
Mock Examinations

Next week our Upper Sixth students and Year 11 pupils will be sitting mock examinations. We wish them all well in their preparation for these and would like to remind all other pupils to be considerate in keeping quiet while moving around site near examination venues.

Year 11 pupils should ensure that they have sufficient revision resources with them to use in the sessions when they do not have mock examinations, making sure that their laptops are fully charged.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 9 Full Reports - Reminder

Full reports for Year 9 will be published today, Friday 24 November 2023, and will be available to view on My School Portal.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic


Year 10 Tutor Reports

Tutor Reports for Year 10 will be published on Friday 1 December 2023, and will be available to view on My School Portal.  

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Upper Sixth Online Subject Progress Evening

The Upper Sixth Subject Progress Evening will take place online on Thursday 14 December 2023 from 6.00pm to 8.30pm. Details of how to book appointments will be emailed during week commencing Monday 4 December 2023.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 7 Tutor Reports

Tutor Reports for Year 7 will be published on Friday 15 December 2023, and will be available to view on My School Portal.  

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 11 Mock Reports

Year 11 Mock Exam Reports will be published on Friday 15 December 2023 and will be available to view on My School Portal.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Parents Of Lower Sixth Students - A Survival Guide - Reminder

Now we are in to the second half term, it is important to recognise the stresses and demands on our Lower Sixth students. You should have noticed the level of study has increased somewhat but be aware that this level of load can cause difficulties and anxieties. Here are some tips to support your youngster.

Encourage your youngster to ask for help when they need it – seeking out a teacher before stress starts to build up is essential. This could be as simple as finding the teacher before class, chatting to their tutor or sharing worries with friends.

Stay organised – consider how your youngster is scheduling their time and ensure that they are setting aside time for each subject throughout the week. Encourage them to start assignments early, set deadlines and make the most of study periods in the school day.

Mix up your study routine – talk to your youngster about staying focused and positive during their study time. It is important that they use a variety of study techniques from using flashcards or mind maps, writing summaries and watching online tutorials to getting a friend or family member to quiz them, completing practice tests under exam conditions and working through questions from the text book.

Take time to research your post-school options – get your youngster thinking about their future aspirations. Taking time to research and make plans for post-school life can provide a nice break from studies, while also helping them to stay motivated by reminding them of the bigger picture. This may include researching institutions and courses of interest, organising things for a gap year and putting together course applications.

Stay calm and keep things in perspective – Sixth Form studies are rewarding but also demanding. Your youngster’s mental health is a vital component to success. Take time to encourage them to be involved in other activities and have a balanced life style.

For more suggestions, please click on this link.

Dr Liz Pyne
Assistant Head - Teaching and Learning