Trips and Visits

Ski Trip Easter 2020 - Reminder

Thank you for your attendance at the recent parents' meeting. Please could all outstanding forms be returned as soon as possible.

The Evolve consent email for the second practice ski trip to the Ackers was sent on 20 November. Please contact me if you would still like to sign your son or daughter up for this trip.

The deadline for Christmas orders from the Snowunion website ( is 30 November. These orders will be delivered to school before the end of term. All other Snowunion orders, including the free Princethorpe College tour hoody should be ordered by 26 Jan 2020. See the attached flyer here for more information and how to order.

Lockwoods Ski Shop in Leamington have kindly offered all students on the trip a 10% discount, valid until 30 April 2020, on all products. To take advantage of this offer, please print this voucher and show it at the till or use the online voucher code.

The second parents' meeting is on Thursday 27 February 2020 at 6.00pm-7.00pm in the Clarkson theatre. 

Please contact me at if you have any questions regarding the trip.

Kind Regards

Catherine Warne

Major School Trips - Update

Please see here for the planned school trips in the coming years. This document will be updated each term, but it should allow you to make an informed decision when deciding on trips for your child to attend.  For any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular