
College Sports Day Was Fantastic Fun 

The College’s annual Sports Day took place today, Wednesday 3 July, and it was a fantastic afternoon of friendly, but fiercely competitive sport. A limited programme of events took place because of the drizzle but that didn't stop the fun. The track was action-packed from the moment the starting gun fired. College staff were kept busy timing and recording all the running taking place.

Pupils' performances were superb, and pupils and staff cheered all the competitors on. Our very own Clare Baldings, aka Mrs White and Mrs Allen were kept busy announcing all the races and the new school records set, adding to the excitement of the event.

Foundation Director of Sport, Lee Cassell, said, “Despite the delayed start and the ever present drizzle we had another super Sports Day with plenty of excellent performances. As always the atmosphere was incredible, pupils were very supportive of each other, appreciating every individual effort.”

Huge thanks to all the staff and Sports Leaders involved in organising the event. 

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For House Activities Day Pupils Went On A Viking Quest

It was House Activities Day on Thursday 27 June, the biggest event of the House year. It is always a real favourite with pupils who go all out to win the house points up for grabs.

This year pupils went on a Viking Quest taking part in a series of challenges and activities with their Tutor Groups. They told Viking Sagas, solved Taskmaster Thor challenges, and the puzzle of Aegir’s Banquet, played Hnefatafl (Viking Chess), took on King Canute’s Kickball and the Battle of Assandun, faced the Gods of Asgard and helped to make the Skidbladnir’s sails.

After all the activities had been completed, the school came together for a finale and the Vikings roared as the Houses hoisted their sails.

An absolutely massive thank you to those who made the day possible, especially House Activities Co-ordinator, Meg O’Gorman, House Leaders; Ellie Callan, Vicky Howell, Bérénice Galano and Laura Wilford and our stalwart Sixth Form House Captains who all worked so hard to make House Activities Day so much fun.

It was another epic adventure, and as always Princethorpe you were amazing!

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Another Successful Music Tour

38 pupils from the College’s Choir, String Orchestra and Concert Band, from Years 7 to the Sixth Form, have just returned from a five-day trip to Rhineland, Germany where they took part in an enjoyable and successful music tour.

Their action-packed adventure included the opportunity to perform in beautiful locations, as well as visit and tour the Seigfrieds Musikkabinett (mechanical instrument museum), explore the picturesque towns of Boppard, Cologne and Koblenz, take a boat cruise on the river Moselle and visit the Phantasialand Theme Park.

Princethorpe’s talented prodigies confidently performed to appreciative and sizeable audiences in Rűdesheim and Kohlbachhaus. They were fabulous ambassadors for the College, and everyone had an incredible time.

This is the third time that the College has taken its instrumental and choral groups on tour (previously having had wonderful trips to Vienna in 2019 and Belgium in 2022), and the entire trip was once again a resounding success.

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Princethorpe’s Smallholding Project: Progress Update And Call To Action

I’m delighted to provide another update on the Smallholding Project, which continues to rally the enthusiasm and support of our entire Princethorpe community. Since our last update, we’ve made significant strides, raising over £40,000 and surpassing 80% of our target amount. This progress is a testament to the incredible generosity and commitment of our supporters.

How You Can Make a Difference

As we near our fundraising goal, we invite everyone to join us in supporting this important project. Your contributions, whether financial or in-kind, will help us bring the Smallholding Project to life. If you or someone you know can assist with fencing, supply polytunnels, greenhouses, or other resources beneficial to our project, please do get in touch.

Impacts and Benefits

The Smallholding Project promises numerous benefits for Princethorpe. It will provide a dynamic outdoor classroom where pupils can engage hands-on with agriculture, enriching their educational experience across subjects like Science, Geography, and Business Studies. This practical learning environment will foster a deeper connection to nature and cultivate valuable life skills in all our pupils.

Moreover, the project extends its impact beyond our school, strengthening our community ties. By integrating farming practices and offering educational workshops, we aim to enhance community engagement with nature. This initiative not only supports our educational mission but also contributes positively to our wider community.

