
Learning More About ADHD - Dovetree School, Hinckley

Wednesday 19 June 2019 from 9.30am - 4.00pm

This is a free workshop aimed at developing your understanding of ADHD and providing everyday advice to further support your child.

The day will cover the following topics:

  • An overview of ADHD, autism and associated conditions
  • Managing stress for you and your child
  • Practical strategies for you to implement
  • Understanding child and adolescent anxiety

For more information and to book tickets please click here.

Lorna Prestage
Learning Support

Lost Property

There is a huge amount of lost property at the Student Hub (drinks containers/glasses/jewellery/winter coats etc.) the majority is un-named.  Please ask your child to pop along to the Student Hub and have a look, even if they are adamant that they haven’t lost anything.  All unclaimed (un-named) items will be donated to charity at the end of the term.

Mrs Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral

The Autism Show - NEC Birmingham - Reminder

21 - 22 June 2019 

The Autism Show is the national event for people with autism, for parents and families of people with autism as well as professionals – including families who want to find out more before diagnosis who will have lots of questions.

It is a reasonably priced and dynamic event and this year conveniently it is local to us. There is a wide programme of seminars in three theatres that you can book including lots of talks by people with autism themselves that are often hugely inspiring.

For further information or to book tickets please click here.

Lorna Prestage
Learning Support