Welcome back to the Trinity Term, we hope you enjoyed the Easter break and are feeling ready for the term ahead.

Pupils have settled back into their routines quickly, and we have had a busy first week with plenty of learning and co-curricular fun.  

We had a successful Open Morning this week, many thanks to all our Year 8 and Year 9 tour guides for showing visitors around the school.

Watch out for the next edition of the Flagpole on Friday 3 May.



Foundation Principal's Message

Foundation Principal's Message

As we start the Trinity Term, I wanted to follow up on previous communications with you where we have shared the Foundation Strategic Plan and Environmental Sustainability Plan.  
We have had great feedback on these plans, and I want to thank all the parents who have taken the time to write to us. 
In the parent feedback we have also had a number of queries about the current political climate and potential changes which may affect the independent schools’ sector in the future, and what our plans are in the light of any changes. 
To address this area, we are holding an Online Parents’ Forum which has been calendared for Monday 13 May at 7.00pm. This event is aimed at all Foundation parents across our schools and will specifically cover potential changes, some of which have been highlighted and discussed in the media, including the possible introduction of VAT on school fees. 
During this live online forum there will be the opportunity to raise questions. We will send all parents an email with a link to the Online Parent Forum, but in the meantime, if there are any specific questions you would like addressing, please send them in using this short form
On a related note, a number of parents have asked about our Fees in Advance Scheme, and for those whom this may be of interest to, we have put information on our website, which can be found here
Many thanks in advance for all your help and support and let’s hope that the weather perks up soon! 
Best wishes 
E D Hester 



James Bostock Selected For ISFA National Squad

Congratulations to Year 8 pupil, James Bostock, who has been selected for the ISFA (Independent Schools Football Association) U14 National Squad. It’s a huge achievement and we are very proud of him.

James was one of five Princethorpe pupils that took part in the recent ISFA U13 Regional Representative Festival in Shrewsbury over the Easter holidays.

His selection means that he qualifies for the ISFA training camp that will take place over the summer holidays and will compete in an academy tournament at Haileybury School in August.

James also plays for Cheltenham’s U13 Academy.

It’s an amazing opportunity for James, and we hope he has a fabulous time playing for the ISFA.


Student Success In The RSC Chemistry Olympiad

Designed to challenge and inspire, the UK Chemistry Olympiad is a national chemistry competition run by the Royal Society Of Chemistry. Hosted annually, it is aimed at students in the Sixth Form and offers a unique opportunity for chemistry students to develop their thinking and problem-solving skills and test their existing knowledge of chemistry in situations from the real-world.

The results of this year’s competition have been received and all the Upper Sixth students who took part in the 2024 Chemistry Olympiad were awarded certificates. Congratulations to Joseph Newborough, Rahul Samra, Amy Hogg, Carys Nicolle, Radley Evans, Lola Ashley and Guy Dawkins. A special mention to Joseph who received a Silver certificate. The students faced tough national competition and we congratulate them all on their excellent results.

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More House Win The House Cup

More House celebrated after winning the most hotly contested competition in school, the House Cup. Their victory was announced by House Activities Leader, Meg O’Gorman, in the Prefect Inauguration ceremony on the last day of the Lent Term. The House Cup was presented to the outgoing More House Captains, Eloise Keil and Finn Osborn, as jubilant More pupils cheered across the school.

More had started their campaign well winning Sports Day, but the race was on when Fisher claimed victory on House Activities Day. Across the year, pupils participated enthusiastically enjoying all the events, including exciting new ones such as House O’Games and Pancake Tossing.

It was a steady and consistent performance that helped More pupils amass their huge total of points and finish first for the second year running. The final placings were: 1st More, 2nd Fisher, 3rd Austin and 4th Benet.

Huge thanks to all the House team, including the House Activities Co-ordinators (Mrs Galano, Miss Howell, Miss Callan and Mrs Wilford) and the House Captains for all they do to organise and run House events.

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Princethorpe's Sixth Formers Conquer The Coventry Way 40-Mile Challenge

Huge congratulations to the 11 Sixth Form students who took on the Coventry Way 40-mile Challenge on Sunday 7 April. Alex Flegg, Chris Lock, Felix Batty, Finley Shields, Freddie Hadley, Hamish O'Brien, Harry Collins, Kaena Wasley, Natasha Thomas, Oliver Alford, and Sam Astle set off from Meriden at 5.30am and walked around Coventry following the circular footpath.

After the heavy rain this winter, walking conditions were treacherous, the uneven footing and inclines taking their toll, but the walkers resiliently continued to put one foot in front of the other, pressing on undeterred, buoyed by the unwavering support of their comrades. Finally, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the Princethorpe team emerged victorious, returning to Meriden with hearts full of pride and accomplishment, exhausted but elated.

