We wish continued good luck to our Sixth Formers and Year 11 pupils, who are now half way through their public exams.

A very big thank you to all the staff, pupils and members of the PTA for their support at Open Evening on Wednesday 5 June. The event was fully booked, and a good time seemed to be had by all the prospective families, particularly the children who enjoyed the activities in all the departments.

Watch out for the next edition of the Flagpole on Friday 21 June.



College Choir Performs At D-Day 80 Commemorations At Kenilworth Castle

Princethorpe College’s Choir joined choirs from local Kenilworth primary schools at Kenilworth Castle on the evening of Thursday 6 June to help commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.

Held in the grounds of the castle, the evening's event saw 16 pupils from the College’s Choir, sing a selection of popular war time songs, alongside the choirs of St John's Primary and Priors Field Primary. The evening also included an atmospheric Piper (formerly of the 1st Battalion Scots Guards), moving readings and poems, the ringing of church bells and finally the reading of the proclamation and the lighting of a beacon on the Strong Tower.

Over 600 people attended in beautiful weather to experience a poignant but enjoyable evening for all.

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Year 10 Geography Field Trip Explores Shrewsbury And Carding Mill Valley

Year 10 Geography pupils took part in a two-day field trip this week to support the fieldwork questions in their Physical and Human Geography IGCSE. They visited Preston Montford, one of the Field Studies Council’s specialist outdoor centres.

Pupils spent one day exploring human geography topics, investigating the impact of changing economic structure on quality of life in two rural villages - Minsterley and Bishop’s Castle. They then spent a day investigating physical geography topics in the Carding Mill Valley, Church Stretton. There they surveyed the river, undertaking width, depth and velocity measurements investigating how river channel characteristics change with distance downstream.

Helen Baker, Head of Geography, said, “Preston Montford is an excellent location for carrying out fieldwork and pupils’ engagement and conduct was exemplary. We had a very busy two days with a variety of landscapes and weather! The trip has given pupils a variety of techniques, skills and data which will be analysed and evaluated in preparation for their final IGCSE exams.”  

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Four Year 10 Pupils Awarded Gold In The Junior Physics Challenge

This year, 46 Year 10 Triple Science pupils competed in the British Physics Olympiad Junior Challenge, an online competition where pupils answer multiple-choice questions across two quizzes. The Junior Physics Challenge is designed to engage and stretch pupils by offering a range of problems to solve. It allows pupils to apply their curriculum knowledge of physics practically, to the real world, while taking part in a challenge at a national level. It is the first opportunity GCSE pupils have to participate in a British Physics Olympiad event.

Princethorpe’s pupils' results were excellent, so a huge well done to all who took part. Particular congratulations go to Amber Sandhu, Bella Pinder, Ajunee Gill and Josh Gorbutt who all achieved a Gold certificate. Pupils at the College were also awarded 13 Silver and 29 Bronze certificates.

Dan Lee, Head of Physics, said, "Congratulations to all the participants, it was great to see our Year 10 pupils engaging so well with the Junior Physics Challenge. I hope they enjoyed taking part and are encouraged to do more Physics!"

Princethorpe Brings Home The ISA Trophy And The Wigley Cup

Princethorpe College was once again delighted to host the National Schools and Riding Clubs Two-Day Event. Run in conjunction with Stoneleigh Riding Club, nearly 200 competitors took part in the two-day competition, over the weekend 25 to 26 May, one of only a few ‘long format’ events open to schools and riding clubs in the UK. It included dressage and show-jumping on the Saturday and roads and tracks, steeplechase and cross-country on the Sunday.

This was the ninth year the College has hosted the event on the Princethorpe estate, and the course looked magnificent against the backdrop of the Princethorpe Tower. It included classes at 70cm, 80cm, 90cm and 100cm. Returning once again and causing much excitement was the challenging permanent cross-country water jump generously built by one of the event’s main sponsors, The Wigley Group.

Princethorpe College had riders competing at all heights and representation from Foundation Prep School, Crackley Hall, too. In the 100cm class Rosie Moreton finished in 1st place in both the Schools and ISA events riding Espresso III, while Lizzie Nichols was 4th in the Schools’ event and 3rd in the ISA class on Supreme Ambition.

In the 90cm class, Lizzie Nichols had another excellent round this time on Tickety Boo to finish 4th in the Schools’ competition and 3rd in the ISA event. Then the Glover sisters, Emily and Sophie, rode two good rounds to finish in 7th and 8th individually. Together, the three girls earned their Princethorpe Montargis team overall 1st place in the Schools’ competition and also in the ISA class.

In the 80cm event, Sam Grindal had an excellent round on Alekto M to finish individually 2nd overall in the Schools’ competition and 1st in the ISA class. Jessica Belcher was 10th on Hendir Phoebe’s William.

