
First Ever Whole School Da Vinci Competition!

This is the first ever whole school da Vinci Competition. The theme for this year has been 'resilience' and the summer da Vinci competition is reflecting this theme.

Pupil's task over the summer holidays is to come up with an independent and innovative project with the title: Bounce. We are looking for a creative and innovative response submitted in any format.

Entries should be handed to Mrs Lindsay in the first week back after the Summer Holiday in S3. 

Any working model must be portable and no bigger than a regular shoe box.

A merit will be awarded to every entry. Creative da Vinci merits will be awarded to those that show high levels of creativity. Mastery da Vinci Merits can be awarded for those that show high levels of skill. A full da Vinci can be awarded for those showing both creative and skilful elements. A £10 Amazon Voucher will be awarded to the best overall response. 

Julia Lindsay
Challenge Curriuculum Co-ordinator (KS3 and KS4)