
Examinations And Assessments

Key dates in the reporting and examinations cycle for this half term are shown below.

Calendar Michaelmas First Half Term 2019

11 Oct - Upper Sixth students to have registered for Oxbridge admissions tests.

11 Oct - Upper Sixth students to have registered for BMAT admissions test (higher fee).

11 Oct - Year 11 full report published to My School Portal and hard copies posted home.

30 Oct - Upper Sixth Oxbridge admissions tests.

The deadline for students wishing to enter for an Oxbridge Admissions Test is today, Friday 11 October. Any remaining candidates should complete this form and email to me before the end of the day.  

External Examinations Timetables

The January 2020 exam season is relatively short and only affects a few pupils. The final timetable can be viewed by clicking on the link below: 

January 2020

Entry statements and timetables for these pupils will be distributed before the October half-term.

The Summer 2020 exam timetable is now confirmed and can be viewed by clicking on the link below. Entries for these exams will be made in January 2020. As soon as pupils have checked and confirmed their entries, their individual exam timetable will be available to view on My School Portal.

Summer 2020

Shellagh Dodds
Examination and Assessment Manager


Year 11 Full Reports - Update

Reports for Year 11 have been posted out today, Friday 11 October 2019. They are also be available to view on My School Portal.

Dr Michael Reddish
Deputy Head - Academic

A Buzz About Books

As part of the College’s participation in BookTrust’s Bookbuzz scheme, this term all Year 7 pupils will be lucky enough to receive a free reading book, which they can choose themselves from a list of exciting new titles.  We are keen to capitalise on this initiative and continue to grow our culture of independent reading for both learning and pleasure.  At Princethorpe, we have an outstanding library, with knowledgeable librarians, excellent book stock and a wealth of print and digital resources; we urge all pupils to make use of this invaluable resource during their time here.  Please do encourage your child to go along and borrow an absorbing novel, do some research for a current assignment, or simply relax with a newspaper and enjoy the ambience! 

The benefits of reading for pleasure are manifold.  Research repeatedly shows that reading for pleasure is one of the biggest predictors of exam success, with pupils who read regularly achieving highly across the curriculum.  This is unsurprising, given the greatly enhanced experience of vocabulary, sentence forms and concepts that a confident reader enjoys (see Nagy and Herman’s oft-quoted research findings below):

Pupil Minutes spent reading per day Approx. minutes spent reading per school year Approx. words read per school year
A 1 180 8000
B 5 900 282,000
C 20 3600 1,800.000


In addition to the academic benefits, reading for pleasure also:

·         Promotes empathy

·         Broadens the imagination

·         Reduces stress

·         Improves memory and thinking skills

·         Provides… well, pleasure!

If your child needs help with choosing a book, our librarians can make suggestions based on particular interests and preferences.  At home, you could also encourage the reading of newspapers, magazines, instructions and so on, as well as those more literary texts.  Happy reading!

Half Term Homework Expectations

Years 7, 8, 9 expectations:
No formal homework will be set for the half term (although some pupils may have to complete homework set for the last week of the half term).  Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders.

Year 10 expectations:
Homework may be set for certain subjects. Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders.

Year 11 and Sixth Form expectations:

  • Work priorities for each subject
  • This is based on 2 hours work on each weekday of the half term
  • Complete homework set
  • Complete coursework set
  • Complete any outstanding work
  • Sort out your folders into good order
  • Begin revision for Internal Assessments (Sixth Form) or keep on top of revision for January mocks (Year 11)

You want to come back from half term refreshed but up to date. 

Good luck and enjoy the break.

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head - Teaching and Learning


Year 11 Academic Review Meetings

Tuesday 5 November 2019 - 6.00pm to 8.30pm

Parents will be given the opportunity to book electronically a slot with their child’s tutor for an Academic Review Meeting.  Parents will also be able to attend a series of workshops on how best to support their child whilst at Princethorpe.  An email will be sent out to parents with more information and booking details next week.

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head - Teaching and Learning

Year 11 Parents' and Pupils' GCSE Revision Evening

Monday 25 November 2019 - 6.15pm to 7.45pm

"Good character education is good education - we need to take character education as seriously as we take academic education." Berkowitz and Bier (2005)

Too often disappointing student progress is ascribed to cognition, with young learners described as 'weak', or their performance diagnosed in terms of their intelligence: 'they aren't capable of this work', 'they're not bright enough to grasp this'. There is a growing body of research that suggests something very different: that successful students approach their studies with a specific set of behaviours, skills and attitudes and that despite not differing cognitively from their peers they can significantly outperform them. In short, academic success can be as much about character as it is about intelligence.

At Princethorpe College, we are committed to supporting our pupils in all aspects of their education and development and over the forthcoming academic year we will continue to embed our programme of character education, alongside our learning skills programme and our excellent Da Vinci Programme.

At the start of the academic year our key stage 4 pupils have been introduced to the five key principles of a GCSE Mindset:

·         Vision

·         Effort

·         Systems

·         Practice

·         Attitude

These key principles will be the focus of a number of tutor sessions, whereby pupils will have the opportunity to develop and explore them further in order to support their GCSE exam preparation. 

As part of this strategy, Princethorpe College will be holding an interactive GCSE revision evening, on Monday 25 November between 6.15pm and 7.45pm, for the parents and pupils in the Sports Hall. It will be hosted by Martin Griffin and Steve Oakes, both of whom have worked with more than sixty schools to develop effective character education systems. They are also authors of The GCSE Mindset (Crown House, 2017).  During the evening, Martin and Steve will explore the key principles of having a positive and proactive learning mindset and share tools and strategies for effective coaching and intervention with parents and equip parents and pupils with practical ideas and strategies to support their children throughout their GCSE courses. Pupils will be given the opportunity to trial out different revision strategies on the evening in a unique workshop style event.  These presentations have always been very well-received and we do hope that Year 11 parents and pupils will be able to join us for what promises to be a very useful and informative evening.

If you wish to attend, please complete the form here.  

We look forward to seeing you at the event. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at or Mrs Fionnuala Schofield at

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head - Teaching and Learning