The challenge was a test of endurance that pushed the young adventurers to their limits and beyond. We applaud the Princethorpe students for their perserverance, tenacity and their remarkable achievement.

Our walkers were raising money for Mary's Meals UK to support the College’s commitment to Makalanga Primary School.

Please do support them by donating here. Your donation will be much appreciated - not the least by the weary walkers.

Huge thanks to the College staff and parents who supported the walkers on their incredible undertaking.


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The Easter Ski Trip Was A Memorable Affair

52 Year 10 pupils visited the vast Austrian ski area of Salzburger Sportwelt during the Easter holidays where excellent conditions made for plenty of super skiing during their stay.

The party travelled by coach over to Austria and stayed at a friendly well-located hotel where the helpful local staff ensured everything ran smoothly. Accommodation was good and the hotel worked hard to feed our hungry après ski teenagers. One night, the group had a great evening out at a local pizza restaurant where everyone enjoyed the freshly cooked pizzas.

But it was the skiing that everyone was interested in. Beginners, intermediates and advanced, every group benefited from a dedicated ski instructor who coached and fine-tuned their skills and took them out into the resorts. There was a wide choice of runs, from greens up to blacks, so Princethorpe’s downhillers were spoilt for choice. During the week progress was excellent and the instructors were impressed with the fantastic progress made.

Other entertainment included a game of mini golf and a visit to the beautiful Austrian city of Salzburg.

This year's ski trip was not without its challenges but the snow and the skiing was amazing. Our Year 10 pupils behaved impeccably and everyone had a spectacular time. The 2024 Ski Trip certainly provided a memorable end to a busy Lent Term.

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The Foundation's Philanthropic Activities

Did you know?

We are constantly seeking ways to make a meaningful impact - not just within the walls of our classrooms but beyond. It is with great pride that we share an often-overlooked aspect of our institution: our status as a registered charity (1087124). This designation is not just a bureaucratic label; it is a gateway to extensive philanthropic opportunities that cater to the diverse interests and passions of our community.

The Princethorpe Foundation and our schools are uniquely positioned to act as a conduit for charitable efforts across a spectrum of causes. Whether it's advancing educational opportunities, preserving cultural heritage, promoting religious understanding, or supporting environmental stewardship, the possibilities are as vast as the imagination and goodwill of our community members.

A Platform for Diverse Philanthropic Activities

Every contribution we receive can be directed towards initiatives that resonate deeply with donors’ values. This model of giving ensures that our community can support a broad array of projects, making philanthropy highly personal and immediately impactful. Here are just a few ways that donations are helping:

  • Access to Education: Our bursaries are directly impacting the lives of young people and their families, who excel academically, but could otherwise not afford a Princethorpe Education.
  • Cultural Preservation: Support to maintain and celebrate our historic priory buildings.
  • Sports and the Arts: Activities that nurture pupils' physical and creative growth and the facilities they use.
  • Agricultural Education: Initiatives that promote farming practices and enhance pupils' understanding of agriculture’s critical role in our ecosystem and economy. 

These examples only scratch the surface of what we can achieve together. Our charitable framework allows us to funnel support where it is most needed or most desired, turning the generous contributions of today into the lasting benefits of tomorrow.

Engage, Contribute, and Impact

We invite every member of our community to engage with us in this journey of philanthropy. Think about what causes you are passionate about. How can your contributions, big or small, play a role in advancing these causes? We are here to facilitate this process, to make sure that your giving is as rewarding as it is effective.

If you have ideas, projects, or specific causes you would like to support, please reach out. We are eager to discuss how we can work together to harness the power of our community for the greater good. Your involvement is crucial to our success and vital in shaping the philanthropic landscape of our community.

Through your support, we can continue to expand the boundaries of what we can achieve as a collective. Let’s continue to inspire change and make a significant impact on the world around us. Together, we can build a legacy of community, care, and change that will resonate for generations to come.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our collective future. Let us harness our efforts to not only educate but to enrich our world in myriad ways.

For more information or to make a donation, please contact Steve Kowal, our Development Director at makingadifference@princethorpe.co.uk

Together, we can do so much. Let's make it possible.


Pupils Explore Control Engineering In The Latest STEAM Lecture

We welcomed Dr Mathias Foo, from Warwick University to school on Wednesday 17 April for the latest in our series of STEAM lectures.

Dr Foo, who is an expert in Control Engineering, gave an insight into his own education and academic pathway to his current position as Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick. He then explained all the different types of engineering before defining Control Engineering, a relatively new branch of engineering that deals with automation and feedback loops. Dr Foo used simple examples, such as an automatic toaster with a sensor that will produce perfect toast every time, to demonstrate what Control Engineering is, before talking through a variety of other applications such as autonomous vehicles and the Hyperloop project, which intends to realise high speed capsule transport that could take passengers from London to Edinburgh in 50 minutes.