Then in the 70cm class, Princethorpe had a bumper crop of entries, boding well for the future of the school’s teams. Sophie Gambling rode Cloonagh Star to 5th overall, and 2nd in the ISA class, Darcey from Crackley Hall was 8th on her pony Court Chester, Isla Chadwick came 11th on Running Bear and Charlotte Nichols 12th on Birtley Royal Guardsman. In a very competitive field, Princethorpe’s Team Cloisters were worthy winners of the ISA Trophy and the Wigley Cup.

Alex Darkes, Princethorpe’s equestrian event organiser, said, “The College was delighted to welcome school and riding club competitors to the Princethorpe estate. It was great to see such a strong presence of school participants, many of whom had travelled long distances to take part in the competition. It was also wonderful to welcome OP competitors including, Tori Jones, Katherine Morton (nee Brett) and Harriet Boyd. Our thanks go to members of Stoneleigh Riding Club, the events key sponsors The Wigley Group, our Grounds and Estates Teams and all the volunteers, without whom we would have been unable to stage such a busy event.”

Congratulations to all the riders who took part.

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Court Room Debates Support Year 10s Revision In RS

Back before half term, Ms Tallis’ Year 10s worked incredibly hard perfecting their skills of critical analysis and evaluation in preparation for their internal exams. She was so impressed with their work that she shared photos with the Flagpole and submitted examples for inclusion in the next Pinnacle.

One of her pupils, Ajunee, summarised what the class had been doing in their lessons:

“During our RS lessons over the last few weeks, our class 10RX1, have been partaking in debates/court room style arguments focused on the topics needed to know for our summer exam. This way of revising was an extremely useful and efficient way of allowing the class to think critically about these questions and develop the skills to form logical arguments with a team of people. For example, we debated the statement, ‘God has absolute power’. Before the argument, we got into the roles of lawyers, witnesses, the jury, and the judge, making sure everyone was taking part and getting involved to enhance their learning. Although it was not a perfect court room, everyone had a chance to make their opinion heard and challenge each other’s statements.

Through this exercise we learned how to shift our perspective and look at an argument both ways, acknowledge the advantages and disadvantages of it; to the point where these skills become second nature. This is important as not only does analysing the pros and cons of a statement help with in-person debates, but it also supports our learning in writing a 15-mark essay question, which will be given to us in an exam. To reach the top bands we must analyse both sides of the argument and create a strong, balanced essay. I believe the debates in class allow us to do this more efficiently and thoroughly.

We have also been taught to use the 'TRADEC' approach, which has benefited our writing skills as a class, as over time we have been able to evaluate our points more precisely, allowing for our argument to flow and come across more confidently to the examiner, ensuring we will get top marks in the exam.

Overall, both the 'TRADEC 15-mark exam structure' and the court room style debates have developed our capabilities and allowed us to go into the exams more confident of our skills to write a compelling, valid essay.”


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Super Haul Of Medals At The ISA Midlands Athletics

Princethorpe is celebrating after finishing first overall and bringing home a huge haul of medals from the Independent Schools Association’s (ISA) Midlands Track and Field Athletics.

The event took place at the Saffron Lane Athletics Track in Leicester on Friday 17 May with College athletes joining competitors from 30 schools across the Midlands region all aiming to quality for the National Finals that later in June.

In a dominant display, Princethorpe’s medal haul included 25 Gold Medals, 14 Silvers and 7 Bronzes, helping the College to score more that double the points of any other team on the day. In addition to winning the overall competition, all the teams also placed first.

Foundation Director of Sport, Lee Cassell, was delighted commenting, “A huge well done to all of our athletes for an excellent performance. They responded so well to the competition they faced. We are looking forward to hearing who has been selected to compete at the Nationals.”

Latest OP Newsletter Just Published

Just before half term we published the latest issue of The Old Princethorpian, the Princethorpe Foundation’s termly alumni e-newsletter for past pupils, staff and parents. If you haven’t seen it yet then you can find it here: http://www.oldprincethorpian.co.uk

The newsletter aims to keep our alumni in touch with each other and news, developments and events across the Foundation. It includes the latest Foundation and College news, and plenty of news and updates from OPs across the decades.

Although our OP Summer Supper Reunion is now fully booked, there are plenty of other opportunities to visit Princethorpe. Full details can be found in the Events section on Princethorpe Connect here: https://connect.princethorpe.co.uk/events

We hope everyone enjoys reading the newsletter and finding out what is going on in the alumni community. Please do share it with any alumni you know.



Princethorpe’s Smallholding Project: Where We Are And What’s Next

We are excited to share an update on the Smallholding Project, a venture that’s close to many of our hearts here at Princethorpe College. Since we kicked off our fundraising appeal, we’ve made great strides toward our goal, and it’s all thanks to the incredible support from our community.

Our Progress So Far
We’ve raised over £30,000 towards our £50,000 target so far. It's fantastic to see such enthusiasm and commitment from everyone. Reaching our total funding goal is crucial as these funds are needed to start setting up everything from the ground up.

