Ski Trip Easter 2019 - Reminder
Just a quick reminder that all students must order the tour hoody from the snowunion website This can be found on the ‘Hoodys’ page and there is no cost when you complete the order. The deadline for orders is 31 January 2019. Please order on the Snowunion website, see the attached flyer here for more information and how to order.
Lockwoods Ski Shop in Leamington have kindly offered all students on the trip a 10% discount, valid until until 28 March 2019, on all products. To take advantage of this offer, please print this voucher and show it at the till.
The second parents' meeting is on Wednesday 6 March 2019 at 6.00pm-7.00pm in the Clarkson theatre and I look forward to seeing you there.
The email consent form for the second practise trip to the Ackers Adventure dry ski slope on Wednesday 13 March has now been sent. Please give consent if you would like you son/daughter to join the trip as soon as possible, or email me if you have any problems.
Please contact me at if you have any questions regarding the trip.
Catherine Warne