
Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award 2022-23 - Complete Your Award

Please continue to prioritise signing off your volunteering, physical and skill sections. Many have already completed their award in full. Guidance can be found on a DofE Completion email sent to you and your parents, the advice documents are also available on MySchoolPortal.

Lunchtime drop-in clinics start next week, day and location tbc. I will aim to hold the Certificate Presentation Evening in February 2023. However, the final deadline for completion for those aiming to move from bronze to silver is October half term, for those stopping at bronze it is Christmas. 

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager

Duke Of Edinburgh's Award 2023-24 – Signing Up 2023-24

Information for those interested in enrolling in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme this year will be distributed over the coming weeks. This will start with an opportunity for pupils to express an interest in tutor time. 

There will be an assembly for Year 9 pupils in advance of the recorded online Parents’ Information Presentation evening on Wednesday 20 September, 6.00pm - 7.00pm. Parents of Year 9 pupils are particularly welcome as we hope to recruit the whole year group to complete their bronze award this year.   

Following the Virtual Parents’ Evening enrolment, materials will be available on the Flagpole and MySchoolPortal.

Here is a reminder of the eligibility criteria: 

Award Stage   Age Requirement 
Bronze              Year 9 
Silver                Year 10 
Gold                 16 years old (must be in the Sixth Form) 

I look forward to welcoming pupils onto the scheme this year. 

Will Bower
Head of Outdoor Education - DofE Manager

Peripatetic Music And LAMDA Lessons

Thank you for the applications for individual Music and LAMDA lessons received to date; tuition will commence during the second week of term from Monday 11 September. The teacher concerned will contact you in the next few days to confirm the day of the first lesson as well as the accompanying documents. Please can all parents return the invoice payment and the completed ‘pupils’ Teacher/Parent contract and Privacy Statement to the teacher by the first lesson date at the very latest. Please note that Lesson Timetables will be drawn up within College and I shall issue these to parents during next week.

Most peripatetic lessons will be taught in the Music and LAMDA teaching area on the Upper Pugin Corridor (on the top floor - above the Heads of House and Learning Support) with just a few remaining on the ground floor for logistical reasons.

On a musical note, I would appreciate it if you could encourage some practise at home before the initial lesson and ask your child to bring along a piece of music to play to their teacher (this helps establish positive relationships between pupil and teacher as the pupil is ‘in charge’ of their own learning and lessons can then progress swiftly from such a meeting of minds).

All musical instruments must be clearly named on both the case (try a strong suitcase label or dog tag) and instrument, if possible, and then stored safely either in the pupil’s locker or music storage shelves on Upper Pugin first thing in the morning.

Guitars and cellos are very vulnerable to accidents if placed in the Bus ‘hold’, I would recommend that guitars/cellos are brought to school in a hard shell or very padded case. These can be purchased either online or from a local music store and will be a sound investment. NB. Instruments must not be left around school at any time.

Should you require any further information then please can you contact me either by email at or by my direct phone line on 01926 634268.

Felicity Coulson
Peripatetic Music Co-ordinator