Dr Foo gave insights into a few of the projects that he has worked on, the first to automate irrigation in Australia which successfully removed the need for human input and reduced water usage by 30%, and a more recent project where the flowering of plants was optimised by controlling the light conditions. He concluded by discussing the future of Control Engineering and the exciting development of Artificial Intelligence that could have significant benefits to the industry.

It was another fascinating lecture, and the College was delighted to present Dr Foo with a Princethorpe College STEAM pin badge in recognition of the outreach he and his team have provided to the College over the past two years, including work experience opportunities and talks for both pupils and parents.


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Duke Of Edinburgh Expedition Season Is Upon Us Again

The Easter holidays saw the successful start of this year’s Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expedition season with Princethorpe’s Gold, Silver and Bronze Group A participants completing their practice expeditions. Bronze Group B have their first taste of self-sufficient walking this weekend. Always a key part of the Award, the expeditions provide an unforgettable experience that develops team and leadership skills and builds independence and confidence.

From Monday 25 to Thursday 28 March, 33 Gold students braved extremely wet conditions in the Lake District spending three days of walking and camping. In five teams they walked circular routes  that included Borrowdale and Buttermere and finished in Keswick. Along the way, they enjoyed the stunning views of fells such as Ard Crags, Knott Rigg, Rannerdale Knotts, Haystacks and Catbells.

Then at the end of the Easter holidays, from Friday 12 to Sunday 14 April, 37 Silver pupils travelled to the White Peak, where six teams completed two days of walking and two nights of camping. They trekked following routes through beautiful Dovedale, the Manifold Way and along the Tissington Trail to Ilam Hall near Ashbourne and they all successfully completed their practice expedition.

To cap off this mammoth DofE effort, the same weekend the first of the group of 50 Bronze Award pupils also completed their practice expeditions in the local Princethorpe countryside, undertaking two days of walking and one night of camping, walking down to Long Itchington and back. Let’s hope they enjoyed their first expeditions, carrying all their own food and tents and getting to grips with the challenge of cooking your tea on a trangia!

Will Bower, Head of Outdoor Education, said, “Pupils worked hard showing good navigation and camp-craft skills and, despite the sometimes challenging weather, we had plenty of happy, tired faces at the end.”

All the pupils now need to start planning for their qualifying expeditions that take place later in the term; Gold in Snowdonia, Silver in the Dark Peak and Bronze in the Cotswolds.

And the very best of luck to the 56 Bronze Group B pupils on their practice expeditions.

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OP Guy Minshull Speaks To The Sixth Form About His Amazing Atlantic Dash

Princethorpe College was delighted to welcome OP and current parent Guy Minshull back to school on Wednesday 17 April, as the latest in our series of inspirational speakers for our Sixth Form students. Guy attended the College from 1980 to 1985 and now farms locally. His first teacher at Princethorpe was Alex Darkes who was also on hand to hear Guy speak.

Guy has just completed the challenge of a lifetime, one of the toughest endurance events in the world. Pitting himself against the might of the Atlantic Ocean in the Atlantic Dash, a 3,200-mile rowing race from Lanzarote to Antigua. He spoke to students about his 52-day journey and the life lessons he has taken away.

Guy committed to the challenge to support his long-time friend Rod but with no nautical experience even the journey to the row was hard. After all their preparations, the Brightsides team (Guy, Rod, Anna and Pez) set off on Wednesday 3 January and rowed two hours on two hours off for 24-hours a day. Along the way they endured wild weather, encountered wildlife, including flying fish, dolphins and even a pesky marlin, were blessed with vivid sunrises and sunsets galore and stunning night skies. They also suffered from painful blisters and callouses as they all turned into toughened rowing machines. They finally reached Antigua on Sunday 25 February, cheered in by delighted family and friends.

Before their challenge the team of four rowers had agreed to four simple rules, don’t be late for a shift, give it everything, have fun and to come home as friends and Guy concluded his talk with the message that with the right team pulling together anything is possible. His final advice to his audience was that it is always good to get out of your comfort zone and that no matter how tough things are it is worth keeping going.

Huge thanks to Guy for sharing his experiences with us and congratulations to all the Brightsides team on their superhuman effort, and for together raising over £150,000 for two charities, Meningitis Now and Get A-Head.


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College Presents Winter Sports Awards

Princethorpe College’s Winter Sports Awards were celebrated during the last week of the Lent Term. It was an opportunity to recognise the achievements of the College’s young sportsmen and sportswomen at all levels and across all sports.

Foundation Director of Sport, Lee Cassell, Head of Girls' Games, Carly Walton, and Head of Boys’ Games, Joe Jackson, announced the teams of the season. Recognising their success across the year, the Girls Sports Team Of The Year was awarded to the Girls 1st XI Hockey Team while the Boys Sports Team Of The Year went to the U15 Rugby Team.

