Headmaster's Message

Message From The Headmaster

The first two weeks of term have flown by and Princethorpe is buzzing! Seeing how our new and returning pupils have thrown themselves at the school year is exciting and there is a stream of happy (and tired) young people going home at the end of every day. The “good mornings” continue to be enthusiastic, while the asking for directions has all but dried up. One colleague said to me that it feels like we were never away.

Pupil safety is always at the forefront of what we do, and with this in mind, can I please issue the following reminders when you drive onto site:

  • Please keep to the speed limit, especially when you enter the playground. As drivers, we must be aware that a child may not be aware of you approaching, so please be extra careful.
  • When you drop off or pick up, do not stop in the flow of traffic, no matter how quick the stop may be. Please pull into the area in the middle to ensure cars can continue their flow around the area and keep the car line clear.
  • When parking, please ensure you do not obstruct anyone and that you are considerate to other drivers who may park after you.
  • When stationary for longer than is needed to pick up or drop off, please do not idle your vehicle, switch off your engine. I have asked colleagues to address parents who may fall foul of this expectation. 
  • Please do not drive through to the North Car Park during pick up or drop off, it is for staff parking only during the school day.
  • When parking for afternoon pick-up, please be considerate and patient. Our behaviour sets an example for our children and any form of aggression is never acceptable.
  • Parents do queue from 3.00pm in the afternoon to pick up. Please note that deliveries or visitors may drive past the car line if they need to get to the Estates office or Front of House.

Our co-curricular programme is integral to the education we offer at the College. We want pupils to partake in and enjoy all that clubs and activities have to offer. You will also appreciate that it is not always possible to accommodate every pupil in a team, for example. However, please rest assured that staff will rotate and provide opportunities when it will best serve the individual pupil and the team. It is, therefore, extremely important that any pupil selected for a team attend and play. If your child cannot play in a match they are selected for, you must let the relevant coach know so we can invite a reserve and offer someone else a chance to play. We also welcome and encourage parents at any match. It was fantastic to have big support last Friday during the Rugby tournament on site. May this continue through the year and never be shy to shout and cheer – no matter how embarrassed your child may be.

I have received a few questions from parents about Vaping and what our approach as a school is on the issue. As per my previous communications, we continue to have a zero-tolerance policy to Vaping. We educate our pupils about the known and unknown dangers of using Vapes and any pupil caught Vaping, in the possession of a Vape, or present while another pupil Vapes will be sanctioned. However, you as parents remain the first line of education, monitoring, and keeping your child safe from Vaping. Please research the effects and damage it does to a young person. Have open conversations with your child and be clear on your rules and expectations. As with all challenges, the partnership between school and home is twice as strong if we re-enforce the same message. If you need any information or guidance, do not hesitate to reach out to the pastoral team who will be happy to point you in the right direction.

Thank you for all your support in starting the academic year on a high in terms of uniform and general expectations. Our pupils look very smart, and there is a purposeful atmosphere around the site. Again, a few parents have been asking for details regarding the new mobile phone expectations which are outlined below:

  • Mobile phones must be put away as soon as a pupil arrives on site.
  • Year 7 – Year 9 must put their mobile phones in their locker and are not allowed to have them on their person.
  • Year 10 – Year 11 are allowed phones on their person, but they must be on silent, out of sight, and only used with permission from a member of staff.
  • Sixth Form are allowed to use their phones in the Sixth Form Centre, however, as soon as they move into the rest of the site, their phones must be on silent, out of sight, and only used with permission from a member of staff.
  • No earphones are allowed unless required for educational purposes and with permission from staff. Sixth Form pupils may use earphones in the Sixth Form Centre.
  • Pupils are allowed to access their phones freely at the end of the school day. In Prep, phones will be put away at 4.20pm.
  • Phones are allowed on trips and visits, but their use will be determined by the member of staff leading the activity.

We really look forward to the rest of this term, and our Open Afternoon on Sunday is a brilliant advert for all Princethorpe has to offer. The variety of clubs and activities is incredible, especially if you combine it with our committed staff. As one Year 7 pupil asked me this week: “Sir, can I sleep at school?” Oh, to be 11 again...

With my very best wishes,

Grove du Toit