Princethorpe Computer Scientists Practise For The Bebras Challenge
The prestigious Bebras Computing Challenge introduces computational thinking to students. It is organised in over 60 countries and designed to get students all over the world excited about computing. The Oxford University Computer Science department lists the Bebras Challenge as one of the extra-curricular competitions that it looks favourably upon when vetting applicants for entry. All computer scientist pupils in years 9 to 11 will take part in the online competition during the first fortnight after half term. Pupils will have a practise lesson, before they take part in the competition, during another lesson.
More general information can be found here:
Pupils have been set a voluntary assignment to practise over half term below:
Be sure to choose the correct age range:
Inters (12-14) for Years 8 and 9
Seniors (14-16) for Years 10 and 11
Good luck!