
High Performance Learners - Biannual Review

There has been a review of High Performance Learners in the school and those identified have been added to the High Performance Learner Team. Congratulations to those who have been added to the Team this week. Pupils are identified as a High Performance Learner for achieving in the top 10% of their year group according to the da Vinci points they have accrued as well as in the baseline testing completed in the first term. This Team is used to advertise additional opportunities for stretch and challenge that are available to them as part of the da Vinci programme. 

There will be a second review at the end of the academic year, with those who are in the top 10% of the year groups, according to their da Vinci points, being awarded a da Vinci badge. 

Julia Lindsay
Challenge Curriculum Coordinator


External Examinations 2024 - Update

Summer Exam Season

All pupils have been given their personal exam statement of entry. Timetables can be viewed on the pupil and parent portals. Nearer the time of exams, room and seating arrangement information will be made available.

A few pupils have exam clashes and they have all now been contacted via Teams to discuss a resolution. A clash of exams only occurs when two exams for different subjects are timetabled to start at the same time on the same day.

Where two exams for the same subject are timetabled to start at the same time on the same day, they will be taken one after the other. This applies to GCSE History, IGCSE French, IGCSE Spanish and A-level Maths.

All candidates have now received an email with a link to the Candidate Handbook, which contains important information about the summer exam season. A copy of the Candidate Handbook can be accessed here.

Sarah Tsang
Examinations Officer

Launch Of The Challenge Curriculum On Whole School Team From 1 March 2024 - Reminder

There is now a channel on the Whole School Team for pupils where there will be a monthly menu of challenge activities.

Each month a new menu of activities will be provided. March activities are all related to women as March is International Women's History Month. 

Pupils do not have to complete all the activities. They are available to all pupils in all years, so they can investigate areas that interest them - most areas of the school curriculum are covered each month with the aim that all areas are included over the whole year.

Pupils can do these activities in their own time and in prep - or any quiet moment when they are looking for something to do.

These activities are designed to widen pupils' experience and understanding, they are not always directly linked to what they are learning about, but provide culture capital and broader learning experiences. Pupils can simply click on the links in the Challenge Curriculum channel on the Whole School Team to access the materials and are welcome to take it further from there.

Julia Lindsay
Challenge Curriculum Co-ordinator (KS3 and KS4)

Easter Holiday Homework Expectations

Years 7, 8, 9

  1. No formal homework will be set for the holiday (although some pupils may have to complete homework set for the last week of the term).
  2. Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders.
  3. Please be aware that the internal exam week will begin on Monday 20 May 2024 and areas of learning will be explained by individual teachers as soon as possible.

Year 10

Based on a minimum of 2 hours work per weekday.

  1. Homework will be set for certain subjects.
  2. Pupils will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders. This is essential to ensure that all topics are ready for revision purposes.
  3. Plan and begin a revision programme for the summer exam week beginning Monday 20 May 2024. 

Year 11

Based on a minimum of 4 hours work per weekday.

  1. Specific holiday work/revision will be set for most subjects.
  2. Pupils should continue to follow their revision timetables using revision materials given to them by their teachers and tutors.
  3. Pupils should be encouraged to use a variety of revision techniques (revision books, online resources, past papers).

Sixth Form

Lower Sixth based on a minimum of 4 hours work per weekday.

  1. Specific holiday work may be set for certain subjects.
  2. Students will be expected to catch up on any missed or incomplete work and sort any files or folders.
  3. Revision and preparation for the summer exams week beginning Monday 20 May 2024.

Upper Sixth based on a minimum of 5 hours work per weekday.

  1. Specific holiday homework and revision will be set for all subjects.
  2. Students will be expected to review their understanding of their topics and carry out additional research and tasks to ensure that secure revision can take place.
  3. Pupils should be encouraged to use a variety of revision techniques (revision books, online resources, past papers).

Thank you.

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head – Teaching and Learning

Year 7 Full Reports

Full reports for Year 7 will be published today (Friday 22 March), and will be available to view on My School Portal.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Lower Sixth Tutor Reports

Tutor Reports for Lower Sixth will be published today, Friday 22 March 2024, and will be available to view on My School Portal.  

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 8 And 9 360 Review Evening

Thursday 18 April 2024 - 6.00pm to 8.30pm

We would like to invite all parents of Year 8 and 9 pupils to a 360 Review Evening with their child’s Form Tutor. The main part of this will be a 15-minute face-to-face appointment with their Form Tutor to discuss overall progress and involvement in school. There will also be a presentation from senior staff to support pupils’ preparations for the forthcoming internal examination week, as well as the opportunity to meet with the Learning Support department.

Appointments will be available to book from 6.00pm on Thursday 11 April. We will email you to remind you nearer to the time.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic