The end of another academic year is upon us. Maybe for some, it could not come quick enough as they look forward to eight weeks away from their studies and time to be with their family and friends. For others, this time is a period of transition, moving away from and moving to. Away from Princethorpe after so many years in the Foundation and moving to university or the world of work. Or moving up a Year group on their journey of education. Farewells are a time of mixed emotions, a looking back but the excitement of a new adventure about to begin. To all our students we remember in our prayers as we encourage them to say:
Lord as the summer holidays begin, I give thanks for the past term.
Yes, exams were a burden but now I have time to explore and pursue my interests.
Time to be with those who love me and time to give thanks for their enduring patience.
Time to relax, time to think, time to reflect.
May my summer holidays be a time to think not only of my own needs and wants but that of others.
May the coming weeks be filled with laughter, fun and adventure with family and friends.
May I return renewed and refreshed.
I make this prayer through Christ Our Lord
Fr Alan Whelan and Mary Benham