Still in the Planning Phase
Right now, we’re deep in the planning stages. We're working out all the finer details to make sure that when the time comes, every aspect of the smallholding - from the types of crops we’ll plant to the educational programmes we’ll offer - will be perfectly laid out. We’re collaborating with experts in agriculture and education to ensure our plans are not only robust but also truly beneficial for our pupils and the wider community.

What’s Next?
Our next big step is to hit our fundraising target so we can move from planning to doing. We're still reaching out for support and every little bit helps - whether it’s a donation, spreading the word, or later on, lending a hand on the ground.

Non-Financial Support
A huge thank you to those who’ve offered support in non-financial ways. Your offers to help with materials, time, and expertise have been as crucial as monetary donations. We will be reaching out to discuss how you can get involved as we get closer to our fundraising goal.

How You Can Help
If you’re as excited as we are about giving our young people this hands-on learning experience, please consider getting involved. Every contribution, no matter the size, is valuable and very much appreciated. The donation form for the Smallholding Project can be found here.

Thank You
We promise to keep you updated. With your continued support, we can make the Smallholding Project not just a plan on paper, but a real, vibrant place for our pupils and community to learn and grow. Thank you to everyone who’s gotten us this far. Let’s keep the momentum going!

For more information on the project or to discuss possible support, please contact Steve Kowal, Development Director, at stevekowal@princethorpe.co.uk.

Preserving A Musical Legacy: The Restoration Of Princethorpe’s Historic Binns Organ

In the heart of Our Lady of the Angels Chapel at Princethorpe College stands a musical masterpiece - the Princethorpe Binns Organ. This magnificent instrument, built and installed in 1901 by James J Binns of the Bramley Organ Works, Leeds, has been a cornerstone of our chapel’s heritage and an irreplaceable part of our community's cultural fabric.

A Rich History
The Princethorpe Binns Organ was purchased for £1,199-1s-3d, a significant sum at the time, reflecting the quality and craftsmanship of this exceptional instrument. The original correspondence between Peter Paul Pugin and Sister Procurator of the Priory provides a fascinating insight into its construction and the challenges faced during its installation. Notably, the console was moved to the gallery in 1908 to make way for a statue of St Peter, showcasing the evolving needs and priorities of our chapel over the years.

Challenges and Restoration Efforts
Throughout its history, the organ has seen several modifications and repairs. A 3-phase electric blower was installed in 1953, and significant cleaning and maintenance work was carried out by Hugh Page in the early 1980s. More recently, the rank of tuba pipes was added as part of our Golden Jubilee celebrations in 2017.

Despite these efforts, the organ bellows now require urgent attention. Re-leathering the bellows, a task that involves removing and replacing the worn leather, is a complex and costly process. This restoration is essential to address the splits and leaks that have developed over time and ensure the organ remains playable and reliable.

The Importance of Preservation
Princethorpe’s Binns Organ is more than just a musical instrument; it is a piece of our national heritage. Registered on the National Pipe Organ Register, it is recognised for its historical significance and exceptional craftsmanship. The organ's unique voice and character have inspired countless performances and have been a central part of our annual Hugh Page Memorial Organ Recital, a tribute to the man who dedicated his life to its care.

Supporting the Restoration
We are deeply committed to preserving this extraordinary instrument, but we cannot do it alone. The restoration project relies on the generosity of our community, alumni, and friends. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us closer to our goal. By supporting the Princethorpe Organ Restoration Fund, you are helping to ensure that the rich, resonant tones of the Binns Organ continue to inspire and uplift our community for years to come.

Join Us in Preserving Our Heritage
We invite you to join us in this important endeavour. Together, we can preserve the Princethorpe Binns' organ and the rich musical legacy it represents.

Our online donation form can be found here.

For more information on the organ’s history and our restoration efforts, please visit the National Pipe Organ Register here. Thank you for being a part of this vital project and for helping us keep the music alive.

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The Foundation's Annual Fund

What is the Annual Fund?
As we approach the end of the academic year, I wanted to take a moment to highlight an important initiative across The Foundation: the Annual Fund.

Supporting Our Pupils: The Purpose of the Annual Fund
The Annual Fund is a critical component of our school's commitment to ensuring that every pupil has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their financial circumstances. This fund is exclusively dedicated to two vital programs: the Annual Fund Bursary and the Annual Fund Hardship Fund.

The Annual Fund Bursary
The Annual Fund Bursary is designed to provide financial assistance to pupils who might not otherwise be able to afford our school's tuition. This bursary ensures that deserving pupils, who demonstrate both academic potential and financial need, can benefit from the exceptional education and community spirit our school offers. By supporting this bursary, you help open doors for talented pupils, enriching our school community with diverse perspectives and talents.

The Annual Fund Hardship Fund
Life is unpredictable, and sometimes families face unexpected financial challenges. The Annual Fund Hardship Fund is there to support families who find themselves in sudden financial distress. Whether it's due to a job loss, medical emergency, or other unforeseen circumstances, this fund provides temporary relief to help pupils continue their education without interruption. Your contributions to this fund ensure that our pupils can stay focused on their studies, even when their families face difficulties.