Join Us in Creating a Sustainable Future

Your support is crucial as we enter this final phase of fundraising. Together, we can make the Smallholding Project a reality, leaving a lasting legacy of learning and growth for our pupils and community. Whether through financial contributions or valuable resources, your involvement will make a significant difference.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have supported us thus far and encourage those who are able to join us in this exciting journey. For more information on how you can contribute or to discuss potential donations, please contact Steve Kowal, Development Director, at

Thank you for being a part of this remarkable initiative. Together, we are cultivating a brighter future for Princethorpe.

Steve Kowal
Development Director

103 Year 9 Pupils Complete Bronze Duke Of Edinburgh's Qualifying Expeditions

Congratulations to all the 109 Year 9 pupils who have successfully completed their Duke of Edinburgh's Award Qualifying Expeditions.

Unaccompanied and self-sufficient, they trekked and camped their way through the Cotswolds, working together in teams to achieve their expedition objectives.

The Duke of Edinburgh's Awards are recognised as the world’s leading youth achievement award. They provide young people with the opportunity to get involved, explore new interests, discover talents and make new friends and they are a big part of life here at Princethorpe.

Here at Princetorpe College, the overwhelming majority of pupils in Year 9 take part and we are delighted to see them embracing this co-curricular opportunity.

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Year 11 Celebrate At Coombe Abbey

Princethorpe College welcomed pupils to Coombe Abbey in Coventry on Friday 21 June to celebrate the end of their time in Year 11. In time honoured tradition the boys, handsome in black tie, and the girls, bedecked in beautiful gowns, arrived at the venue in their choice of transport to be greeted by members of staff. The backdrop of the atmospheric architecture and grounds of Coombe Abbey lent an extra special magic to the air.

Deputy Head Pastoral, Beth Sharpe, said, "It was a wonderful event and the end of an era for this year group. We are immensely proud of them all, and it was a pleasure to welcome them to their celebration. It is always an emotional occasion, but the mood was full of optimism for their next steps and the journey ahead."

The professional photos are now available and a link to a gallery has been emailed to parents.

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Year 8 Explore The Battlefields Of Belgium

Year 8 have explored the Battlefields of World War One in trips to Belgium in support of their history studies. Travelling in two groups, they had plenty to reflect on across their three days away as the size of the cemeteries brought home the scale of the conflict.

Pupils visited the Allied cemeteries, including the Essex Farm Cemetery and Dressing Station and the Tyne Cot Cemetery, as well as the Langemark German Military Cemetery. They took time to explore the In Flanders Field Museum, the Memorial Museum at Passchendaele, the Hill 62 Sanctuary Wood Museum and the Hill 60 Caterpillar Crater. Year 8 also took part in moving Last Post Ceremonies at the Menin Gate with pupils laying a wreath on behalf of the College at the evenings' services. Pupils were incredibly respectful at all the memorials visited.

It was a thought provoking and informative trip for them all.

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Plenty Of Inspiration At The British Motor Museum Girls In STEM Workshop

13 girls from Year 9 and Year 10 and our Lower Sixth STEAM Ambassador, Jemima Teeton, visited the British Motor Museum on Wednesday 26 June to take part in a special Girls in STEM workshop.

They enjoyed an exclusive keynote presentation and Q&A with Louise Reynolds, Director of Procurement at Aston Martin, followed by an interactive tour of the collection. They then got to race remote-controlled Jaguar D-types around a special track and try out some hands-on science activities with the STEM Ambassadors from MoD Kineton.

The day culminated with the opportunity to meet Eliza Seville, Formula Woman 2022 winner, and hear from, Senior Programme Manager, Kerrie Earl, on what it takes to be a successful woman in motorsport.

During the day there was also time for a self-guided tour of museum that included Max Verstappen’s F1 shoes, gloves and racing helmet, plus a F1 steering wheel and carbon fibre brake drum assembly.

Head of Physics, Dan Lee, commented, “The girls were an absolute credit to the school - they asked thoughtful questions, engaged in all of the activities and had a really positive experience.”

What an inspirational opportunity – we hope you enjoyed yourselves!

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Plenty Of Smiling Faces On Induction Day

On Wednesday 26 June, we welcomed 140 pupils to Princethorpe who will be joining the school this coming September. Most will be starting in Year 7 but some are joining in higher years. Amongst them were an amazing 39 siblings of pupils already here at the school.