The individual awards were presented to:

  • Junior Sports Girl Of The Year – Faith Katanda
  • Junior Sports Boy Of The Year – Louis Reynolds
  • Senior Sports Girl Of The Year – Frankie Kelly
  • Senior Sports Boy Of The Year – Alastair Forinton
  • Sixth Form Sports Girls Of The Year – Sophie Gray
  • Sixth Form Sports Boy Of The Year – Joel Nicoll

Mr Cassell commented, “Congratulations to all the award winners, it has been another very successful season for the College with plenty to celebrate across the school. Huge thanks to all the pupils for their commitment and effort and to the coaching staff and parents for their dedication to school sport.”


Princethorpe College Taster Events

Throughout the Trinity Term, we will be hosting a number of Taster Events for prospective pupils looking to join Princethorpe in 2025 and beyond.

Year 4 and 5 Say Hello To Hockey
Saturday 11 May 2024 9.30am to 12.00pm

If you'd love to give hockey a try, why not come along to the Princethorpe College 'Year 4 and 5 Say Hello To Hockey' taster session!

This activity is open to children who do not attend a Foundation Prep School.

A morning of free hockey training on our astroturf, you'll learn new skills, make friends and have fun. Aimed at girls and boys, the morning will finish with a mini tournament, beginners most welcome!

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. To book your child's place please complete a booking and consent form, for a copy please click here.

Year 5 Taster Days
Tuesday 14 May, Tuesday 11 June, Thursday 13 June and Wednesday 19 June 2024

Aimed at prospective Year 5 pupils, our Taster Days are a great way for your child to really experience Princethorpe during a normal school day.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Please click here to book your child's place at one of our Year 5 Taster Days.

Crackley Hall and Crescent School Year 5 pupils and their parents have already been invited to school specific Taster Days and Parents' Information Sessions in April.

Year 6 Taster Days will be available in September 2024.

For further information on admissions and entry to the College in 2025 visit our school website or speak to the Admissions Team on 01926 634201/297 or by email at admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.


OPs Bluebells And Brunch

Saturday 11 May 2024 - 10.30am to 12.30pm

We are once again offering OPs, former parents and former staff the opportunity to visit the College and catch up over a full English or a croissant or two. As well enjoying a leisurely complimentary brunch (served until 12.00 noon) visitors will be able to wander around the Mile Walk and admire the bluebells, watch Saturday sports fixtures, and take an optional tour of the school campus.  

Former parents will have spent a considerable amount of time at Princethorpe over the years supporting their children, and may be missing their involvement in school life. The Old Princethorpians' Association organises the brunch as an opportunity for all to reconnect with both the College and each other in an informal, friendly environment.

If you would like to attend please register on Princethorpe Connect by Friday 3 May 2024.

Please do spread the word!

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The 2023 National Schools And Riding Clubs Two Day Event

Saturday 25 May – Sunday 26 May 2024

The National Schools And Riding Clubs Two Day Event once again takes place on the magnificent Princethorpe estate.

Entries are now open for the National Schools and Riding Clubs Two-Day Event, the only event of its kind in the UK, attracting up to 300 riders each year.

This year’s event includes classes at 70cm, 80cm, 900cm and 100cm for school and riding club teams. The best performing school will be awarded the Wigley Cup and ISA member school teams will also compete for ISA rosettes.

The event takes place across the weekend of 25 to 26 May at Princethorpe College, near Rugby, and is backed by local firm The Wigley Group.

Entry to the event is free so we do hope you can come along and enjoy a wonderful weekend of equestrian events.

For more information and or to enter please click here.

Spring Concert 2024

Friday 26 April - 7.00pm to 9.00pm

Our annual Spring Concert is fast approaching!

We will be holding our fantastic Spring Concert at Princethorpe again, and it will be taking place in the Sports Hall at 7.00pm on Friday 26 April. This is your opportunity to hear all the best items from the Music department across one exciting evening of entertainment. Concert Band, String Orchestra, Choir, and our Vocalize a Capella group, alongside small ensembles and solos will provide an unforgettable evening of musical entertainment.  

Tickets are available free of charge and are available using this form here.

Gil Cowlishaw
Director of Music


English And Drama Departments Enrichment Programme

Wednesday 24 April - 4.00pm to 5.30pm

Richard Blair, son of George Orwell, join us for an informal talk on his late father’s work of dystopian fiction 1984. This will be an informal discussion with plenty of opportunities for Q & A. We will no doubt touch on subjects close to Orwell’s heart, including poverty, political extremism, and the dangers posed by the corruption of language and the rise of new technologies.

All welcome!

Helen Pascoe-Williams           Aileen Cefaliello
Head of English                       Joint Head of Drama

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Invitation To The LAMDA Showcase Evening

Thursday 25 April - 6.15pm

We are delighted to welcome parents and friends to this informal evening where you will have the opportunity to see our more advanced LAMDA students perform some of their examination pieces. Please note that the material is age appropriate and may not be suitable for very young audience members.