How You Can Help
Your support is crucial to the success of these programs. Contributions to the Annual Fund, no matter the size, make a significant impact. Together, we can ensure that every pupil has the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their financial background.

Find out more and donate to the Annual Fund here.

We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of our community; alumni, current families and friends. Your donations not only provide immediate financial assistance but also demonstrate a shared commitment to our school’s values and mission.

Thank you for considering a gift to the Annual Fund. Your support helps create a more inclusive and supportive school environment for all our pupils.

Warm regards,

Steve Kowal
Development Director


New Pupils Induction Day And Information Fair

Wednesday 26 June 2024 - 9.00am to 4.45pm
(Presentation to Parents and Information Fair from 3.30pm to 4.30pm)

The Induction Day for new pupils starting at the College in September 2024 will take place on Wednesday 26 June 2024. The day will consist of two separate events. The new pupils should arrive at school in their current school uniform for 9.00am, but no earlier than 8.45am and can be dropped off by the Sports Hall where they will be met by the Registrars.

They will spend the day getting to know Mrs Susan Harris, Head of Transition and Induction, their Head of House, meet their new Vertical Tutor Group and their teaching group. Refreshments at break and lunch will be provided.

Parents should return to the Sports Hall at 3.15pm for a prompt start at 3.30pm for their own talks and an Information Fair. Parking will be in the Orchard. There will be an introductory address by the Headmaster, Mr du Toit, and senior staff, after which parents will have the opportunity to visit the Information Fair.

The Fair comprises the following;

  • Bus services
  • Music lessons
  • Medical matters
  • Catering
  • Parent Teacher Association
  • Uniform - book your appointment for the shop
  • Team Super Sports Holiday Camps

Following the Fair you will be rejoined by your son or daughter for refreshments outside when there will be a further opportunity to chat with Mrs Harris, the Heads of House and other members of staff.  The day will finish around 4.45pm.

Year 7 Activity Day - Monday 2 September 2024 - 9.30am to 4.00pm

The incoming Year 7 children will get a further opportunity to get to know the College and each other a little better on their Activity Day on Monday 2 September, just before term begins on Tuesday 3 September.

Year 9 And 10 Girls In STEM Day At The British Motor Museum - Reminder

Wednesday 26 June 2024

The British Motor Museum is proud to host a special Girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Day on Wednesday 26 June, for pupils in Years 9 and 10. As well as being an inspirational day for female scientists and engineers of the future, it will be an exciting day of immersive and interactive learning in a unique setting, surrounded by an amazing collection of historic British cars.

The day will begin with an exclusive keynote presentation and Q&A with Louise Reynolds, Director of Procurement at Aston Martin, who will share her story as a woman in STEM and her route into her senior role. Pupils will also have the chance to meet racing driver Eliza Seville, winner of Formula Woman 2022, to discover what it takes to be a successful woman in motorsport.

Pupils will enjoy an interactive women in motoring-themed tour, put their engineering skills to the test with some interactive STEM challenges, take control of remote-controlled Jaguar D-types, master Sphero coding ‘bots with our partners the STEM Ambassadors from MoD Kineton and try their hand at a motorsport pit stop challenge.

To continue their learning back at home or school, pupils will also have a goody bag containing two STEM activities including a salt powered car kit to take away.

  • The cost will be covered by the Princethorpe College STEAM budget and will be free to pupils.
  • To apply, please Teams message or email at danlee@princethorpe.co.uk a maximum of 200 words, outlining why you would like to attend.
  • Closing date for applications is today, Friday 17 May 2024 and places are limited.
Dan Lee
Head of Physics and STEAM Co-ordinator




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Parents Book Club

Wednesday 26 June - 7.00pm to 8.30pm

Last meeting we decided to read Frances Quinn's That Bonesetter Woman, a novel set in the 1700s where our protagonist has to fight the patriarchy to follow her ambition in becoming a bone setter. Loosely based on a true story, it was fascinating to read how setting bones was managed in this period. Durie, the bonesetter, certainly captured our hearts as we followed a determined young woman who bravely faced everything life threw at her. Recommend by all in the group. 

Next book up this month is A Game of Lies by Clare Mackintosh. Set on the border of England and Wales, mystery and deception unravels as the contestants in a reality TV show try to work out who is lying and what happens when we lie to ourselves. 

In addition to these books, my personal recommend is Queen Macbeth by VaVal McDermid who takes on this formidable character in a reimagining of Shakespeare’s archetypal scheming wife. An outstanding read in my view. 

We will meet for the last time this academic year on Wednesday 26 June in the Library. Please do join us for some good-natured discussion.

Contact me at jessicanewborough@princethorpe.co.uk if you need anymore information. 

Jessica Newborough
Head Of House (More) and Teacher of English 
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Summer Art, Photography And Design Show - Reminder

Thursday 27 June from 6.00pm to 8.30pm and Sunday 30 June from 2.00pm to 4.30pm

A celebration of our pupils' GCSE and A-level Art, Photography and Design work will take place in the Sixth Form Centre on Thursday 27 June from 6.00pm to 8.30pm and on Sunday 30 June from 2.00pm to 4.30pm.

