Sixth Form

Sixth Form Update

UCAS and Careers

Any questions about UCAS or careers related advice please contact Mrs Quinney directly by email at

Lower Sixth 

Please see the link here for a reminder of the Lower Sixth Journey and key events scheduled for this year, which was emailed to parents in September.

The Oxbridge and Medicine talks were held on Monday 13 February. 

Please follow the links below to view the presentations:

Oxbridge presentation

Medicine presentation

Upper Sixth 

Please see the link here for a reminder of the Upper Sixth Journey and key events scheduled for this year, which was emailed to parents in September.

Key Dates

Saturday 18 March - Careers Fair

Friday 24 March - Prefect Inauguration

Saturday 25 March - Prefect and Subject Ambassadors training

Thursday 29 June - Upper Sixth Thanksgiving Eucharist and Buffet Supper

Wednesday 5 July - Upper Sixth Leavers' Ball 

Best wishes

Ben Collie 
Head of Sixth Form