Please click here in order to book free tickets. Refreshments will be served after the performance when our LAMDA teachers look forward to meeting you.

Individual performers will be contacted directly through their LAMDA teacher. 

Kathy Buckingham-Underhill
LAMDA Co-ordinator




Internal Examination Week

In the week before May half-term, Monday 20 to Friday 25 May, we will be conducting an internal examination week. For this period pupils will not be in normal lessons but will instead be using the time to revise and to take a series of assessments across their subjects. All year groups will continue to have their Games afternoon during this period.

For Lower Sixth students and Year 10 pupils we will be using the opportunity to begin preparations for public examinations next summer, helping them to become familiar with the formality of examinations and to have a taste of an examination hall environment, alongside any individual exam access arrangements.  

For Years 7 to 9 the experience will be less formal and papers will be shorter in length, with pupils working in classrooms throughout and engaging in practical Art and Technology sessions. Their assessments will provide the chance to revisit content and to demonstrate how much they have learnt this year. 

All pupils should plan to revise in preparation for these assessments and will receive generic advice from the school alongside specific guidance from each subject. After half-term we will publish results and give feedback so that all pupils know how to improve in their future studies. 

Michael Spencer 
Deputy Head - Academic 

Year 8 And 9 360 Review Evening

Thank you for joining us at last night’s Year 8 and 9 360 Review Evening.

A recording of the main presentation can be seen here.

If you have any feedback about the event, please use this form.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head – Academic

Year 11 Examinations Final Information

As we approach the beginning of the examination season, we wanted to provide some final notes about arrangements for Year 11.

Examination Timetables 
Year 11 pupils have already received their examination timetables and know how to view these on My School Portal. These are also visible to parents from the left-hand menu on My School Portal. Roomings will be added closer to the examinations. 
Study Leave  
From Friday 3 May, pupils are not required to be on-site except when they have an examination. They may choose whether they work at home, in school or a combination of the two.  
Study Leave Registration 
In order to know who is on site at any time, Year 11 pupils will need to sign-in and out of school if arriving/leaving during the school day. For those wishing to leave school after an examination, we would request that they are collected in specified windows so that we can control traffic on the playground during the school day.

  • Pupils arriving for a morning examination will be registered in the exam room 
  • Pupils arriving to a study room for Period 1 will be registered in the room
  • Pupils arriving at any other time of day should sign in at the Pupil Hub
  • Pupils leaving after an examination can sign-out on the playground and be collected by parents at the times shown in the table below. 

Parents are not required to sign-out pupils when collecting them, but please do send your child a text when you have arrived so that they can show the Student Hub staff before leaving the premises. Similarly, if your child is being collected by another parent, when leaving school during the day after an exam, please email in advance to attendance@princethorpe.co.uk with the details. 

Examination Playground Pick-up Times 
Please click here for pick-up times.

Study Rooms 
Study rooms will be published to pupils before Study Leave and will appear on their timetables on My School Portal from Monday 13 May. The Learning Support department will speak to some pupils about alternative arrangements as appropriate. 
Examination Day Protocol 
Year 11 pupils should all attend examinations in correct uniform. They should use their lockers to store bags and revision materials when in an examination so that they are not bringing any forbidden items into the examination hall. Mobile phones accounted for 44% of malpractice cases nationally last year and it is essential that they are not in the room, even if switched off. 
Unforeseen Events And Special Consideration 
If your child is ill, injured or delayed in getting to school, please communicate with attendance@princethorpe.co.uk as normal and copy in the examinations office examinations@princethorpe.co.uk as quickly as possible so that we can offer the best advice and make any necessary arrangements to support. For pupils affected by illness or other circumstances such as bereavement, we are able to apply for Special Consideration from the examination boards if certain criteria are met. Please communicate any such issues to Heads of House and the examinations office if they arise. 
Book Return 
Year 11 pupils will need to return all of their textbooks and other loaned equipment before the summer and so we ask that this is done following the last examination taken by the whole year group. We will write to you nearer the time with details of exact timings. 
Finally, all of our best wishes go to all of those sitting examinations, and to those supporting them as they prepare to do so. 

Michael Spencer 
Deputy Head - Academic 

April Challenge Curriculum Calender

The April Challenge Calendar is now available in the Challenge Curriculum Channel on the Whole School Team. 

April is Earth Month, and most of the activities are linked to this theme. I hope pupils enjoy exploring the activities provided - I have included icons this month to show if it is a watch, listen or read activity. 

A link to the challenge can be found here.

