Senior Sports Kit - Year 10 Permission To Wear From Half Term - Reminder
Since the half term break the current Year 10 pupils are permitted to wear our senior sports kit which is coveted by our pupils as it sets them apart from the rest of the school, the range includes:
Senior Training Top £25.00
Senior Hoodie £38.00 (must not be worn for contact sports i.e. Rugby)
Senior Socks £8.00
Senior Girls Games Top £30.00
Senior Hoodie £38.00
Senior Socks £8.00
Tracksuit Bottoms £30.00 (Limited number available)
Please note that all pupils are expected to wear Princethorpe crested sports kit for Wednesday afternoon Games. All senior boys need the top and socks for fixtures. Senior girls must have the senior top and hoodie for all fixtures with the additon of socks for hockey matches.
All purchases must have written permission from home either by a note in the school planner, a text, email or verbally from parents.
We carry a full range of sizes in the School Shop for pupils to try on.
Neil McCollin
Foundation Director of Sport