Home Learning Across The Curriculum
We have seen some wonderful examples of home learning taking place across every year group and in all subjects in this first week back after the Easter holidays.
Thank you to staff and pupils for sharing these, we hope you'll agree that they are great to see!
We have seen a wide selection of pieces created and completed during art lessons this week. Here are a selection.
Year 7 - Grace Paybody
Year 9 - Jamie Carr, Erin West, Katie Richards, Amelie Hancock and Maddie Burgess
Year 10 - Mark Dunkley
Year 10 - Millie Griffin, who has been working on her David Hockney project.
Food Technology
Alice Minshull Year 8 offered to cook at home and using skills she had practised at school she prepared a delicious meal for her family and Jesse Esler produced some tempting Greek biscuits as part of his lesson in baking.
Year 7 have been learning the rubbing in method and have cooked apple crumbles.
Year 8 have been learning the creaming method and have made Carrot Cake Muffins.
Year 9 have been learning how to make family meals and have made lasagne.
Religious Studies
Year 7 classes (7YQ and 7XL) worked really hard with Miss O'Gorman, to produce a board game to revise Sikhism as an end of topic project. The task was to create a board game which included revision questions about Sikhism with rules for playing. Students were given Da Vinci merits for their efforts.
Here are some excellent examples from Olivia Monk, Matilda Palmer, Jess Hedgecock and Cara Ridd.
Year 7 pupils have put their sewing skills to the test creating ski hats. There are many variations on the theme!
We look forward to seeing more examples of great Home Learning in the next edition of The Flagpole.