Induction Day was a chance for them to meet their fellow pupils, familiarise themselves with the layout of the school, get a feel for the sorts of lessons they can expect and generally to answer questions, allay fears and ease the transition to their new school.

Our prospective Year 7s arrived looking excited and a little bit nervous in readiness for an action-packed day. Headmaster, Grove du Toit, and Head of Transition, Sue Harris, greeted them warmly and soon had them organised into groups. They began by spending time with their new Heads of House before our friendly Sixth Form helpers led them off to their first lessons.

During the day, they also met their new Tutor Groups, got to grips with the lunch queue and the dining room, as well as experiencing a number of different lessons. They also enjoyed some fun team building activities. There was lots of excellent advice on offer from staff and current pupils and of course no induction day would be complete without that special treat, a legendary Princethorpe cookie!

We had plenty of smiling faces and it was clear that everyone enjoyed making new friends. We look forward to welcoming our new pupils back again just before the start of the autumn term. For the Year 7s that will be on their Preparation Day on Monday 2 September.

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OPs Summer Supper Reunion 2024

As has become our Summer tradition, it was a pleasure to once again host the OPs Summer Supper Reunion at the College on Friday 28 June.

Representatives from the classes of 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 and 2014 returned for their respective 50th, 40th, 30th, 20th and 10th anniversaries of leaving, and in one case an OP was celebrating his 60th anniversary of starting at Princethorpe in 1964! These guests were joined by a smattering of OPs from other years, as well as former and current staff, and it was special to see such a broad representation of the College's history.

The evening started with an optional tour of school at 6.00pm, ably led by Melanie Butler and Eddie Tolcher. The large group meandered excitedly around the campus, visiting historic areas such as the Chapel, the Library, the cloister corridors and the Roundhouse, along with the newer Limes Building and Sixth Form Centre and the most recent addition to the site, the Science Centre.

After a Drinks Reception in the Quad, the group was warmly welcomed by Foundation Principal, Ed Hester, and invited to take their seats in the Refectory. Fr Alan Whelan MSC said grace and the refectory became a hubbub of chatter and laughter as guests sat amongst their peers from the same or similar leaving decade. The gathered OPs happily caught up and reminisced over a delicious three course meal. Conversations were bolstered by a rolling powerpoint, meticulously prepared by our Archivist Jo Wong, which featured images of many of the attendees, taken from year books, prize giving programmes and the College’s magazine, The Tower.

After dinner, Ed Hester thanked the College’s wonderful catering team and spoke to the assembled gathering about developments at the College, particularly regarding new initiatives in both Development and Alumni engagement across the Foundation. He referenced the recent OPs Workshop where over 40 alumni from our Foundation schools met to share ideas about how to better support and engage all alumni. Ed then thanked all those who had stepped up to join, or continue serving in, the OP Committee under a newly defined structure that directly responds to the feedback at the workshop. Some of these members were present at the reunion and able to give a wave to the room, including Melanie Butler who continues to serve faithfully as OP Secretary, and Caroline Spencer who was recently appointed as Alumni Relations and Development Officer. A huge thanks was extended to Peter Rollason for his long service as Chair of the Committee, and he was presented with a small gift to acknowledge this and his continuing support as Honorary President.

There have been some significant retirements this year which Ed paid tribute to. Alex Darkes retired after 45 years working at the College and Rachel Taylor has dedicated 50 years across St Joseph's (now Crackley Hall School) and Princethorpe; both were sadly unable to attend the event but sent everyone their best wishes. We also love to honour current long-standing members of staff, and were happy to be able to thank Kieran McCullough in person, with a gift presented by Peter Rollason on behalf of the Association, for his 12 years to date. Kieran enjoyed reconnecting with former colleagues and pupils over the course of the evening.

As the supper came to a happy close, guests mingled, teachers enjoyed hearing of their pupils’ achievements, and plans were made for keeping in touch with more informal reunions in the future.

Thanks go to our wonderful catering team, the OPs Committee and all who contributed to the success of the event.

We will shortly begin planning for the 2025 Summer Supper Reunion, which will be aimed at leavers of 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005 and 2015, and will take place on Friday 27 June 2025. We encourage you to spread the word amongst your Old Princethorpian acquaintences, as we are keen to keep the Princethorpe Spirit of Family alive and well for generations to come.

