
Pause For Thought

As vaccination jabs are being rolled out in ever increasing numbers and we start the process of lifting lockdown restrictions, this might be a timely moment to reflect on the past months and what as a country, as a community, as a family and as an individual we have learnt from our isolation from what was so familiar a little more than twelve months ago.  Resorting to teacher speak ‘What did you learn?’  Maybe something that can bring us through the next few months, something about ourselves, for example, a greater appreciation of others and how reliant we are on each other.  The term ‘splendid isolation’ has taken on a whole new meaning after many months of being confined to our homes with a longing to see and interact with others.  So, as we hopefully come out of isolation what did you learn?  Scripture has a few examples that might be worth considering.

A reflection on what are you coming out of isolation with?

After 3 days of isolation inside a fish, Jonah came out with a mission and changed a city.

After 40 days of isolation on a mountain, Moses came down with 10 commandments and changed a nation.

And after 40 days of isolation in the wilderness, Jesus come out with power and changed everything.

So, what are you coming out of isolation with?



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