A range of design and technology projects, from resistant materials to textiles, will be showcased alongside the stunning art and photography work the College is renowned for.

Comments, Paul Hubball, Head of Art, "This is a great opportunity to share our pupils' fantastic creativity with a wider audience and to welcome more art and design lovers to Princethorpe."

Adds Head of Design and Technology, Paul Scopes, "We look forward to welcoming all the exam pupils and their families from across Design, Art and Photography to enjoy the fruit of their labours."

All are welcome. On Thursday evening admission is free, on the Sunday admission will be £2 per car including entry to the College's Summer Fête and Motoring Festival. 

Light refreshments will be available on the Thursday. If you are planning to attend on that evening, it would be helpful for catering purposes if you could complete the form here.

The event is part of Warwickshire Open Studios' Summer Art Weeks.

PTA Summer Fête And 27th Annual Motor Festival - Reminder

Sunday 30 June 2024 - 2.00pm to 4.30pm

Our Summer Fête is fast approaching and we are planning lots of fun activities and entertainment for all ages, plus our ever-popular shopping village with a fabulous array of stalls.

This year, there will be the traditional selection of school supported charity stalls, and external stalls selling a range of high-quality crafts, cakes and jewellery and we will also be welcoming “Alpaca Pals”, an opportunity to get up close and personal with these gorgeous animals. We'll be firing up the BBQ, and for those of you who find days like this thirsty work we'll be providing a tempting selection of drinks in the refreshment tent, including Gin, Prosecco, Pimms, Beer and soft drinks. The Motoring Festival will be celebrating its 27th year and there will be the traditional stunning display of vehicles for visitors to admire.

As in previous years, the Princethorpe Summer Art, Photography and Design Show will be open to all our visitors in the Sixth Form Centre – please do go and have a look – the talent of our GCSE and A-level pupils is always amazing.


One of the highlights of this event is the Princethorpe Raffle, featuring fantastic prizes generously donated by local businesses and stall holders, all presented by Mr du Toit on the day. In a new approach this year, raffle books are colour-coded with school house colours, incentivising sales with house points. Each pupil will have already received two books distributed by form tutors, with additional tickets available from the Pupil Hub. All sold ticket stubs and cash should be returned to the Pupil Hub, where house points will be calculated and awarded accordingly. Tickets, as always, will be available to purchase on the day.

Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Fancy hosting a stall?

Do you or someone you know have a unique product to sell, a fun game to run, or an engaging activity to share? Whether you are a student, staff member, parent or guardian, or maybe you know someone who may be interested, then we are excited to invite you to participate in our upcoming Summer Fête! This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your creativity, talents, and entrepreneurial spirit by hosting a stall. Your involvement will not only contribute to the success of the event but also provide a great way to connect with the community and support our school. If you're interested, please contact stalls@princethorpe.co.uk for more details on how to secure your spot. Let's make this Summer Fete unforgettable together!

Your help is needed!

Our popular Bottle Tombola, Water to Wine and Preloved Uniform stalls rely on your generous donations so please dig deep (or peer into the back of the cupboard) and send your donations into the Pupil Hub by the morning of Friday 28 June. Please ensure all preloved uniform is clean and has plenty of wear left. Thank you.


We rely heavily on the PTA volunteers to run this event and we are always on the lookout for more helpers, so if you can assist in any way on the day, even for half an hour, we would really like to hear from you!  Please email us at ptassociation@princethorpe.co.uk to register your interest. 

We do hope that you are able to come along to support this fun, family event and share in the special atmosphere at Princethorpe.

Many thanks

Jules Mold
PTA Chair                                                          

New Summer Holiday Camps - 10% Early Bird Discount Ends Sunday 9 June

Monday 15 July to Friday 23 August, 8.00am to 5.00pm

We are thrilled to team up with Team Super Sports to offer an action-packed summer experience for children aged 5 to 16 years. From Monday 15 July to Friday 23 August, our Holiday Camps will run from 8.00am to 5.00pm.

Children aged 7 to 16 can choose from a variety of sports, including rugby, cricket, football, gymnastics, netball, hockey, and tennis to create their own personalised sports camp! For our younger campers (ages 5 to 7), along with sport we’ve got arts, crafts, and dance activities to keep them engaged and having a blast!

Why Team Super Sports? They’re experts in sport and multi-activity holiday camps, providing top-level coaching for all abilities.

Click here to visit the Team Super Sports website to secure your child’s spot.

Camps are priced at £37 per day, with an extra 10% discount for early bird bookings before Sunday 9 June. Sibling discounts and flexible booking options available!

Princethorpe College Open Afternoon And Year 6 Taster Days

Sunday 15 September 2024 - 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Princethorpe will be holding its annual Open Afternoon on Sunday 15 September from 2.00pm to 5.00pm. All are welcome to visit the College and for younger visitors, there will be many fun subject related activities organised by the departments.

