
Year Group Eucharists 2023 - Reminder

We will be celebrating Year Group Eucharist for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 in the Lent Term 2023.

  • Wednesday 25 January - Year 10 - 9.40am-10.30am
  • Wednesday 1 February - Year 9 - 9.40am-10.30am
  • Thursday 9 February - Year 8 - 9.40am-10.30am
  • Thursday 16 February - Year 7 - 9.40am-10.30am

Family members are invited to join the relevant groups in the College Chapel and to stay afterwards for light refreshments.

Please use the main exterior Chapel entrance. Car parking will be clearly indicated.

If you would like to attend please click on the relevant year group above to confirm your attendance.

If have any queries please email Mrs Mary Benham, Chaplaincy Co-ordinator at

Mary Benham
Chaplaincy Co-ordinator



HPV Vaccinations For Pupils In Year 8 And 9

The South Warwickshire Immunisation Service will be in school on Thursday 2 February to offer all pupils in Year 8 their first HPV vaccine.

Emails have been sent to all Year 8 parents containing a link to the e-consent form. Please note this link expires on Sunday 22 January.

Year 9 pupils will be offered their second dose on Friday 3 February. If your child received their first dose of this vaccine in Year 8 then you will have already consented for the full course of two vaccines. You do not need to do anything further unless you no longer wish them to receive the second dose or something has changed medically. If this is the case please contact the South Warwickshire Immunisation team directly.

South Warwickshire schools: Tel: 01926 353899 Email:

Vaccinations will take place in the sports hall and pupils will be emailed their individual appointment times. Please ensure they eat breakfast on the day and if possible wear a short sleeve shirt/blouse.

If you have any queries please let us know at

Mrs Paula Greig
Senior Matron 



Lost Property

Could parents please ask their children to check their messages on Teams as numerous messages have been sent out to pupils regarding named lost property being held at the Student Hub.    

We do appreciate how expensive some of these items of uniform are and we do not like to think of parents unecessarily buying replacements when items are being held securely at lost property waiting to be returned to pupils.

Thank you for your continued support.

Beth Sharpe
Deputy Head - Pastoral