Year 11 Work Experience - Reminder
We are still hoping that Year 11 pupils can undertake some work experience this year.
I know that this is a very challenging time, and that getting some work experience could be less easy for the next few months, but as things start to open up, it could be possible.
Placements can be done at any time after the Bridging courses have been completed as well as during the May half term break. They can also be undertaken during the early part of Lower Sixth, for example October half term 2021.
I would also suggest looking at the website Springpod which offers a virtual work experience programme which has been highly recommended by our Careers Advisor.
Many thanks to those who already have managed to help their son/daughter obtain a placement; in the meantime please could you let me know if you have managed to arrange something by emailing
Mike Taylor
Work Experience Co-ordinator