The Headmaster will address visitors in the Chapel during the afternoon and refreshments will be available. 

To book your place please click here.

Year 6 Taster Days - Tuesday 17, Thursday 19 and Wednesday 25 September

Our Year 6 Taster Days are aimed at Year 6 pupils who wish to join the College in September 2024 and who have not already attended a Year 5 Taster Day. 

Taster Days are available on:

  • Tuesday 17 September 2024
  • Thursday 19 September 2024
  • Wednesday 25 September 2024

Taster Days typically involve lessons, a question and answer session with some of our current pupils and a chance to talk to the Headmaster, Mr du Toit. They run from 9.30am to 3.00pm. Snacks and lunch are provided and there is no charge for the day.

To book your place click here.


Scholastic Book Fair - Reminder

The English Department is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair from Thursday 6 to Wednesday 12 June 2024.

An exciting range of books, suitable for KS3 pupils, will be available at discounted prices. The Book Fair will be situated in The Limes and pupils are very welcome to browse the selection at lunchtime.

English Department 


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Year 7 Progress Reports

Progress Reports for Year 7 will be published on Friday 21 June, and will be available to view on My School Portal.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 8 Full Reports

Full reports for Year 8 will be published on Friday 21 June and will be available to view on My School Portal.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 9 Tutor Reports

Tutor Reports for Year 9 will be published on Friday 21 June 2024, and will be available to view on My School Portal.  

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 10 Progress Reports

Progress Reports for Year 10 will be published on Friday 14 June, and will be available to view on My School Portal.  

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 10 Subject Progress Evening (Online)

The Year 10 Subject Progress Evening will take place online on Thursday 20 June, from 5.00pm to 8.30pm. Details of how to book appointments will be emailed week commencing Monday 10 June 2024.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic


June Challenge Curriculum Calendar

The June Challenge Calendar is now available for all pupils to explore wider information on the Whole School Team. 

Pupils who would like to complete the challenges, highlighted in green text, can get merits by sending photos of their creations to Mrs Lindsay on Teams Chat. 

This is the last Challenge Calendar for the current academic year. However, the previous Challenge Calendars are still available on the Whole School Team Challenge Channel for any pupils to get involved with any of the activities. There will be a whole school da Vinci challenge set for the summer holiday (details will be on the next edition of the Flagpole).

A copy of the calendar can be accessed here. All the links are active and can be clicked on to access the material.

Julia Lindsay
Challenge Curriculum Co-ordinator (KS3 and KS4)


Electrical Hair Stylers

We have been made aware that recently some pupils have been bringing hair straighteners or curling wands into school with them and using them in the school toilets during the day.

I hope that you can appreciate this is a health and safety risk to the whole school and we would ask that you speak to your children and advise them to leave any electrical hair stylers at home please.

From Monday 10 June 2024, any electrical hair stylers which are found on the school premises will be confiscated and parents will be contacted to collect these from the Pupil Hub. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral

Year 11 And Upper Sixth Thanksgiving Services - Reminder And Time Update

Invitations have been sent to parents of Year 11 Pupils and Upper Sixth Students for the year groups Thanksgiving Services, both of which will be followed by a buffet supper.

Event and RSVP dates are as follows:

  • Year 11 Thanksgiving Service and Buffet Supper - Wednesday 19 June at 7.00pm. RSVP date Tuesday 11 June
  • Upper Sixth Thanksgiving Service and Buffet Supper - Tuesday 25 June at 6.30pm. Please be aware that we have brought the time of the Upper Sixth Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday 25 June forward slightly by half an hour to 6.30pm, as there is an England group stage match in the Euros 2024 Football tournament later that evening and we want to avoid a clash for those who wish to enjoy the game. The service will be followed by a buffet supper as planned. RSVP date Monday 17 June

Confirmation - Lent Term 2025 - Reminder

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in the College Chapel in the Lent Term 2025. We are waiting for the Bishop to confirm the date.

Confirmation preparation will begin in October 2024. The preparation takes place over the lunch break. There will be four sessions in the Michaelmas Term and four in the Lent Term. Each 20-minute session will be offered twice during the week to avoid clashes with other activities.

If you would like further information, please email marybenham@princethorpe.co.uk.

Please complete the enrolment form here if you would like to register a pupil for Confirmation by Friday 1 July.
Mary Benham
Chaplaincy Co-ordinator

Year 10 Locker Key Return

As our current Year 10 pupils transition into Year 11 from September 2024, can we ask that they all hand in their current locker keys on Thursday 27 June 2024 during their tutor time please.

These lockers will be cleaned and reallocated over the summer to our new Year 7 pupils ready for their start with us in September.

Year 11 pupils will be allocated with a different locker to use from September 2024. These will be issued to them by their tutors on the first day back in school.

Could you please remind pupils to look for their locker key before Thursday 27 June 2024 as we will be asking for it to be returned. Any lost locker keys will incur a £5 charge for a new key to be ordered.

