
Timetable Update

As we approach the Lent Term, there have been a small number of timetable changes. Some Year 7 and 8 pupils have one or two lessons swapping times in the week and there are a few room changes coming into effect. Please can all pupils check their online timetable before returning to school in January.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

A-level Business - 2024 Summer Exam

This week Edexcel shared the pre-release material for the A-level Business 2024 summer exam.

The pre-release gives the students advance knowledge of the industry that exam questions will based upon. This year the context is the Global Clothing Industry and businesses operating in that market.

The Business department would be delighted to ask for any volunteer guest speakers who work in the UK Clothing industry to come and support students with their studies.

Please contact me at if you are able to, or have some contacts within the industry that we could ask to speak with the students. 

Thank you.

Elizabeth Gane
Head of Economics and Business

Year 9 GCSE Options Evening

Thursday 11 January 2024

We warmly invite all parents of Year 9 pupils to join us at Princethorpe for our GCSE Options Evening on Thursday 11 January 2024. This event will be held in person in the main college building and will run from 6.00pm to 8.00pm. Further details will be emailed out just before the start of the Lent Term.

There will be a presentation to explain the options process, in the Clarkson theatre; this will run at 6.00pm and again at 7.00pm and will last approximately 25 minutes, with time for questions. We request that all parents attend one of these presentations. Please book onto one of these talks using the following links.

6.00pm Presentation

7.00pm Presentation

Optional subjects will be based in nearby classrooms and will deliver short presentations and answer questions throughout the evening. Parents and pupils are advised to visit as many departments as possible in order to explore the available options. Staff representing the compulsory core subjects will also be available to answer any questions you may have and will be based in the Sixth Form Centre, where refreshments will be available.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic


Christmas Holiday Homework Expectations

Please find below details regarding homework expectations over Christmas. Whilst homework is of course vital, especially for those taking external exams this coming summer, Christmas is a very important family time and it follows a long and demanding term. All pupils should make time to rest and recuperate with their family but ensure all tasks are completed for the new year.

Years 7, 8 and 9
1.  No formal homework will be set for the holiday (although some pupils may have to complete homework set for the last week of the half term).
2.  Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders. 
Year 10
1.  Homework may be set for all subjects.
2.  Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders. 
Year 11
1.  Homework may be set for all subjects.
2.  Pupils should undertake some strategic revision for the mock exams in February. This may be specified by their teacher or for the basis of independent study.
3.  Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders. 
Sixth Form - Lower Sixth
1.  Homework may be set for all subjects.
2.  Students will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders. 
Sixth Form - Upper Sixth
1.  Homework may be set for all subjects.
2.  Students are expected to undertake strategic revision for the February mocks. This may be set by their subject teacher or form the basis of independent study.
3.  Students will also be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders.  

Wishing you all a happy and peaceful Christmas and a healthy and successful 2024.

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head – Teaching and Learning



As we enter the run up to the second set of mocks and the GCSE exam period beyond, I would like to remind parents that the College subscribes to GCSEPod, an online content and revision provider to support GCSE revision. GCSEPod can support the effort, systems and practice elements of the VESPA model, providing tailored content to help your child revise.

As a subscriber, your child has access to GCSEPod’s library of over 6,000 ‘Pods,’ 3-5 minute videos designed to deliver knowledge in short bursts. GCSEPod makes learning and revision much more manageable: every Pod is mapped to an exam board, and contains all the right facts, quotes, keywords, dates and annotated diagrams that your child needs for GCSE success – all neatly organised into topics and exam playlists.

This short video is a great introduction to the platform for parents. For more ways to support your child using GCSEPod, please visit where you’ll find lots more information and resources. There are also parent and student webinars you can book onto, on revision techniques and exam readiness using GCSEPod, on the link here: GCSEPOD Webinars

One of the best things about GCSEPod is that your child can download any Pod to their mobile device, and then they can watch them at any time, in any place, with or without internet. It’s like they’re carrying a whole set of textbooks in their pocket! Make sure they download the GCSEPod app from the App Store (Apple and Android are supported) to access this feature.

All Year 11 pupils recently had a reminder of how to use GCSEPod as part of their PSHE lessons, but the platform is available to pupils in all year groups. Your child can also access a helpful video on how to use GCSEPod to revise for exams on this link (pupils will need to be logged into their school account to access this video).

All pupils have already been registered with GCSEPod through their school account. If you child has already activated their account they can login using the ‘Sign in with Office365’ button, using their Princethorpe email address and password.

If they haven’t used GCSEPod before they just need to activate their account by going to and clicking “Login” in the top right-hand corner, then following the instructions below:

1)      Click “New here?  Get started.”

2)      Select “Student”

3)      Enter their name, date of birth and the school name.

4)      Create a username, password, and a password hint to help them remember the password.

Once the account is activated they can login using the ‘Sign in with Office365’ button, using their Princethorpe email address and password.

If you have any questions regarding GCSEPod please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Andy Compton
Assistant Head - Director of Digital Strategy


Year 11 Online Subject Progress Evening

The Year 11 Online Subject Progress Evening will take place online on Wednesday 17 January from 5.00pm to 8.30pm. Details of how to book appointments will be emailed week commencing 8 January 2024.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic