
Year 9 Army STEM Workshops

The Army are returning to Princethorpe College on 6 and 7 March 2024 to run a series of STEM workshops for our Year 9 pupils. This includes an introduction to careers within the Army and the wide range of opportunities they offer, followed by a hands-on workshop. Year 9 pupils have a choice of which workshop they take part in and should use the link on the Year 9 TEAM, also here for reference to select their workshops in preference order. Any pupils who do not complete the form will be allocated an activity to take part in. 

Any questions please contact Dan Lee at

Dan Lee
Head of Physics and STEAM Co-ordinator



Christmas is just around the corner and the library staff are preparing to decorate their wonderful space! Our book craft club, which runs every Thursday break and lunchtime, are busy making book related Christmas decorations for our tree. There is a wonderful Winter display up already on one of our boards, with another coming soon which celebrates our wintery reads. 

To see all of our displays and what’s on in the library don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @princethorpelibrary.

Our book and biscuit club runs every Tuesday in the library at breaktime. At the moment we are looking at the shortlisted books from the Warwickshire Teen Book Award. They are Tag You’re Dead, Happy Head, The Promise Boys and With Fire In Their Blood. Our book clubbers have all submitted questions that they would like to ask the shortlisted authors and next month will be voting on their favourite book.

Struggling to think of gifts for Christmas? Why not give a book token. National Book Tokens are an excellent idea for a gift, just visit their website here. In the meantime, you could win yourself a prize by finding the books in the 2023 Hidden Books Game. You can find it by using the following link here.

Nicola Treadwell
Head Librarian


Jolabokaflod (Christmas book flood) is the Icelandic tradition of exchanging books on Christmas Eve. The tradition began during World War Two, when rationing was in effect, but paper remained plentiful. To this day, families in Iceland gather on Christmas Eve to gift each other with books, before spending the evening reading side by side, usually with some hot cocoa to ‘sweeten the deal’.

This year at Princethorpe College, we will be holding our very own Jolabokaflod between Monday 11 December and Wednesday 13 December. Pupils will be asked to bring in a pre-loved book from home that they are willing to donate to the event. Then, in the penultimate week of term, students will be invited by year group to come to the Limes foyer over lunchtime to select a new book to take home over Christmas. At the end of the event, any leftover books will be given to The Krizevac Project, to be taken to their schools in Malawi (where some of our students will be visiting later next year).

We would be very grateful if you could encourage your child(ren) to bring in a book by Tuesday 5 December. Books can be either handed in to tutors or taken directly to the Library. We kindly ask that pupils only bring in books appropriate to their own age groups. Thank you.

Joanna Evans
English Teacher and Whole School Language for Learning Lead


Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award 2023-24 - New Starters - Reminder

Online eDofE accounts have been created and you have been sent an email with the login details. Please sign in as soon as possible. The DofE will then send a participant handbook directly to your home address.

Further course materials are being distributed at the DofE start-up meetings. Attendance at these sessions are mandatory for pupils, as the next steps will be discussed.

Gold – took place Friday 24 November

Silver – took place Wednesday 22 November

Bronze – will take place on Wednesday 29 November, during tutor time, in the Clarkson theatre

Please could all new bronze, silver and gold participants complete the steps listed below by Wednesday 20 December.

1) Download the DofE app or find

2) Login using the username and password sticker on your folder

3) Update your personal details

4) Set timescales (for example at bronze physical 6, volunteering 3 and skill 3 months)

5) Complete the programme planners for the physical, volunteering and skill sections. This includes:

  • selecting the activity
  • inputting start dates
  • setting a goal to achieve
  • recording your assessor details (please speak to your potential assessor to ask permission before you upload the details)

6) Submit your programme planners online to your DofE Leader for approval. Once approved you can start your award.

Any email will be sent to pupils and parents with further advice. After the assemblies, the relevant resources will be uploaded onto MySchoolPortal. 

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager

Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award 2022-23 – Complete your Award

Whilst the enrolment deadline for new starters has passed, there is still time to complete your award.

Please continue to prioritise signing off your volunteering, physical and skill sections. Many have already completed their award in full. Guidance can be found on a DofE Completion email sent to you and your parents and the advice documents are also available on MySchoolPortal.

Lunchtime drop-in clinic takes place eevry Tuesday at 1.05pm in LG02.

The Certificate Presentation Evening takes place on Thursday 8 February 2024. Invitations will be distributed in the New Year.

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager