Trips and Visits

Major School Trips

Please click here for the planned school trips in the coming years. This document will be updated each term, but it should allow you to make an informed decision when deciding on trips for your child to attend.  For any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Greg Hunter
Assistant Head - Co-curricular

South Coast Tour - Parents Information Evening

28 September 2017 - 6.00pm in the Theatre

The sports department are holding an information evening for pupils, and their parents, interested in the 2017 South Coast Tour planned for October break. This evening aims to give students and parents an overview of the planned exchange, the nature of the experience, key dates and the application process.

We look forward to seeing you on the 28 September but please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Brookes or Mr McCollin should you require any additional information in the meantime.


Ski Trip - Easter 2018 Reminder

Just a quick reminder about the future ski dates:

Thursday 2 November 2017

First Parent meeting 6.00pm -7.00pm Sixth Form Atrium

Preliminary information with important forms that need to be completed and returned will be given out. A representative from ‘Snow Union’, a ski clothing and hire company will give a presentation on required ski kit. It is expected that a representative parent attends and students are also welcome.


Thursday 4 January 2017

Ski Trip Practice to the Snowdome, Tamworth

This is a voluntary two-hour lesson with qualified instructors based on student ability on indoor snow. Skis, poles and helmets will be provided. Ski gloves, ski socks and warm clothing are required, as well as a packed lunch. I would recommend that absolute beginners attend at least one ski practice session. We will travel by coach from Princethorpe, leaving at 9.00am and returning at 3.00pm. Cost £40. An Evolve consent form will be sent by email nearer the time for parents to add students onto the trip.


Thursday 1 March 2018

Second Parent Meeting 6.00pm - 7.00pm Sixth Form Atrium

Final trip details will be provided including confirmed departure and return times. A representative from ‘IBT’, our tour company, will give a presentation and be on hand to answer questions. It is expected that a representative parent attends and students are also welcome.


Wednesday 7 March 2018

Ski Trip Practice to Ackers Adventure, Birmingham

This is a voluntary two-hour lesson with qualified instructors based on student ability on a dry ski slope. Skis and poles will be provided. Ski gloves, ski socks and warm waterproof clothing are required, as well as a packed tea. I would recommend that absolute beginners attend at least one practice session. We will travel by coach from Princethorpe, leaving at 15.45pm and returning at 20.30pm. Cost £32. Max number of students is 40. An Evolve consent form will be sent by email nearer the time for parents to add students onto the trip.


Thurs 29 March – Thurs 5 April 2018 (Over Easter Weekend)

Ski Trip to Val di Fiemme, Italy 

Departure and return times are still to be confirmed but it is likely to be late afternoon on both days.


Year 7 Pioneer Centre Trip - Parents' Information Evening

Wednesday 20 September at 6.00pm 

We will be holding a Parents’ Information Evening on Wednesday 20 September in the Chapel for all pupils taking part in the weekend away to the Pioneer Centre from Saturday 30 September to Monday 2 October 2017.

There a few outstanding code of conduct and dietary forms, please can parents send these in as soon as possible; forms can be downloaded using the link below: 

Dietary and Code of Conduct Forms

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral