Sixth Form

Michaelmas Term - Sixth Form Update

It is truly gratifying to acknowledge the noteworthy efforts and unwavering dedication demonstrated by our Sixth Form students. Heartfelt congratulations are extended to them for their commendable academic accomplishments and their steadfast commitment to the diverse array of events that have characterised this term.

The remarkable diligence exhibited by the students, both academically and in their participation in various activities throughout this term, serves as a testament to their exceptional work ethic. As we approach the conclusion of this period, it is an opportune moment for both the students and us to pause and reflect upon the multitude of achievements, both collective and personal, that have transpired.

In extending our warmest wishes, I hope that the forthcoming Christmas holiday provides a well-deserved opportunity for rest and rejuvenation. May it be a time marked by relaxation, joy, and the prospect of recharging for the challenges and opportunities that await in the upcoming term. 

Burns Night for Malawi - Thursday 25 January 2024

We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming Burns Night event!

For full details and to book your place please see the article under Events.

UCAS and Careers - Reminder 

This can be an overwhelming and confusing time for Sixth Form students (and their parents) when faced with the huge choice of university courses and apprenticeships available. The Careers and Sixth Form teams are available to help and advise students on all aspects of these decisions, but we are also here for parents too. Below is some information that may help but please do get in touch if you any specific queries that are not answered.  
Feel free to contact Jacqui Quinney by email
University Applications 

All applications to university are made through which produces a very comprehensive Parents Guide.  
Parent guide to UCAS (
Students will receive comprehensive guidance this half term on all aspects of the UCAS application.  


Students interested in applying for apprenticeships can find lots of information both on Unifrog and also Applications are made directly to the employer and many larger schemes open for applications from November onwards. However, many smaller employers will continue to recruit throughout the year. Due to the competitive nature of many degree apprenticeship schemes, students may want to consider applying to university too, as a back-up.   

Key Dates

Friday 12 January - Freshers' Fair

Saturday 13 and Saturday 20 January - TEFL Course

Thursday 18 January - Sixth Form Taster Day (external candidates)

Thursday 25 January - Burns Night for Malawi

Tuesday 30 January - Lower Sixth Mock Interviews

Friday 22 March - Sixth Form Leadership Inauguration and Award Ceremony

Sunday 7 April - 40 Mile Walk 

Tuesday 2 July - Upper Sixth Leaver's Ball 

Ben Collie 
Head of Sixth Form