
Remembrance Service Friday 11 November

Friday 11 November - 11.00am 

On Friday 11 November at 11.00am the Princethorpe College community will gather together to silently reflect on the bravery and the selfless sacrifice made by so many of our country's service men and women.

This service will take place outside on the playground, so please can pupils ensure they bring a coat to school with them that day if the weather is cold. 

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral





Mobile Phones In School

Following a recent review of our Sanctions Grid for pupils, please be aware that from Monday 7 November any incidents that result in a mobile phone being confiscated by staff will receive a HLC. This will directly result in a Friday after-school detention. 

As a school we regularly review our sanctions with the aim of making them as fair and consistent as possible.

Can I again take this opportunity to ask parents, over the weekend, to remind their children of the importance of good conduct and organisation in school. Pupils failing to comply with the Princethorpe College Code of Conduct may put themselves and others at risk of harm.

A letter will be sent out next week to parents detailing the changes to both the Sanctions Grid and our full Behaviour Management and Relationship Policy.

In the meantime, can I thank you for your continued support in these matters. If you have any queries or concerns, please do get in touch with me.

Beth Sharpe  
Deputy Head - Pastoral