
Princethorpe Computer Scientists Practise For The Bebras Challenge

The prestigious Bebras Computing Challenge introduces computational thinking to students. It is organised in over 60 countries and designed to get students all over the world excited about computing. The Oxford University Computer Science department lists the Bebras Challenge as one of the extra-curricular competitions that it looks favourably upon when vetting applicants for entry. All computer scientist pupils in years 9 to 11 will take part in the online competition during the first fortnight after half term. Pupils will have a practise lesson, before they take part in the competition, during another lesson.

More general information can be found here:

Welcome - UK Bebras

Pupils have been set a voluntary assignment to practise over half term below:

Be sure to choose the correct age range:

Inters (12-14) for Years 8 and 9

Seniors (14-16) for Years 10 and 11

Challenges - UK Bebras

Good luck!

Ed Musson
Head of Computer Science


Michaelmas Term Celebration Of Achievement Lunch

It is always great to hear about our pupils' successes that take place outside of school; please do keep us updated if your son or daughter has won a competition, is performing in a show or competing at a high level with a sporting team outside of school, we would love to hear more. 

We would like to invite parents to submit this information to us via a nomination form by clicking here so we might celebrate these achievements in school too.  

Neil McCollin
Assistant Head - Co-Curricular

Claudia Is Second At HOYS

Huge congratulations to Upper Sixth Former, Claudia Newman who placed 2nd in the 15hh plaited working hunter pony class at the prestigious Horse of the Year Show last Thursday 5 October.

Claudia was riding her amazing Connemara pony Annaghbay Storm, after qualifying for the national championships at Stoneleigh back in August. Competing at the HOYS is the stuff that dreams are made of, and the College is delighted for this incredible pair.

Louisa Fielding, the College’s Equestrian Team Manager, said, “What a superb achievement; Claudia is a stalwart of our school teams, she has been riding for Princethorpe for years. Horses are her passion, but they take so much hard work and commitment, this is amazing news and we are all really proud of her.”

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Duke Of Edinburgh's Award - Complete Your Award - 2022-23

Please continue to prioritise signing off your volunteering, physical and skill sections. Many have already completed their award in full. Guidance can be found on a DofE Completion email sent to pupils and parents, the advice documents are also available on MySchoolPortal.

Lunchtime drop-in clinic takes place every Tuesday 1.05pm in LG02.

The Certificate Presentation Evening takes place on Thursday 8 February 2024. However, the final deadline for completion for those aiming to move from Bronze to Silver is October half term, for those stopping at Bronze it is Christmas. 

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager

Duke Of Edinburgh's Award - Signing Up 2023-24

The Parent Information Evening recorded presentation, Information Booklet and Enrolment Form are all available on MySchoolPortal/Co-curricular/DukeofEdinburgh’sAward via the link here.

The deadline for enrolment is Friday 20 October (the last day of term before the half term break). Please complete the form and submit the £60 non-refundable deposit. Assemblies will be held with pupils after half term where course materials will be distributed and the next steps explained.

Here is a reminder of the eligibility criteria: 

Award Stage      Age Requirement

Bronze              Year 9

Silver                Year 10

Gold                  16 years old (must be in the Sixth Form)

I look forward to welcoming pupils onto the scheme this year. 

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager