sunday 27 October 2024

Law Career Day - Saturday 2 November 2024

Vet Career Day - Saturday 9 November 2024

Computer Science Career Day - Saturday 23 November 2024

Engineering & Technology Career Day - Saturday 30 November 2024

Follow the link to get booked onto the session of your choice.



Shoe Box Appeal 2024

Each year we join with our Parish in supporting the TEAMS4U nationwide shoebox appeal to provide Christmas gifts to vulnerable children and families. Your shoebox will be given to a vulnerable child, or family, through schools, nurseries, hospitals and orphanages.

This year the shoeboxes will be heading to the Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Bosnia and Romania. The aim of TEAMS4U is that each box is given in relationship with the local community as part of a long-term commitment to these children. Please be a part of this ongoing story that is continuing to impact and change lives by donating something to put in a shoebox for this year’s appeal at Teams4u.com
For suggested items to include, please click here.
Please may we have all donations by Friday 11 October, as we must have the boxes ready for delivery by Friday 18 October.

Thank you.
Mary Benham
Chaplaincy Co-ordinator



PE And Games Guide For Michaelmas 2024

Our PE and Games Department have created a helpful guide for pupils and parents for the Michaelmas Term 2024 which includes further information about: 

• Team coaches and how you may contact them
• Instructions on how to access the Sports homepage and teamsheets
• Information about fixtures, including selection and cancellations
• Sports kit expectations
• Postcodes for away fixtures 

Please click the link here to view the guide. 

If you have any questions, please direct them to your son/daughter's team coach or email myself, Lee Cassell (Foundation Director of Sport) at leecassell@princethorpe.co.uk.

Lee Cassell 
Foundation Director of Sport 

ISA Midlands Swimming Championship

If you are a club swimmer and would like to represent Princethorpe College at the ISA Midlands Swimming Championship in Walsall on Thursday 10 October and want to be considered for the team, please can you email Mr Cassell with the following details: 
Swimming Club: 
Preferred event & distance (with season's best times): 

Swimmers are allowed to do any two events plus a relay. Events include individual medley, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly, freestyle, medley relay and freestyle relay.

Please can you provide this information by email to leecassell@princethorpe.co.uk no later than Friday 27 September. The College team will then be selected, and pupils will be informed.

If you have any questions, please get in touch. 

Lee Cassell
Foundation Director of Sport


Return2Play - Update

Just a quick update on Return2Play as we are now working with them for the second year running.  We would like to follow up on the previous information sent out regarding Return2Play. If you are an existing parent, your account will remain the same. 

If you are a new Princethorpe parent, an account has been set up using the email address that the school has on file for you. You do not need to register but you are able to login using your email address as a username. 

  To access your accounts, please follow the below steps: 

-             Go to www.return2play.org.uk 

-             Select ‘login’ 

-             From the login page, select ‘forgot password’ and enter your email address (case sensitive). 
-             You will receive a temporary password which can then be used to login. You will be asked to set a new password of your choosing during this process. 

-             If you are unable to login or have any queries please email support@return2play.org.uk 

Also, attached below is some further information for parents as well as details of our recently updated e-learning modules that you are able to complete free of charge. 

Information for Parents


Many thanks 

Lee Cassell
Foundation Director of Sport


Join Our Princethorpe PTA Community

Are you interested in joining the PTA Committee?

Comprising a dedicated group of volunteer parents and guardians of Princethorpe students, the committee orchestrates and assists in various school events, including the immensely popular Summer Fête and Christmas Fair, aimed at raising funds for projects within the school that enrich the student experience and foster a sense of community.

If you are interested in offering your support or wish to become more actively involved in event planning by joining the committee and attending meetings, please don't hesitate to email us at ptassociation@princethorpe.co.uk.

Support The PTA Online - Reminder

Did you know you can support the Princethorpe PTA online?

Follow, like, and share our social media posts to help us reach a wider audience. The more people who are aware of our fundraising events, the greater impact we can make for the school community! Please see below the links to our social media pages:

Facebook: PTA Princethorpe

Instagram: @princethorpepta

X (Twitter): @PrincethorpePta

Thank you for all your support this academic year. 

Princethorpe PTA

PTA Easyfundraising - Reminder

Please don’t forget that Princethorpe College PTA is registered with easyfundraising. 

When you shop via the easyfundraising website or app, with over 4,100 of your favourite retailers, including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Amazon and many more, you will raise FREE donations for the school.  

If you’re not already registered, please visit our easyfundraising page here.

This will really make a difference to our school! Thank you for your support.


Whats On In The Library

Monday - Board games and puzzles at break and lunch
Tuesday - Break time book club
Wednesday - Wildife programmes
Thursday - Crafts
Friday - Movie time

Throughout the week: Jigsaw, Wordsearchers, Sudoku, Word Wheels and Colouring in.

All pupils welcome!
Harriet Hallam
Library Assistant

Michaelmas Co-Curricular Calendar

Please find attached the link here to the new Co-curricular Calendar for the Michaelmas Term 2024 which commenced on Monday 9 September.

Due to some staffing and logistical updates, we have had to make some slight changes since the programme was provisionally designed in June. If there are any questions or queries, please do feel free to get in contact via post@princethorpe.co.uk.

