We are keen to acknowledge and celebrate pupils’ co-curricular achievements outside of school and would like to invite parents to submit this information to us via My School Portal. If your son or daughter has won a competition, is performing in a show or competing at a high level with a sporting team outside of school, we would love to hear more. Do keep us updated so we might celebrate these achievements in school too!
We would like to congratulate the following pupils on their recent achievements:
André Onyekwe (Year 7) - Awarded a Merit in his Grade 2 Piano Exam.
Dina Parmenter (Year 9) - Awarded a Merit in her Grade 5 Violin Exam. Dina also plays violin with the Silverbrooke Strings group, who raise money each Christmas for Rugby Christmas Cracker (see here for more information).
Tom Hollis (Year 9) - Selection for Warwickshire U14 Boys' County Hockey.
Darcey Heritage (Year 9) - Third consecutive year playing County Netball for Northamptonshire, recently selected to play for Northants Storm, a performance club competing in the regional league.
James McLean (Year 10) - Lead role in the production of Shrek the Musical, Stagecoach
Joe Glover (Year 10) - Selection for the South Warwickshire District Rugby Squad.
George Landreth (Year 10) - Won Man of the Match in the final of the adult league 20/20 Cricket last Summer, with impressive bowling figures.
Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular