
Confirmation - Lent Term 2025 - Reminder

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in the College Chapel in the Lent Term 2025. We are waiting for the Bishop to confirm the date.

Confirmation preparation will begin in October 2024. The preparation takes place over the lunch break. There will be four sessions in the Michaelmas Term and four in the Lent Term. Each 20-minute session will be offered twice during the week to avoid clashes with other activities.

If you would like further information, please email

Please complete the enrolment form here if you would like to register a pupil for Confirmation by Friday 1 July.
Mary Benham
Chaplaincy Co-ordinator

Sports Bags

I wanted to inform you of a new low level concern sanction that has been introduced for the Trinity Term.

From Monday 22 April 2024, if a pupil's sport bag is not safely stored in their issued locker and is subsequently returned to the Pupil Hub, the pupil will now be issued with an LLC. 

Pupils have been advised of this new sanction at the start of the week and have been given the week to check their lockers and keys are in working order.

They have also been advised that if they needed a key or to report an issue with their locker, to inform the Pupil Hub who would resolve any problems in advance of this start date.

Can I please make you all aware of this change, starting from Monday, so that you can reinforce this message over the weekend with our pupils.

Thank you for your continued support.

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral