
Year 10 Sixth Form Taster Day

On Wednesday 14 June, Year 10 pupils will be invited to spend the day in Sixth Form. This will include five sample lessons to explore possible subject choices and presentations from the Sixth Form Team. This is an early part of the journey to Sixth Form intended to begin conversations ahead of Sixth Form Open Evening in Year 11.

We have emailed Year 10 pupils a link with which to indicate their subject choices. Please encourage them to complete this before half-term.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 8 And 10 Examination Reports

Year 8 and 10 Examination Reports will be published on Friday 16 June and will be available to view on My School Portal.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 7 And 9 Examination Reports

Year 7 and 9 Examination Reports will be published on Friday 23 June and will be available to view on My School Portal.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 7 Subject Progress Evening (Online)

The Year 7 Subject Progress Evening will take place online on Monday 26 June 2023, from 5.00pm to 8.30pm. Details of how to book appointments will be emailed week commencing 12 June 2023.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic

Year 10 Subject Progress Evening (Online)

The Year 10 Subject Progress Evening will take place online on Wednesday 21 June 2023, from 5.00pm to 8.30pm. Details of how to book appointments will be emailed week commencing 12 June 2023.

Michael Spencer
Deputy Head - Academic


Year 8 Science Textbook Return Summer 2023 - Reminder

Pupils and parents in Year 8 are reminded that the following textbook needs to be returned to their Science teacher by Friday 16 June 2023.

Year 8 - Smart Science textbook.

If a textbook has been lost, a charge will be made for this book.   

Emma Cooper
Head of Science