Your support with this is greatly appreciated. 

Beth Sharpe  
Deputy Head - Pastoral




Sixth Form

Lower Sixth Progress Reports

Progress Reports for the Lower Sixth will be published today, Friday 7 June, and will be available to view on My School Portal.  

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Lower Sixth Subject Progress Evening (Online)

Wednesday 12 June 2024

The Lower Sixth Subject Progress Evening will take place on Wednesday 12 June from 5.00pm to 8.30pm. Appointments are now available to book on SchoolCloud.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Trinity Term - Sixth Form Update

Welcome Back Sixth Form Parents!

We hope you and your families had a restful and enjoyable half-term holiday. As we approach the end of the Trinity term and the conclusion of this academic year, we have several important events and updates to share with you.

Lower Sixth Exam Feedback

This week our Lower Sixth students will be receiving feedback on their recent exams. We understand that this can be a nerve-wracking time, but it is also an excellent opportunity for students to understand their strengths and areas for improvement. The feedback sessions are desgined to be constructive, offering valuable insights that will help your child as they continue their studies. Encourage your child to engage actively with their teachers' comments and use this feedback to set clear goals for the upcoming term.

Upper Sixth Final Stretch

For our Upper Sixth students these final weeks of exams are critical. We commend their dedication and hard work thus far and encourage them to maintain their momentum. It is natural to feel a mix of emotions during this intense period, but please remind your child that they have the strength and resilience to get through it. Ensuring they balance their study time with adequate rest and relaxation will be key to their success.

24/7 Mary's Meals Walk - Sunday 9 June 2024

Continuing our tradition of philanthropy and global citizenship, we are proud to participate in the 24/7 Mary's Meals Walk. This initiative aims to support Mary's Meals in their mission to provide nutritious meals to children in some of the world's poorest communities. By walking together, our students exemplify the values of compassion, empathy, and solidarity.

Lower Sixth BBQ - Monday 24 June 2024, 5.00pm to 7.00pm

All Lower Sixth students, parents and families are invited to join the Sixth Form team for a summer BBQ where there will be food, drinks, a tombola, fun and games, and entertainment from our talented students! Tickets are now on sale and all monies raised will be going to the housing and homelessness charity Shelter, which has been chosen by our students.

Please take note of the following key dates and add them to your calendars to ensure your child's participation and enjoyment in these enriching activities. Further details regarding each event will be communicated closer to the respective dates.

If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Key Dates

Sunday 9 June - 24/7 Mary's Meals Walk

Saturday 15 June - Lower Sixth First Aid Course

Monday 24 June - Activities Week and Lower Sixth Parent and Student Summer BBQ

Tuesday 25 June - Upper Sixth Eucharist and Lower Sixth UCAS Day at Birmingham NEC

Friday 28 June - Lower Sixth Alton Towers Trip

Sunday 30 June - PTA Summer Fete and 27th Annual Motoring Festival

Monday 1 July - Lower Sixth Make A Difference (MAD) Day

Tuesday 2 July - Upper Sixth Leavers' Ball and Lower Sixth UCAS Information Day

Ben Collie 
Head of Sixth Form 


Sports Kit Initialling

Any items of sports kit that require initialling during the summer holidays can be brought into the School Shop prior to Wednesday 3 July 2024 in a clearly named bag with a completed form attached.

If you do not have access to a printer a form may be collected from the School Shop in advance at break or lunch time. Please note all articles of clothing must be new or freshly laundered and dry, if they are to be sent to the embroiderers. This service is only available on items bought directly from the School Shop that have not been previously embroidered.

Initialling is not compulsory but is highly recommended to look professional, help reunite any lost items with the owner and is already included in the price. Initials can be a maximum of three letters and should not spell out a first name or nickname. 

Items will be ready for collection from the school shop when school re-opens on Tuesday 3 September 2024.

If you have any queries please contact the school shop on 01926 634272 or email uniform@princethorpe.co.uk

Barbara Bromwich
Foundation Shop Manager


Support The PTA Online - Reminder

Did you know you can support the Princethorpe PTA online?

Follow, like, and share our social media posts to help us reach a wider audience. The more people who are aware of our fundraising events, the greater impact we can make for the school community! Please see below the links to our social media pages:

Facebook: PTA Princethorpe

Instagram: @princethorpepta

X (Twitter): @PrincethorpePta

Thank you. 

Princethorpe PTA

PTA Easyfundraising - Reminder

Please don’t forget that Princethorpe College PTA is registered with easyfundraising. 

When you shop via the easyfundraising website or app, with over 4,100 of your favourite retailers, including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Amazon and many more, you will raise FREE donations for the school.  

If you’re not already registered, please visit our easyfundraising page here.

This will really make a difference to our school! Thank you for your support.

Join Our Princethorpe PTA Community - Reminder

Are you interested in joining the PTA Committee?

