PTA Christmas Fair Raffle Tickets
Raffle tickets have been given out this week in tutor time and sent home with pupils and students. Tickets are coloured matched to their house and the house who returns the most bought tickets will each receive a free Princethorpe cookie!
Please check school bags, sports bags or even blazer pockets!
Please complete the ticket stubs and place them in an envelope with your child's name and tutor group on the front, and return to the Pupil Hub or to the PTA on the day of the Fair.
There are some fantastic prizes including:
- Apple Air Pods
- Smartwatch
- Gin tasting experience
- Optara Lux brush
- Sephora voucher
- Champagne Afternoon tea for two
- Christmas Family Hamper
- Escape Room voucher
- Cineworld voucher
- Weekend Health Club pass – The Warwickshire
Plus lots more…
Good luck and thank you for your support!