
Electrical Hair Stylers

We have been made aware that recently some pupils have been bringing hair straighteners or curling wands into school with them and using them in the school toilets during the day.

I hope that you can appreciate this is a health and safety risk to the whole school and we would ask that you speak to your children and advise them to leave any electrical hair stylers at home please.

From Monday 10 June 2024, any electrical hair stylers which are found on the school premises will be confiscated and parents will be contacted to collect these from the Pupil Hub. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral

Year 11 And Upper Sixth Thanksgiving Services - Reminder And Time Update

Invitations have been sent to parents of Year 11 Pupils and Upper Sixth Students for the year groups Thanksgiving Services, both of which will be followed by a buffet supper.

Event and RSVP dates are as follows:

  • Year 11 Thanksgiving Service and Buffet Supper - Wednesday 19 June at 7.00pm. RSVP date Tuesday 11 June
  • Upper Sixth Thanksgiving Service and Buffet Supper - Tuesday 25 June at 6.30pm. Please be aware that we have brought the time of the Upper Sixth Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday 25 June forward slightly by half an hour to 6.30pm, as there is an England group stage match in the Euros 2024 Football tournament later that evening and we want to avoid a clash for those who wish to enjoy the game. The service will be followed by a buffet supper as planned. RSVP date Monday 17 June

Confirmation - Lent Term 2025 - Reminder

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in the College Chapel in the Lent Term 2025. We are waiting for the Bishop to confirm the date.

Confirmation preparation will begin in October 2024. The preparation takes place over the lunch break. There will be four sessions in the Michaelmas Term and four in the Lent Term. Each 20-minute session will be offered twice during the week to avoid clashes with other activities.

If you would like further information, please email

Please complete the enrolment form here if you would like to register a pupil for Confirmation by Friday 1 July.
Mary Benham
Chaplaincy Co-ordinator

Year 10 Locker Key Return

As our current Year 10 pupils transition into Year 11 from September 2024, can we ask that they all hand in their current locker keys on Thursday 27 June 2024 during their tutor time please.

These lockers will be cleaned and reallocated over the summer to our new Year 7 pupils ready for their start with us in September.

Year 11 pupils will be allocated with a different locker to use from September 2024. These will be issued to them by their tutors on the first day back in school.

Could you please remind pupils to look for their locker key before Thursday 27 June 2024 as we will be asking for it to be returned. Any lost locker keys will incur a £5 charge for a new key to be ordered.

Your support with this is greatly appreciated. 

Beth Sharpe  
Deputy Head - Pastoral