
General Notice Period Requirements

Parents are reminded of the notice requirements according to our terms and conditions.

A term’s notice is required if a pupil will not be returning to the school. Notice must be in writing, addressed to the Headmaster, via the Registrar, Mrs Rooney by the first day of term.

All letters are acknowledged within seven days; if you do not receive an acknowledgement then please contact the Registrar immediately. 

Eddie Tolcher
Foundation Bursar

Year 11 Pupils Notice Period

To assist us with our planning of teaching sets and timetabling, please could you let us know in writing to Mr Hester by Wednesday 21 April 2021, if you do not wish to take up the offered Sixth Form place. 

This would meet the term’s notice of withdrawal as set out in our terms and conditions.

If a decision is made subsequently not to take up the offered Sixth Form place and a term’s notice has not been given, you will be liable for the term's fees.

Eddie Tolcher 
Foundation Bursar

Employment Opportunities

Please see below our current vacancies:

  • Foundation Development Director
  • IT Infrastructure and Network Manager
  • IT Engineer

Full details and how to apply are available via the following link: Join Us

Should you know anyone who might be interested in this post, please do share this information with them.

Term Dates 2020-21 And 2021-22 - Reminder

Please find below the Term Dates for 2020-21 and 2021-22.

2020-21 (two page document) - updated 20 November

2021-22 (two page document) 

Lent Term 2021 Notice

Princethorpe College will finish for the Easter holidays as per our published Term Dates on Friday 26 March. Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 March are in-service training (INSET) days at Princethorpe. These days will be used by the teaching staff for important safeguarding training, to revise our curriculum and schemes of work for all year groups in the weeks and months ahead and critically, to progress the work of gathering evidence, analysis and preparing the assessments that are required by the government to produce Teacher Assessed Grades for Year 11 and Upper Sixth in order to be able to award their GCSE and A-levels in the summer.

Both the Foundation preparatory schools, Crescent School and Crackley Hall School, have decided to forego their planned training and extend their term by two days to enable the children to have additional in school learning and will finish on Tuesday 30 March.