To further support our Year 11 pupils with their transition to post-16 studies, we are delighted to be able to offer a Bridging Course programme which will run from Monday 7 June until Tuesday 29 June. This will involve pupils being in school every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for the above period (normal school hours).
A major component of this programme is that the pupils will attend lessons in their chosen A-level and BTEC courses. Our experience from last year showed that these sessions supported the transition to A-level studies very successfully and that the pupils felt more prepared for their start in the Sixth Form. In addition, the programme will also include career guidance - including individual interviews, EPQ lessons, games afternoons and other fun activities with their Houses.
On the Thursday and Friday of each week, pupils will be expected to engage in independent learning tasks set by their teachers and will be able to access study skills materials and activities on-line. These two days can also be usefully used to further any opportunities with regards work experience using any contacts you may have.
Those pupils who are not continuing into our Sixth Form may wish to access bridging courses at their new schools or colleges. Alternatively, they can attend our bridging courses when lessons are appropriate and we can provide supervised independent study during the day. They are of course welcome to join in with all the other activities offered during the time of the bridging courses and we will try to accommodate any additional needs.
Pupils will be given a full timetable for the bridging courses nearer the time. We hope the above information will help with your planning of the Trinity Term.
As you will be aware, following the bridging courses we will celebrate the end of the year with the Headmaster’s Thanksgiving Service and Buffet Lunch on Thursday 1 July. This will be followed by the Year 11 Prom on Monday 5 July at Coombe Abbey.