Julia Lindsay
Challenge Curriculum Co-ordinator (KS3 and KS4)

Year 7 Subject Progress Evening (Online)

The Year 7 Subject Progress Evening will take place online on Wednesday 1 May, from 5.00pm to 8.30pm. Details of how to book appointments will be emailed week commencing 22 April 2024.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

External Examinations 2024 - Reminder

Summer Exam Season

All pupils have been given their personal exam statement of entry. Timetables can be viewed on the pupil and parent portals. Nearer the time of exams, room and seating arrangement information will be made available.

A few pupils have exam clashes and they have all now been contacted via Teams to discuss a resolution. A clash of exams only occurs when two exams for different subjects are timetabled to start at the same time on the same day.

Where two exams for the same subject are timetabled to start at the same time on the same day, they will be taken one after the other. This applies to GCSE History, IGCSE French, IGCSE Spanish and A-level Maths.

All candidates have now received an email with a link to the Candidate Handbook, which contains important information about the summer exam season. A copy of the Candidate Handbook can be accessed here.

Sarah Tsang
Examinations Officer


Confirmation - Lent Term 2025 - Reminder

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in the College Chapel in the Lent Term 2025. We are waiting for the Bishop to confirm the date.

Confirmation preparation will begin in October 2024. The preparation takes place over the lunch break. There will be four sessions in the Michaelmas Term and four in the Lent Term. Each 20-minute session will be offered twice during the week to avoid clashes with other activities.

If you would like further information, please email marybenham@princethorpe.co.uk.

Please complete the enrolment form here if you would like to register a pupil for Confirmation by Friday 1 July.
Mary Benham
Chaplaincy Co-ordinator

Sports Bags

I wanted to inform you of a new low level concern sanction that has been introduced for the Trinity Term.

From Monday 22 April 2024, if a pupil's sport bag is not safely stored in their issued locker and is subsequently returned to the Pupil Hub, the pupil will now be issued with an LLC. 

Pupils have been advised of this new sanction at the start of the week and have been given the week to check their lockers and keys are in working order.

They have also been advised that if they needed a key or to report an issue with their locker, to inform the Pupil Hub who would resolve any problems in advance of this start date.

Can I please make you all aware of this change, starting from Monday, so that you can reinforce this message over the weekend with our pupils.

Thank you for your continued support.

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral

Sixth Form

Trinity Term - Sixth Form Update

As we enter into this new term, I wanted to take a moment to extend a warm welcome back to all our students in the Sixth Form. We are excited to continue supporting them in their academic journey in the Trinity Term.

The Easter break provided an opportunity for rest and reflection, allowing our students to recharge their batteries and return with renewed focus and determination. Now, as they resume their studies, we encourage them to maintain this momentum and continue striving for excellence in all that they do.

Prefect Training Day

I am delighted to inform you that our Prefect Training Day on Friday 12 April was a resounding success! Our student leaders demonstrated exceptional dedication, enthusiasm, and commitment throughout the training sessions. It was truly inspiring to witness their passion for serving our school community and their eagerness to take on their new responsibilities with grace and confidence.

40 Mile Walk

Additionally, I extend heartfelt congratulations to all the participants of the recent 40 mile walk. Your dedication, perseverance, and teamwork were truly admirable. Your achievement not only showcases your physical endurance but also your ability to overcome challenges. Well done to each and every one of you!

24/7 Mary's Meals Walk - Sunday 9 June 2024

Continuing our tradition of philanthropy and global citizenship, we are proud to participate in the 24/7 Mary's Meals Walk. This initiative aims to support Mary's Meals in their mission to provide nutritious meals to children in some of the world's poorest communities. By walking together, our students exemplify the values of compassion, empathy, and solidarity.

In conclusion, as we navigate the opportunities and challenges of the Trinity Term, we extend our deepest gratitude to all parents for their unwavering support and commitment to their child's education. Together, let us empower our Sixth Form students to embrace leadership, service, and personal growth. Ensuring that they emerge as confident, compassionate, and resilient individuals ready to make a positive impact on the world.

Key Dates

Friday 19 April - Headmaster's Outgoing Prefect and Subject Ambassador Dinner

Tuesday 23 April - L6 UCAS Higher Education and Apprenticeship Evening

Friday 10 May - Upper Sixth Last Day and study leave commences

Sunday 9 June - 24/7 Mary's Meals Walk

Saturday 15 June - Lower Sixth First Aid Course

Sunday 9 June - 24/7 Mary's Meals Walk

Monday 24 June - Activities Week and Lower Sixth Summer BBQ

Tuesday 25 June - Upper Sixth Eucharist and Lower Sixth UCAS Day at Birmingham NEC

Friday 28 June - Lower Sixth Alton Towers Trip

Sunday 30 June - PTA Summer Fete and 27th Annual Motoring Festival

Monday 1 July - Lower Sixth Make A Difference Day

Tuesday 2 July - Upper Sixth Leavers' Ball and Lower Sixth UCAS Information Day

Ben Collie 
Head of Sixth Form 

Universities and Careers

UCAS Higher Education And Apprenticeship Information Evening For Parents And Students

Tuesday 23 April - 6.30pm to 8.00pm

We invite all Lower Sixth Form students and their parents to an evening in school to help prepare for forthcoming applications to university and apprenticeships.

