Sixth Form

Lent Term - Sixth Form Update

As the first Lent half term concludes, it's time to take stock of the accomplishments achieved by our Sixth Form students, especially during the Lower Sixth Interview Skills Day. This event marked a significant step forward in their preparation for the future, featuring practical activities and a talk from interview skills expert Melody Hossaini.

Lower Sixth Interview Skills Day: A Practical Approach to Preparation

The Lower Sixth Interview Skills Day was a success, with students actively participating in mock interviews to fine-tune their communication skills and receive valuable feedback. Workshops throughout the day covered essentials like resume building, effective self-presentation, and understanding body language during interviews. The focus was on practical skills to enhance performance in academic and professional settings.

Keynote Speaker: Melody Hossaini's Insightful Talk

A notable aspect was the talk by Melody Hossaini. Drawing on her expertise, she shared practical insights on topics such as authentic self-presentation and maintaining a positive mindset. Her talk resonated well with our students, providing not just tips but also motivation to approach challenges with confidence.

Parents, your children's commitment to developing these skills reflects their eagerness to succeed. As we wrap up the Lent half term, let's acknowledge and celebrate the strides our Sixth Formers have made, anticipating their continued growth in the upcoming term.

Wishing you a restful break. Please can I also remind students if they need to sign out of school I need an email from home to authorise this at least 24 hours in advance.

Key Dates

Wednesday 21 February - Pancake Races

Tuesday 12 March - Out of Darkness

Friday 22 March - Sixth Form Leadership Inauguration and Award Ceremony

Saturday 23 March - Prefect Training

Sunday 7 April - 40 Mile Walk 

Tuesday 2 July - Upper Sixth Leaver's Ball 

Ben Collie 
Head of Sixth Form