Trips and Visits

Year 7 - Warwick Castle - Reminder

5 June 2019

At this moment in time, pupils in Year 7 are looking at castles throughout the medieval period and their impact on the people that lived in and around them.  Currently, pupils are working towards completing a research project on a castle of their choice. In order to support this program of study, the History department have organised a trip to Warwick Castle on 5 June 2019. This is a fantastic opportunity to visit a local attraction that will help all pupils understand the significance of the structure and its impact upon life in medieval England. 

The intended areas of study are:

  • The structure of the castle and how it was an effective defensive fortress;
  • Life in Warwick Castle and how it can help us learn about life if medieval England;
  • The role of Warwick Castle in the Wars of the Roses and its relevance to the story of King Richard III.

All Year 7 pupils are expected to go on the trip to the castle as it is a central part of the study of history this academic year. The cost of the trip will be £20 per pupil, which covers transport, admission and guided tours/activities. The coach will leave Princethorpe College at 8.45am and return for 3.45pm. An electronic consent form will be sent by email and the £20 cost will be added to the Trinity term bill.

Peter Bucknall
Head of History

Ski Trip Easter 2019 - Reminder

The ski trip will return to school at approximately 5pm on Friday 19 April. Remember to follow us on twitter @ princethorpePE.

There will be a meeting for next year’s ski trip on Friday 10 May 2019 in the Clarkson Theatre at 13.05pm. Any pupil currently in years 7 and 9 who is interested in joining the ski trip to Austria at Easter 2020 should attend for further information and to collect consent forms. Due to the popularity of the ski trip, places are likely to fill very quickly and a prompt return of the consent form and deposit is advised.

Please contact me at if you have any questions.

Catherine Warne
Trip Co-ordinator



Major School Trips - Update

Please see here for the planned school trips in the coming years. This document will be updated each term, but it should allow you to make an informed decision when deciding on trips for your child to attend.  For any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Greg Hunter
Assistant Head - Co-curricular