Sixth Form

Michaelmas Term - Sixth Form Update

It is nearly Christmas and, as I said in my last assembly to the Sixth Form, they have all worked incredibly well this term. I would like to thank all the Prefects who helped at Prize Giving, it was such a warm and celebratory occasion.

Our Year 11 pupils joined us for the annual Freshers' Fair in the Sixth Form Centre last Tuesday where they visited stalls set up by our Sixth Form subject leaders as part of the Year 11 Immersion Day. I would like to personally thank all our superb Sixth Form students for so ably answering questions, so passionately talking about their subjects, and generally assisting our enthusiastic GCSE pupils with their difficult A-level options decisions.

In the week following the Freshers' Fair, Mrs Quinney (our Head of Careers) and myself have been interviewing each and every one of our Year 11 pupils. We asked them about their dreams and visions for the future, and it has been inspiring to hear from this motivated and talented year group.

Sixth Form Learn Life Skills

The Sixth Form CoRE programme has been introducing students to a range of life skills in recent weeks via a carousel of activities.

All students have or will be taking part in two practical sessions to introduce them to First Aid skills such as helping someone who is choking, dealing with burns, knowing how to help a person with anaphylaxis and administering CPR in an emergency. The excellent interactive resources have been developed by the Resuscitation Council have been used in both sessions. You can access them here.

With help from members of the Personal Finance Society delivering lessons via Teams, Upper Sixth have learnt about mortgages and loans (including Student Loans) and Lower Sixth are now being introduced to some key guidance on understanding credit and debt. Lower Sixth students are also being given an essential 'Know before you Go' driving session which gives practical guidance and information. Sam Hemus, an advanced driving instructor, who has worked both with Warwickshire Council and the police is delivering these sessions. 

Upper Sixth Mock Examinations

Here is a link to the presentation at our Sixth Form assembly today when the Upper Sixth were reminded of the importance of the Mock Examinations and their A-level timeline.


The Upper Sixth parking permit holders have been exceptional recently, they have been driving slowly, with care and patience. As a reward for their exemplary behaviour, they are being treated to a legendary Princethorpe Cookie on Wednesday at break time

Lower Sixth will be allowed to apply for a permit when the Upper Sixth have left in the summer.

Wednesday Games - Reminder

Please remember to email me at by 9.00am on Wednesday mornings if for any reason your child is unable to do games. If your child becomes ill during the day they must see Matron before the end of lunch

UCAS and Careers

Any questions about UCAS or careers related advice please contact Mrs Quinney directly by email at

Key Dates

Tuesday 13 December - Care Home Christmas Lunch in the Sixth Form Centre

Wednesday 11 to Wednesday 18 January - Business and Sports BTEC examinations

Wednesday 4 to Friday 6 January - Upper Sixth Mock Examinations

Friday 13 January - Upper Sixth Mock reports available on My School Portal

Wednesday 18 January - Upper Sixth Subject Progress Evening

Tuesday 7 February - Interview Skills Day

Saturday 18 March - Careers Fair

Upper Sixth Social on Friday 9 December - Reminder

The next Upper Sixth Social will take place next Friday 9 December in the Sixth Form Atrium, with a Winter Wonderland theme. Times are 7.30pm to 10.00pm and the dress code is glamorous. Food and entertainment are all included in the £20 cost of the ticket.

Best wishes

Ben Collie  
Head of Sixth Form