Comprising a dedicated group of volunteer parents and guardians of Princethorpe students, the committee orchestrates and assists in various school events, including the immensely popular Summer Fête and Christmas Fair, aimed at raising funds for projects within the school that enrich the student experience and foster a sense of community.

If you are interested in offering your support or wish to become more actively involved in event planning by joining the committee and attending meetings, please don't hesitate to email us at ptassociation@princethorpe.co.uk.


Educational Visits And Trips - Reminder

Educational and co-curricular visits have always been a major part of life at Princethorpe. These experiences for pupils enrich their lives, enhance their learning and develop their understanding and appreciation of the world around them. 

We would like to remind you of the provisional major trips plan as it currently stands (this does not include academic department day trips or Duke of Edinburgh's Award). Please click here for the planned school trips.

Please also ensure that you read the information about individual trips with care when they are released, in particular in relation to consent, cancellation and insurance.

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular

Duke Of Edinburgh's Award - 2023-24

Qualifying Expeditions

Well done to the Year 10 Silver Group who are currently completing their qualifying expedition. Please could I encourage the Bronze and Gold groups to start preparing their kit and discussing the trips with their teammates. 

Please could all participants continue to log hours and sign off their physical, volunteering and skills sections. I am delighted to see the quality of the evidence and assessor reports being uploaded onto the eDofE website. Any pupils requiring help with this element should please attend the weekly DofE clinic, at 1.05pm on Tuesday in LG02. Useful resources can be found on MySchoolPortal here.


Thank you for attending the pre-trip meeting last week. Full final expedition details will be distributed via email next week.

Group A – Cotswolds - Friday 21 June, 7.30am – Saturday 22 June 2024, 5.00pm.

Group B – Cotswolds - Sunday 23 June, 7.30am – Monday 24 June 2024, 5.00pm.


Following your qualifying trip please could you return all kit borrowed to the PE Office as soon as possible. Please label and sign it back in.


Pupils have a pre-trip meeting scheduled on Friday 14 June, Tutor Time, in the Clarkson theatre. Following this full final details will be distributed via email.

Snowdonia – Friday 28 June 9.00am – Tuesday 2 July 2024, 9.00pm.

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager

Clubs In The Library

Book Club are currently shadowing the Yoto Carnegie book awards. We have been reading the nominated books, discussing our thoughts and opinions, and voting for who we each think should be the winner of the Medal for Writing 2024, all over a few biscuits. After the winner is announced Book Club will be celebrating with a party.

In the next few weeks pupils will be taking turns to plan and run a Book Club session. This has proven to be a great success with our pupils having freedom to plan their own sessions around books and literacy. We have had lots of variety including creative writing, comic strip drawings, murder mysteries, quizzes and many more. If your child enjoys reading and would like to come along to talk about their favourite books, or if they are just getting into reading, this is a brilliant club to come to for lots of recommendations and to meet fellow students with similar interests.

At Craft Club we have been learning lots of new skills and making some fantastic crafts to contribute to our Library displays. Recently we have been making bookmarks and Harry Potter origami, students often have ideas of what they would like to make and challenge Mrs Chadwick with her origami skills.

Harriet Hallam
Library Assistant

Challenge Curriculum Competition - Reminder

Pupils are invited to enter the Brilliant Poetry Competition to write a poem (maximum 40 lines) about science. Brilliant Poetry is an international competition that invites people from around the world to express scientific wonder and discovery through verse.

Please see Mrs Lindsay or Mr Lee for more information or advice, the link here or from the STEAM Channel in the Whole School Team.

The deadline for entries is 21 June 2024.

The first Prize is £1000, Second Prize is £500, Third Prize is £250.

Good Luck!

Julia Lindsay                                          Dan Lee
Challenge Curriculum Co-ordinator      Head of Physics and
(KS3 and KS4)                                       STEAM Co-ordinator



View Gallery


Communication - Reminder

We would like to remind parents of some useful contact details.

To report a pupil absence please do so on My School Portal.

For other enquiries please use the email addresses below:

Bus related queries - princethorpe@vectare.co.uk

School Shop - uniform@princethorpe.co.uk

Medical Centre - pcmatrons@princethorpe.co.uk

School fees -  accounts@princethorpe.co.uk

General enquiries - post@princethorpe.co.uk

Lost property - lostproperty@princethorpe.co.uk

Wisepay catering - cashless@princethorpe.co.uk

Email addresses for members of teaching staff can be found on My School Portal.

Term Dates - 2023-24, 2024-25 And 2025-26 - Revised

Please find below the Term Dates for 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26.

2023-2024 (two page document)

2024-2025 (two page document) - revised Sixth Form Open Evening and Christmas Fair dates. Updated June 2024

2025-2026 (two page document)

Employment Opportunities

Please see below our current vacancies:

Princethorpe College

  • Sports Coach - Hockey
  • Sports Coach - Rugby
  • Minibus Driver

Crescent School

  • 1:1 Learning Support Assistant

Full details and how to apply are available via the following link: Join Us

Should you know anyone who might be interested in these posts, please do share this information with them.