
Mo-states Man Up For Movember

It’s that time of year again when the swarthy looking Mo-states Team man-up and donate their upper lips to charity with the aim of having a bit of fun whilst trying to raise funds to promote the awareness of men’s health issues. Five current and former team members have all been united in their efforts to grow the best moustache. They’ve told us it's been great fun seeing staff and pupils enjoying them develop their new ‘Magnum PI’, ‘Mexican Prison Guard’ and even ‘Chuckle Brother’ looks. So far over £300 has already been pledged to support their thirty days of facial growth but there is still time to dig deep and support these fine Mo-wannabes.

To follow their fundraising, click on the link here.  

2022 Food Collection - Reminder

Last year the Society of St Vincent de Paul made up and distributed Christmas parcels and hampers to needy families as well as to individuals. This year, the project is being extended the aim being to do the same as last year but covering a wider area. However, they can only do this with your support.

They are appealing for donations of non-perishable food items such as tinned, packeted, and dried food, bottled and tinned soft drinks, chocolates, snacks, biscuits and Christmas items such as mince pies, puddings, selection boxes and Christmas crackers. Games and jigsaws are also welcome.

The cut-off date for donations is Monday 5 December to enable time for the preparation and distribution of the hampers. Donations may be dropped off at the Student Hub or handed in during tutor time. 

Thank you to those who have already donated. Please can everyone bring something to enable Christmas to be enjoyed by all.

Mary Benham
Chaplaincy Co-ordinator