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head (Co-curricular and Operations)

Duke Of Edinburgh's Award 2024-25 – Signing Up 2024-25

Information for those interested in enrolling in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme this year will be distributed over the coming weeks. This will start with an opportunity for pupils to express an interest in tutor time. 

There will be an assembly for Year 9 pupils in advance of the recorded online Parents’ Information Presentation evening on Wednesday 18 September, 6.15pm - 7.00pm. Parents of Year 9 pupils are particularly welcome as we hope to recruit the whole year group to complete their bronze award this year.   

Following the Virtual Parents’ Evening enrolment, materials will be available on the Flagpole and MySchoolPortal.

Here is a reminder of the eligibility criteria: 

Award Stage   Age Requirement 
Bronze              Year 9 
Silver                Year 10 
Gold                 16 years old (must be in the Sixth Form) 

I look forward to welcoming pupils onto the scheme this year. 

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head (Co-curricular and Operations)

Trips and Visits

Year 7 Whitemoor Lakes Trip - Parents' Information Evening (Online)

Tuesday 17 September - 6.15pm (Online)

More information regarding the Year 7 Trip to Whitemoor Lakes, which departs on Friday 4 October and returns on Sunday 6 October will be available at the Parents' Information Evening (online) on Tuesday 17 September at 6.15pm. 

We will email you a link to access this online event in advance of the meeting. This meeting will give parents and pupils an insight into activities and arrangments. This will be a fantastic weekend which will give our new Year 7s an opportunity to make new friends and have fun.

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral

South Coast Tour - Parents' Information Evening (Online)

Monday 30 September 2024 6.15pm-7.00pm

The Year 8 and 9 South Coast Tour Parents' Information Evening will take place online at 6.15pm on Monday 30 September. 

A link for the evening will be sent to parents of those pupils invited on the Tour in advance of the meeting. 




Communication - Reminder

We would like to remind parents of some useful contact details.

To report a pupil absence please do so on My School Portal.

For other enquiries please use the email addresses below:

Bus related queries - princethorpe@vectare.co.uk

School Shop - uniform@princethorpe.co.uk

Medical Centre - pcmatrons@princethorpe.co.uk

School fees -  accounts@princethorpe.co.uk

General enquiries - post@princethorpe.co.uk

Lost property - lostproperty@princethorpe.co.uk

Wisepay catering - cashless@princethorpe.co.uk

Email addresses for members of teaching staff can be found on My School Portal.

Term Dates - 2024-25 And 2025-26 - Revised

Please find below the Term Dates for 2024-25 and 2025-26.

2024-2025 (two page document) - revised Sixth Form Open Evening and Christmas Fair dates. Updated June 2024

2025-2026 (two page document) - revised Sixth Form Open Evening

Campus Traffic Safety - Reminder

Traffic on site 
The College takes the safety of pupils, staff and visitors very seriously and we have taken various measures to minimise the risk of an accident involving a vehicle. Please take care when driving on campus particularly at busy times such as the start and end of the school day.
Improving safety
  • Adhere strictly to the speed limits and instructions given by College staff
  • Never hold or use a mobile phone whilst driving
  • Park in designated areas and never on double yellow lines
  • Stop for pedestrians wishing to cross at designated crossing points
  • Ensure that pupils only exit or enter cars when safely parked in designated areas
  • Music should be kept to a minimum level
  • Be patient, kind and courteous 
Everyday traffic 
  • Pupils arriving to school at the normal time must be dropped off in the area adjacent to the pupils’ entrance and never at the front of school. The pupil entrance area is for quick drop-offs only. Should you need more time or have to wait, please use the main playground area instead.
  • The playground is closed to traffic from 9.00am to 3.30pm. Parents arriving within this period are asked to park in the ‘Short Stay’ parking (yellow hatched area between Reception and the Roundhouse) and go to Reception or the Student Hub.
  • If you are collecting your child at the end of the day, please avoid arriving before 3.00pm. If you are queueing, please keep yellow hatched areas by the main gates clear to enable our Estates Team or Emergency vehicles access.
  • Sixth Form parking is available only to those issued with permits. A designated Sixth Form car park has been provided next to the sports field. Permit holders must park in their designated space as issued by Mr Collie.
  • Should you require access to the Student Hub, please park in the Short Stay parking area next to Goods In and follow the sign to the Student Hub.
Polite reminders 
  • Parking on site is very restricted. If you are wishing to attend the College to watch sport, please use visitor, short stay or overflow parking however, we cannot guarantee this will always be available.
  • We encourage drivers to turn off their engines whilst waiting to reduce pollution.
  • The whole site is non-smoking/vaping and dogs must be kept on leads.
Rob Heath
Director of Estates

Employment Opportunities

Please see below our current vacancy:

Crackley Hall

  • Site Supervisor

Full details and how to apply are available via the following link: Join Us

Should you know anyone who might be interested in this post, please do share this information with them.

Catering - Menus

Please click here to view the Michaelmas Term 2024 menus. 

If you have any questions regarding the selection of food we have on offer here at Princethorpe College, especially if related to any allergies or specific food requirements, please feel free to email andrewwilliams@princethorpe.co.uk as we aim to cater for all needs.

Andrew Williams
Catering Manager