The evening is an opportunity to learn all about the application process, including timings and tips for writing applications.

During the evening, there will be separate breakout sessions to find out more about Degree Apprenticeships, including hearing from an Apprentice about their experiences. Applications to Oxford, Cambridge, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine will also be covered.

This will be an extremely informative evening and we therefore encourage all parents and students to come along.


Lent Term Sports Awards

Please find a link here for the Princethorpe College Lent Sports Awards and here for the Senior Sports Awards.

Well done to all the pupils who took part in Princethorpe sport last term and an extra well done to all those who have achieved an award.

Lee Cassell
Foundation Director of Sport 


Support The PTA Online - Reminder

Did you know you can support the Princethorpe PTA online?

Follow, like, and share our social media posts to help us reach a wider audience. The more people who are aware of our fundraising events, the greater impact we can make for the school community! Please see below the links to our social media pages:

Facebook: PTA Princethorpe

Instagram: @princethorpepta

X (Twitter): @PrincethorpePta

Thank you. 

Princethorpe PTA

PTA Easyfundraising - Reminder

Please don’t forget that Princethorpe College PTA is registered with easyfundraising. 

When you shop via the easyfundraising website or app, with over 4,100 of your favourite retailers, including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Amazon and many more, you will raise FREE donations for the school.  

If you’re not already registered, please visit our easyfundraising page here.

This will really make a difference to our school! Thank you for your support.

Join Our Princethorpe PTA Community - Reminder

Are you interested in joining the PTA Committee?

Comprising a dedicated group of volunteer parents and guardians of Princethorpe students, the committee orchestrates and assists in various school events, including the immensely popular Summer Fête and Christmas Fair, aimed at raising funds for projects within the school that enrich the student experience and foster a sense of community.

If you are interested in offering your support or wish to become more actively involved in event planning by joining the committee and attending meetings, please don't hesitate to email us at ptassociation@princethorpe.co.uk.


Seb And Ollie Help Old Leamingtonians Take Warwickshire Cup

Last Friday, two Lower Sixth students, newly appointed Head of School, Seb Bainbridge, and Sixth Form Sports Scholar, Ollie Farquharson, were part of the Old Leamingtonians team that won the U18 Colts Warwickshire Cup. On the night Ollie scored two tries to help take the team to victory.

Both students have also been selected to play for South Warwickshire and have gained a place in the Warwickshire RFU U17s Team for the 2023/24 season. Ollie is also in the Midlands Central Academy this year.

It really is fantastic to have students playing rugby at County level. Their experiences can only benefit the College’s squads.

Congratulations to Seb, Ollie and to Old Leamingtonians!

Co-curricular Calendar For Trinity Term - Reminder

We are pleased to share details of this term's co-curricular activities with pupils and parents.  

A copy of the Trinity Term calendar has been posted to all families during the Easter holidays. We hope this will assist with your planning in the interim. Please find an online copy linked here

If you have any queries regarding co-curricular activities, please don't hesitate to contact me at neilmccollin@princethorpe.co.uk

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular

Year 8 Forensic Club

The Year 8 Forensic Club will run on Wednesday lunchtimes from May at 1.05pm to 1.30pm in SF05, with the finale crime scene on Wednesday 19 June from 4.00pm to 6.00pm.

There are only 20 spaces available, so if your child is interested in attending, please Teams message Mrs Curtis to reserve your place or email at samcurtis@princethorpe.co.uk.

Sam Curtis
Teacher of Chemistry





Innovation And Adventure Days 2024

At the end of the Lent term we shared the options for this years Innovation And Adventure Days with the pupils and asked them to submit their initial choices. We are currently in the process of organising and working out the logistics of what promises to be an exciting few days! 

Please find the options booklet that was shared with pupils linked here.

We will share an updated form with the pupils and ask that they give their final choices on Tuesday 7 May. This will work on a first come, first served basis. 

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-curricular

Educational Visits And Trips - Reminder

Educational and co-curricular visits have always been a major part of life at Princethorpe. These experiences for pupils enrich their lives, enhance their learning and develop their understanding and appreciation of the world around them. 

We would like to remind you of the provisional major trips plan as it currently stands (this does not include academic department day trips or Duke of Edinburgh's Award). Please click here for the planned school trips.

Please also ensure that you read the information about individual trips with care when they are released, in particular in relation to consent, cancellation and insurance.

