
General Notice Period Requirements - Reminder

Parents are reminded of the notice requirements according to our terms and conditions.

A term's notice is required if a pupil will not be returning to the school. Notice must be in writing, addressed to the Headmaster, via the Registrar, Mrs Rooney by the first day of term.

All letters are acknowledged within seven days; if you do not receive an acknowledgement then please contact the Registrar immediately. 

Eddie Tolcher
Foundation Bursar

Year 11 Pupils' Notice Period - Reminder

Sixth Form offer letters, including scholarships, were issued week commencing Monday 20 March 2023. To assist us with our planning of teaching sets and timetabling, please could you let us know in writing to Mr du Toit, via the Registrar, Mrs Rooney by Wednesday 19 April 2023, if you do not wish to take up the offered Sixth Form place. 

This would meet the term’s notice of withdrawal as set out in our terms and conditions.

Parents are reminded that if a decision is made subsequently not to take up the offered Sixth Form place and a term’s notice has not been given, you would be liable for the term's fees.

Eddie Tolcher 
Foundation Bursar

Notice Requirement For Buses

Please note that half a term's notice is required if a pupil no longer needs to use the bus service provided by the school.

Parents wishing to give notice should contact Vectare by email

Eddie Tolcher
Foundation Bursar


Sarah Tsang - Examinations Officer

The Examinations Team welcomes Sarah Tsang who has joined Princethorpe College as Examinations Officer.

Sarah joins Princethorpe with seven years experience working as an Exam Officer at a local independent school. Prior to that Sarah worked in library and information management for 15 years within civil service and education settings, and most recently has worked in university admissions.

In her spare time Sarah enjoys reading, sewing, and spending time with her family.

School Uniform Update - Girls’ Green Jumpers - Reminder

From September 2023 the current Years 7 and 8 girls’ red jumpers will no longer be available in the School Shop as these are being phased out. Girls can continue to wear their red jumpers but green jumpers are now available from the school shop if they need a replacement jumper. 

By September 2024, all girls will be expected to wear a green jumper up to the end of Year 11.

Barbara Bromwich
School Shop Manager

Communication - Reminder

We would like to remind parents of some useful contact details.

To report a pupil absence please email or telephone the Attendance Line on 01926 634260.

For other enquiries please use the email addresses below:

Bus related queries -

School Shop -

Medical Centre -

School fees -

General enquiries -

Lost property -

Wisepay catering -

Email addresses for members of teaching staff can be found on My School Portal.

Term Dates - 2022-23 And 2023-24 - Reminder

Please find below the updated Term Dates for 2022-23 and 2023-24

2022-23 (two page document) -  new Bank Holiday for the King's Coronation

2023 -2024 (two page document) - revised Prize Giving and PTA Christmas Fair dates

Employment Opportunities

Please see below our current vacancies: 

Princethorpe College

  • Library Assistant

Crackley Hall

  • KS1 Teacher
  • RE Co-ordinator 

Crescent School

  • Sports Coach

Full details and how to apply are available via the following link: Join Us

Should you know anyone who might be interested in this post, please do share this information with them.