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New General Secretary Of CISC Visits Princethorpe

The Princethorpe Foundation was delighted to welcome Sarah Harcombe-Barreto, the new General Secretary of the Catholic Independent Schools’ Conference (CISC), to Princethorpe College on Tuesday 25 June. Sarah met with Foundation Principal, Ed Hester, who has recently been appointed to the committee of CISC, a role that will see him help direct the work of the charity. Sarah also enjoyed lunch with staff, including Head of Religious Studies, Cyp Vella, and Father Alan Whelan, and was taken on a tour of the school.

Another Exceptional Summer Art, Photography And Design Show

This year’s Summer Art, Photography and Design Show opened on Thursday 27 June with a special evening reception for the artists and their families, friends and guests. The displays remained on show until Sunday 30 June allowing visitors to the College’s Summer Fête and Motoring Festival to enjoy the superb standard of work this year’s GCSE and A-level pupils have produced.

Those who know the College will be familiar with its formidable reputation for quality Art and Design and this year’s show was no exception. On display was work from pupils exploring a diverse range of mediums and themes. In the Sixth Form Atrium and Lecture Theatre fascinating portraiture sat alongside superb studies, imaginative illustrations and phenomenal photography. Intermixed were intricately stitched dresses and jackets, showcasing this year’s Textiles pieces. Recycling or repurposing was a theme running through many Resistant Materials’ final products.  

Visitors were audibly impressed with what they saw, stopping to stare in wonder, exclaiming over the ingenuity and talent and enjoying the fine collection of work. 

Our congratulations go to all our GCSE and A-level pupils for producing such a worthy display. Thanks go to the Art and Photography Department and the Design and Technology Department for all their support and inspiration to pupils this and every year and for putting together such an outstanding display.

Images of their work will be shared with our community once all their work has been moderated and any exam appeals finalised.

The College’s exhibition was once again one of many venues across Coventry and Warwickshire taking part in Warwickshire Open Studios 2024.

PTA Summer Fête And Motoring Festival A Delightful Event

The College’s annual Summer Fête and Motoring Festival is always a delightful afternoon. So much hard work goes into organising the event and the College is hugely grateful to our dedicated PTA who do such an excellent job every year.

Sunday 30 June was no exception. The Orchard was transformed thanks to plenty of enthusiasm, gazebos and bunting and the British weather stayed dry, allowing organisers and visitors to relax and enjoy themselves and their ice creams.

At the bottom of the Orchard there was line upon line of classic and unusual cars on show. Polished to perfection by loving owners, proud to show off their prized vehicles, Hillman Imps sat alongside Morris Minors, Maseratis and TVRs and visitors wandered appreciatively in between, stopping to ask questions and admire their favourites.

An array of stalls offered all sorts of entertainment, goods and services, including homemade food, arts and crafts, gifts, fundraising activities, tombolas and so much more.

A popular, new attraction this year was the 'Alpaca Pals' with Dante in particular wooing the crowds. Many enjoyed the opportunity to get up close and personal with these gorgeous animals. 

What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon and best of all, on the day, £4895.07 was raised which will benefit the learning of every pupil in the school. Huge thanks to all the organisers and visitors, see you again next year for more fun!

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Year 10 PSHE - OP Ed Hunter

During their last PSHE lesson of the academic year, all Year 10 pupils attended an inspiring talk from OP Edward Hunter. During his talk, Mr Hunter led the pupils through his career choices and opportunities, sharing some of his biggest successes and also some of his experiences when he had to learn lessons and show resilience. Mr Hunter spoke passionately about having strong personal values including accountability and a relentless pursuit of excellence, while also maintaining a sense of fun and humour. During the Q&A session, pupils were interested to know whether Mr Hunter preferred being employed or self-employed, and also asked what impact his A-level choices had had on his career. To finish, Mr Hunter talked about how to build a network of contacts and find mentors in specific career areas. 

Overall, it was a fantastic experience for our Year 10 pupils, building on careers work from their classroom PSHE lesson last week, and looking forward to their one-to-one careers interviews at the start of Year 11.

Alison Wakeley
Teacher of Music & Head of PSHE