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular

Duke Of Edinburgh's Award 2023-24

Well done to all who completed their practice expedition over the Easter break and good luck to the Year 9 pupils on the Bronze B Training Expedition this Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 April.

Review and Route Planning – Sunday 12 May

The next step is for all participants to plan their qualifying expedition routes. 

Year 9 Bronze:  

The Bronze Review and Route Planning takes place on Sunday 12 May in the Limes.   

Group A - 9.00am-12.00pm    

Group B - 1.00pm-4.00pm  

This important element of the expedition section is mandatory for all participants. Please arrive promptly. Bring a pen, notebook and your DofE folder. You may wear appropriate casual clothing. In the meantime, all participants should aim to log hours, collect evidence and sign off their physical, volunteering and skill sections.

Useful resources can be found on MySchoolPortal here.

Year 10 Silver: 

The Silver Review and Route Planning takes place on Sunday 12 May in the Limes.  

Groups 1, 2 and 3 - 9.00am-12.00pm    

Groups 4, 5 and 6 - 1.00pm-4.00pm   

This important element of the expedition section is mandatory for all participants. Please arrive promptly. Bring a pen, notebook and your DofE folder. You may wear appropriate casual clothing. In the meantime, please continue to log hours, collect evidence and sign off your physical, volunteering and skill sections.

Useful resources can be found on MySchoolPortal here.

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager


Notice Requirement For Buses - Reminder

Please note that half a term's notice is required if a pupil no longer needs to use the bus service provided by the school.

Parents wishing to give notice should contact Vectare by email princethorpe@vectare.co.uk.

Eddie Tolcher
Foundation Bursar


Ruth Pearce - Payroll Officer

The Princethorpe Foundation welcomes Ruth Pearce who has joined the Bursary Team as Payroll Officer.

Ruth has been working in the finance sector for over 15 years, her most recent role was as an Accounts Office Manager.

Outside of work, Ruth enjoys spending time with her family. She is a keen swimmer and volunteers as treasurer for her local swimming club.


Caroline Spencer - Alumni And Development Officer

We are delighted to welcome Caroline Spencer who joins the Development team as our new Alumni Relations and Development Officer.

Caroline has worked in the education environment for 15 years, initially in recruitment at an agency for supply teachers, and the last 13 years as a Drama Teacher at Alcester Grammar School, with additional responsibility for their PSHE curriculum for some of those years. She is keen to draw on her interpersonal and organisational skills to further advance our relationship with alumni and friends of the Princethope Foundation.

In her spare time Caroline loves being a mum to two young boys who keep her laughing, and busy. She also loves theatre and film, music and coffee shops, eating out and cosy nights in.

Communication - Reminder

We would like to remind parents of some useful contact details.

To report a pupil absence please do so on My School Portal.

For other enquiries please use the email addresses below:

Bus related queries - princethorpe@vectare.co.uk

School Shop - uniform@princethorpe.co.uk

Medical Centre - pcmatrons@princethorpe.co.uk

School fees -  accounts@princethorpe.co.uk

General enquiries - post@princethorpe.co.uk

Lost property - lostproperty@princethorpe.co.uk

Wisepay catering - cashless@princethorpe.co.uk

Email addresses for members of teaching staff can be found on My School Portal.

Fraudulent Links On Social Media - Reminder

Users posting fraudulent links on social media sites, usually via bogus accounts, is a common way for cyber attackers to attempt to gain credentials. These links are often posted as comments under legitimate posts, often pretending to be relevant to the original post. Clicking on the link would then prompt the user to enter credentials which would be stolen, or would attempt to download malware onto the device.

It has come to our attention that once again some phishing links such as those described above have been posted as comments on Princethorpe College Facebook posts, by unknown accounts. Our marketing team have been quick to hide and remove the comments and links, but it is important to be aware of this practice and avoid any suspicious links. Public facing social media such as the school’s Facebook, Instagram and X profiles can be targeted in this way, as can the social media profiles of any organisation, and we will always do our best to remove suspicious posts quickly.

The links in question purported to link to live streams of school sports matches. The school does not live stream any sports matches, and would certainly not publicly post any links in the event we were to stream these. This is one example but please do beware of this practice both on school social media posts and all other forms of social media, in order to protect your accounts and data.

Term Dates - 2023-24, 2024-25 And 2025-26

Please find below the Term Dates for 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26.

2023-2024 (two page document) - revised Open Morning and Christmas Fair dates

2024-2025 (two page document) - revised Sixth Form Open Evening and Christmas Fair dates

2025-2026 (two page document)

Employment Opportunities

Please see below our current vacancies:

Princethorpe Foundation

  • Head of Business Services

Princethorpe College

  • Head of Pyschology and Sociology
  • Science Technician
  • Administrator/Receptionist
  • Minibus Driver

Full details and how to apply are available via the following link: Join Us

Should you know anyone who might be interested in this post, please do share this information with them.